[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Holley 11-12-1991. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Amended 10-12-2004 by L.L. No. 3-2004]
The objectives of the Investment Policy of the Village of Holley, New York are to minimize risk; to insure that investments mature when cash is required to finance the operations of said Village; and to insure a competitive rate of return. In accordance with this policy the Finance Officer (Village Treasurer) is hereby authorized to invest all funds, including proceeds of obligations and reserve funds, in and at times with the approval of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Holley, New York.
[Amended 10-12-2004 by L.L. No. 3-2004]
The Finance Officer (Village Treasurer) of said Village is responsible to account for and balance all accounts of the Village and present to the Board of Trustees a monthly Treasurer's report for review and acceptance.
[Amended 10-12-2004 by L.L. No. 3-2004]
The Finance Officer (Village Treasurer) of said Village will keep the members of the Board of Trustees of said Village informed of all expenditures and debts due by said Village of Holley.
The Finance Officer (Village Treasurer) shall deposit monies of the Village in certificates of deposit that shall be fully secured by insurance of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (up to $100,000) and before such certificates are obtained shall receive quotes for the greater rate of return to said Village through a competitive negotiated process of solicitation of at least three bids for each transaction.
The Finance Officer (Village Treasurer) will from time to time examine all checking accounts of said Village for excess monies and transfer these monies to designated savings accounts for each individual department of said Village unless otherwise authorized by the Board of Trustees.
The Finance Officer (Village Treasurer) shall, upon the authorization of the Board of Trustees, set up and maintain reserved savings accounts for designated departments of said Village, and these funds shall be used only for and with the approval of the Board of Trustees and people of the Village of Holley for said designated purposes of such funds being deposited.
Upon the authorization of the Board of Trustees of said Village of Holley, the Finance Officer (Village Treasurer), with the direction of the Village Attorney, shall invest in the sale of BAN'S (bond anticipation notes) and/or serial bonds for the purposes voted upon and designated by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Holley.
All payments shall be made on behalf of said Village of Holley by the Finance Officer for obligations of principal and interest which are due by said Village on or before date of obligation to said custodial bank upon written confirmation of such transaction due by the Village.
The Board of Trustees of said Village of Holley shall, at its Annual Meeting each year in April, designate a custodial bank(s) of the Village of Holley's investments.
All investments of said Village of Holley shall be fully secured by insurance of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or by obligations of New York State or obligations of the United Sates or obligations of federal agencies, the principal and interest of which are guaranteed by the United States, or obligations of New York State local governments. Collateral shall be delivered to the Village of Holley, and the value of collateral shall at all times equal or exceed the principal amount of all investments. All written collateral quotes shall be monitored from time to time by the Finance Officer to see that these requirements are met.
All investments made on behalf of said Village of Holley shall be invested to insure cash availability to meet disbursement requirements for all operating expenses and obligations of said Village of Holley.
[Amended 10-12-2004 by L.L. No. 3-2004]
It shall be the responsibility of the Finance Office (Village Treasurer) of said Village of Holley to deposit or invest all monies accepted by the Village in a timely and efficient manner and for the best interest of said Village.
At the time independent auditors or consultants conduct the annual audit of the accounts and financial affairs of the Village of Holley, they shall audit the investments of said Village of Holley for compliance with the provisions of this investment policy and recommend any changes.
The Board of Trustees of said Village of Holley shall, at its Annual Meeting in April, review and amend, if necessary, this Investment Policy.
The provisions of this Investment Policy and any amendments hereto shall take effect prospectively and shall not invalidate the prior selection of any custodial bank or prior investments of said Village of Holley.