[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Holley 3-9-1931. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Hawking, vending, peddling, soliciting orders and the crying of goods, wares and merchandise, excepting the peddling of meats, fruit, fish and farm produce by farmers and persons, who produce such commodities, in the streets and public places and by going from house to house within the corporate limits of the Village of Holley, New York, by an individual, person, firm or corporation, is prohibited without first obtaining a license and paying the license fee therefor, as herein provided. There shall be excepted from the provisions of this chapter, hawking and peddling by an honorably discharged soldier, sailor or marine, who is crippled as the result of injuries received while in the naval or military service of the United States, or the holder of a license granted pursuant to § 32 of the General Business Law.
No such license shall be issued without the payment of a license fee of $10 per day, which said daily fee of $10 is hereby ordained and established therefor; and each such license shall be issued by the Mayor of the Village specifying therein the fee to be paid therefor, to such person, firm or corporation as he shall deem fit and proper for such trade or occupation, but such license shall be refused for any of the occupations above specified, which shall, in the judgment of the Mayor, be likely to disturb the peace and order of the Village. Every such license shall be countersigned by the Clerk of the Village, who shall keep a record thereof and the amount of the fee to be paid therefor; and upon presentation of such license to the Treasurer of the Village, so signed and countersigned, and payment of the fee to the Treasurer, the Treasurer shall endorse thereon his receipt of the license fee. The license shall not take effect until the receipt of the Treasurer shall have been endorsed thereon. Any applicant who shall have been refused such license by the Mayor may apply to the Board of Trustees therefor at a meeting thereof and the same may be granted or refused by the Board. The Mayor may suspend any such license until the next meeting of the Board of Trustees and thereupon the license may be revoked or continued by the Board.
Any individual, person, firm or corporation who shall violate any provision of this chapter shall forfeit and pay to the Village of Holley a penalty of $100 for each and every offense to be recovered with the costs of suit.
In addition to the penalty above prescribed, it is hereby ordained that the violation of this chapter shall constitute disorderly conduct and that the person violating the same shall be a disorderly person and that such person shall be a disorderly person.