The provisions of this chapter are severable and if any of the provisions, words, phrases, clauses or terms or the application thereof to any person, firm or corporation or to any circumstance shall be held invalid, illegal or unconstitutional by any court of law having legal jurisdiction, such decision or findings shall not in any way affect the validity, legality or constitutionality of any other provision, word, phrase, clause or term and they shall continue in full force and effect.
All laws and parts of laws, all ordinances, codes and regulation which are inconsistent with or in conflict with or repugnant to any provision of this chapter shall be deemed not to apply; provided that nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent the adoption and enforcement of a law, ordinance, code or regulation which is more restrictive or establishes a higher standard than those provided in this chapter.
This chapter shall supersede all prior sewer ordinances.
This chapter shall take effect immediately, as soon as published, posted and/or served as required by law.