Permitted principal uses shall be as follows:
Uses permitted in the I-1 Zone.
Trucking terminals.
Lumberyards and similar operations requiring bulk storage of materials, such as plumbing and building construction supplies, including the retail sale of such materials.
Permitted accessory uses shall be the same as those permitted in the I-1 Industrial Zone.
Prior to final site plan approval and the issuance of any building or occupancy permits for any use in this district, all of the following regulations must be complied with:
Noise. The standard shall be the same as hereinbefore set forth in § 625-74 for the I-1 Zone.
Odors. The standards shall be the same as hereinbefore set forth in § 625-74 for the I-1 Zone, except no odors shall readily by detectable without instruments at the property line.
Smoke, liquid and solid waste, radioactivity, fire and explosive hazards, vibration, glare and outside storage shall be the same as heretobefore set forth in § 625-74 for the I-1 Zone.
Buildings in the I-2 Zone or parts thereof must be located a distance from the residential zone equal to twice its height.
Certification of compliance with standards shall be required as heretobefore set forth in § 625-75 for the I-1 Zone.
At the time of application for site plan approval for any proposed industrial use in the I-2 Zone, the applicant shall also submit plans and a description of the proposed machinery, operation and products, as well as an affidavit by the applicant acknowledging his understanding of the applicable performance standards and agreement to conform to the same at all times, including waste disposal of all types.