[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Holley as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 12-10-1974 by L.L. No. 2-1974]
In order to establish and operate the Sewer Department and the Sewage Treatment Plant of the Village of Holley as a separate utility and to ensure its proper operation, repair and maintenance, it shall be the policy of the Village of Holley to establish and impose an annual charge, to be billed quarterly, for the use of the sewer system or any part or parts thereof.
As used in this article, the following terms shall mean and include:
Any owner or occupant of real property outside the corporate limits of the Village of Holley who is connected with and served by the Village of Holley's sewer system as of the effective date of this article.
Includes all lateral sewers or all branch sewers or all interceptor sewers or all trunk sewers and the sewage treatment and disposal works and each part with necessary appurtenances.
Any garbage which has been passed through a proper garbage disposal unit, or decomposable matter of any kind, water or any liquid matter which can be chemically treated for discharge by the Sewage Disposal Plant.
The rent, rate or charge imposed or levied by the Village of Holley for the use of the sewer system or any part or parts thereof.
The sewer system owned by the Village of Holley and shall include all sewer pipes and other appurtenances which are used or useful in part in connection with the collection, treatment or disposal of sewage, industrial wastes and other wastes and which are owned, operated or maintained by the Village of Holley, including pumping stations and sewage treatment and disposal works and all extensions, additions and improvements which may be made to such system.
A single-family residential dwelling, or each apartment or flat contained within any building or structure. The term "unit" shall also include and mean, in the case of a school, each group of 15 persons, or part thereof, in any school building located within the Village of Holley, including enrolled pupils, teachers, administrators, maintenance and cafeteria personnel, but excluding bus drivers, grounds keepers and others whose usual place of employment is outside the school building, notwithstanding such persons shall not be in actual attendance during school vacation, holidays or weekends.
The sewer rent imposed upon an owner or occupant of a unit; or in the case of a school, the sewer rent imposed for each unit.
Each 50,000 gallons of water, or part thereof consumed annually. The term "water unit" shall be used, as hereinafter provided, in determining the sewer rent to be charged all businesses, commercial and industrial users of the sewer system, including but not limited to doctors, lawyers, and other professionals; barbers and hairdressers; stores, shops and taverns; hotels; laundromats; churches; and any other user of the sewer system not determined by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Holley, for their duly authorized representative, to be a unit.
The sewer rent imposed for the use of a water unit.
The Village of Holley does hereby, establish and impose a scale of sewer rents for the service rendered by the sewer system to the real property connected with and served by the sewer system upon the following basis:
Each unit, or the owner or occupant of the unit, or the school or school district in the case where a unit is determined by the number of persons in attendance or otherwise employed in a school building, which is connected with and served by the sewer system shall be charged an annual sewer rent determined by multiplying the number of units to be charged times the annual unit rate of $120 annually, plus $1 for each 1,000 gallons of water consumed.
[Amended 10-13-1987 by L.L. No. 5-1987; 1-15-1991 by L.L. No. 1-1991]
All other users of the sewer system who are not charged a sewer rent under Subsection A above, and except as hereinafter provided, shall be charged an annual sewer rent based upon the number of water units consumed, determined by multiplying the number of metered water units consumed times the water unit rate of $112 per 50,000 gallons of water consumed with a minimum charge of $50 per quarter in the event that less than 50,000 gallons are consumed.
[Amended 10-13-1987 by L.L. No. 5-1987; 1-15-1991 by L.L. No. 1-1991]
In the event that the user of the sewer system is charged a rent on the basis of a water unit rate and such user contains other units as defined in § 199-2, the users shall be deemed to be a joint user and shall be charged based upon the water unit rate charged to business, commercial and industrial users as well as a separate charge based upon the unit rate for each unit located therein.
[Added 1-15-1991 by L.L. No. 1-1991]
For any user of the sewer system charged a sewer rent on the basis of water units and which is not supplied with water from the municipal water supply system, or is supplied with water from the municipal water supply system, but is not metered for water consumption by the municipal water supply system, or is supplied with metered water from the municipal water supply system, and also the metered water supplies a unit for which the user is charged a sewer rent under Subsection A above, then the Board of Trustees of the Village of Holley, or its duly authorized representative, shall fix the sewer rent or charge for such property, as shall nearly as possible be equivalent to the sewer rent or charge imposed under Subsection A for individual units, and Subsection B for all other users who are metered individually for use of water by their business or industry.
[Amended 8-12-1975 by L.L. No. 1-1975]
Notwithstanding any inconsistent section of this article, the Board of Trustees of the Village of Holley may fix the sewer rent to be charged any large nonresidential water user. In the event sewer rents are charged under this subsection, the sewer rents so charged shall be in lieu of the rents otherwise charged under this article. In no event shall sewer rents fixed by this subsection exceed the rents the large water user would otherwise be charged under this article.
[Amended 8-12-1975 by L.L. No. 1-1975]
The Board of Trustees of the Village of Holley, or its duly authorized representative, shall prescribe a reasonable sewer rent or charge for any property or for the owner of any property which is used for an industrial or commercial purposes of such a nature that water supplied to it cannot be entirely discharged into the sewer system. The sewer rent or charge prescribed pursuant to this subsection shall be based, as far as practicable, upon the amount of sewage discharged into the sewer system as estimated by the Village of Holley or its engineers, or where an estimate of such amount is impracticable, upon any other basis bearing a reasonable relationship to the amount of sewage discharged into the sewer system.
Outside users shall pay a sewer rent on the same basis as Village users so that the total cost of water and sewer to outside users will be the same as the total cost to said outside users if they were Village users.
It shall be the duty of the Superintendent of Public Works of the Village of Holley, or other designated official, to make a survey annually or at such times as may be required by the Board of Trustees, to determine whether there is being discharged into the sewer system from any real property, sewage or other wastes which, in the opinion of such Superintendent, contain unduly high concentrations of solids or any other substance adding to the operating costs of the sewer system. Upon the completion of such survey, he shall file with the Board of Trustees a report of his findings indicating whether additional sewer rent charges should be levied for such sewage or other wastes, and if so, he shall set forth recommended charges for the same. The Board of Trustees is authorized to fix and determine such additional sewer rent charges therefor as shall be equitable, in addition to the sewer rents provided for by the preceding subsections of this section.
All sewer rents shall be due and payable at the office of the Village Clerk quarterly at the same time as the water rent for such period shall be due and payable, or on such other date or dates as may be determined by the Board of Trustees. In addition to the sewer service charge or rental provided in this section, according to the rate specified herein, a further charge of 10% of the amount so determined shall be added thereto in each case of failure to make payment on or before the date on which rent for such period is due, and the total thus obtained shall be the sewer rental in each such case.
Bills will be sent out to all users, but the Village will not employ a collector, and the failure of any user to receive a bill promptly shall not excuse nonpayment of the same, and in the event the user fails to receive a bill promptly, he shall demand the same at the Village Clerk's office.
If bills are not paid when due, the sewer service and/or water service are subject to discontinuance, and after the expiration of the period specified on the bill, such sewer service and/or water service may be discontinued upon 15 days' notice. Said notice shall be either personally served or served by ordinary mail upon the user of the system. All sewer rents remaining due and unpaid at the time the annual Village tax levy is made out shall be included therein pursuant to the General Municipal Law and levied against the real property on which the same has been used, and shall be collected and enforced with and in the same time as other Village taxes.
[Adopted 9-10-1998 by L.L. No. 5-1998]
The proper functioning and operation of the sanitary sewer system in the Village of Holley is a matter of significant and immediate concern to the health and welfare of Village residents. It is necessary to protect health and welfare of Village residents. It is also necessary to provide appropriate billing schedules for the limited number of residents who are connected to the sanitary sewer system, but are not presently connected to the public water mains.
Any Village residents who are consumers of sanitary sewer services, and are not presently or at the time of annexation or at the time of initiation of sanitary sewer services by the Village of Holley also consumers of municipal water from the Village of Holley shall be required to comply with the following to continue in receipt of sanitary sewer services:
On the initiation of request for services, and on the annual anniversary date thereof, the customer shall complete a household information sheet indicating the number of occupants present within the household. Transient occupants, who do not occupy the premises for more than five continuous days in any one month, shall not be considered occupants. Friends and relatives visiting, but not residing at the premises, shall not be considered occupants. Any friend or relative who shall be present in the house for more than 14 consecutive days shall be deemed to be occupants. Said sheet shall be sworn to under penalty of perjury of law.
During such time as the consumer shall consume sanitary sewer services but not metered municipal water services, the following rates shall be paid to the Village of Holley for sanitary sewer services:
Four occupants or less: $50 per quarter.
For each additional occupant: an additional $5 per quarter.
Invoices for services shall be sent at the same time as regular water/sewer bills to residents.