[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Council of the Township of Pohatcong as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Animals — See Ch. 89.
Garage sales — See Ch. 151.
Licenses and permits — See Ch. 179.
Peddling, soliciting and transient merchants — See Ch. 208.
Public records and fees — See Ch. 211.
[Adopted 8-18-2015 by Ord. No. 15-06]
[Amended 9-6-2016 by Ord. No. 16-11]
It is the purpose of this chapter to exempt residents who are active volunteers with the volunteer fire departments and first aid/emergency squads that provide emergency services within the Township of Pohatcong, as well as those residents that are active duty military or honorably discharged from a prior term of service with an exemption from various license and permit fees that are otherwise payable pursuant to existing ordinances.
Residents who are active volunteers, as confirmed by the volunteer fire or rescue squad with which they are members, and/or on active duty with any of the service branches, including the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard and National Guard, shall be exempt from the municipal portion of the fees established in the following Subsections of the Code of the Township of Pohatcong:
§ 45-38
All application fees, excluding escrow fees and excepting preliminary/final major subdivision and site plan approval.
§ 89-4
Dog licenses.
§ 151-2
Garage sale licenses.
§ 179-16
Business licenses.
§ 208-4
Peddler licenses.
§ 211-9
Vital records fees.
§ 211-15
Marriage licenses.
Section 280-3.
Exemption limited to fees only.
The exemptions set forth in this chapter are limited to the payment of a fee only and the requirement to obtain a license, permit or approval associated with any such fee is expressly not waived. The exemption shall be capped at $300 per permit and $500 annually for eligible volunteers.
The exemptions set forth in this article are limited to the payment of a fee only and the requirement to obtain a license, permit or approval associated with any such fee is expressly not waived. The exemption shall be capped at $300 per permit and $500 annually for eligible volunteers.