For the purpose of simplifying, clarifying and centralizing the approval process for contracts, there is hereby established a Board of Contract Administration. The Board shall be composed of the County Executive, the Chairperson of the County Legislature and the County Clerk. The Board of Contract Administration is empowered to approve contracts for execution by the County Executive in amounts of not less than twenty thousand dollars ($20,000), and, not more than one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), or such higher amount as may be established by local law. The Board shall report periodically to the County Legislature, detailing the contracts approved by it.
[Amended 8-8-2016 by L.L. No. 7-2016, approved 11-8-2016, effective 1-1-2017]
The County Executive shall be empowered to approve and execute contracts in an amount less than twenty thousand dollars ($20,000). The County Legislature shall be empowered to approve contracts for execution by the County Executive in amounts over one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), in addition to those mentioned in Section 204(m) of this Charter. The County Executive shall not, through change orders, amendments, renewals, or any other method or device, exceed such twenty thousand dollar ($20,000) limit with respect to any vendor or subject matter, without approval of the County Legislature.