In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where chapters and articles of the 1971 Code have been included in the 2014 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Not Code material (legislation is not general or permanent in nature).
Repealed effective with adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, Art. I.
Not included in Code but saved from repeal.
New legislation is pending.
Chapter/Title From 1971 Code
Location in 2014 Code
Ch. 1, General Provisions (reserved)
Ch. 1
Ch. 2, Alcoholic Beverages
Ch. 60
Ch. 3, Amusements, Licensed
Ch. 64
Ch. 5, Bed-and-Breakfast Establishments
Ch. 68
Ch. 6, Bingo
Ch. 72
Ch. 9, Building Construction and Fire Prevention
Ch. 78
Ch. 9A, Buildings and Structures, Unsafe
Ch. 86
Ch. 9B, Buildings, Numbering of
Ch. 82
Ch. 10, Curfew
Ch. 95
Ch. 11, Dogs
Ch. 102
Ch. 12, Drainageways
Art. I, Installation of Culverts and Drainage Tile
Ch. 106, Art. I
Ch. 13, Environmental Quality Review
Ch. 110
Ch. 14, Ethics, Code of
Ch. 15
Ch. 15, Flood Damage Prevention
Ch. 124
Ch. 15A, Firearms
Ch. 118, Art. I
Ch. 16, Freshwater Wetlands
Ch. 128
Ch. 16A, Games of Chance
Ch. 132
Ch. 17, Grass, Brush and Weeds
Ch. 184, Art. I
Ch. 17A, Handicapped Grievance Procedure
Ch. 20
Ch. 18, Hawkers and Peddlers
Ch. 175
Ch. 19, Highway Superintendent
Art. I, Term of Office
Ch. 44, Art. II
Ch. 20, Marina Fueling
Ch. 158
Ch. 21, Noise
Ch. 162
Ch. 22, Ordinances, Adoption of
Ch. 27
Ch. 23, Public Improvements
Ch. 188
Ch. 23A, Property Maintenance
Art. I, Rubbish, Debris and Outside Storage of Materials
Ch. 184, Art. II
Art. II, Use of Trucks for Storage
Ch. 184, Art. III
Ch. 24, Political Advertising
Ch. 180
Ch. 24A, Recycling
Ch. 215, Art. I
Ch. 24B, Best Value Contracts
Ch. 8, Art. I
Ch. 24B, Registered Sex Offenders
Ch. 200
Ch. 25, Retirement Incentive Program
NCM (expired)
Ch. 26, Rubbish and Debris
Superseded by L.L. No. 1-1998; see Ch. 184, Art. II
Ch. 28, Sewers
Ch. 196
Ch. 28A, Smoke Detectors
Ch. 28B, Smoking
Art. I, Town Employees
Ch. 29, Snowmobiles
Ch. 209
Ch. 30, Streets and Sidewalks
Art. I, Notification of Defects
Ch. 166
Ch. 31, Subdivision of Land
Ch. 225
Ch. 33, Swimming Pools
Ch. 228
Ch. 33A, Taxation: Increase in Veterans Exemption
Ch. 233, Art. II
Ch. 34, Taxation: Incentive for Business Expansion
Ch. 35, Taxation: Partial Exemption for Senior Citizens
Ch. 233, Art. I
Ch. 36, Town Clerk
Art. I, Term of Office
Ch. 44, Art. I
Ch. 37, Trailers
Ch. 238
Ch. 40, Vehicles and Traffic
Art. I, Parking
Ch. 245, Art. I
Art. II, Winter Parking
Ch. 245, Art. II
Art. III, Weight Limits
Ch. 245, Art. III
Art. IV, Countryside Manufactured Home Community
Ch. 245, Art. IV
Ch. 41, Vehicles, Off-Road
Ch. 249
Ch. 42, Water
Ch. 255
Ch. 43, Waterfront Review
Ch. 259
Ch. 44, Zoning
Ch. 270