[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Milan 5-11-1987. Amendments noted where applicable.]
This chapter shall be known as the "Investment Policy of the Town of Milan" and shall be amended from time to time by the Town Board.
The purpose of this chapter is to provide for the sound investment of Town funds to include safety, liquidity and yield. With regard to safety and liquidity, the laws governing the investment of public funds are in place to assure these objectives. Statutes are explicit as to the kind and security of investments. The yield will be influenced by the length of time cash is available for investment and the type(s) of investment selected.
The official(s) authorized to make investment transactions shall be the Town Supervisor or, in his/her absence as provided by law, the Deputy Town Supervisor.
The initial step in the investment program shall be the forecasting and projection of the cash that will be available for investment. To make a comprehensive determination, projections will be made as to the flow of cash in and out of the various Town funds, and to analyze bank statements periodically to measure the normal high/low trends in cash balances. The pattern of receipts and payments will be studied from past accounting records, and cash balances at the end of each month will be considered.
Permissible types of investments shall be those recommended and approved by the New York State Comptroller and/or law.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I.
The official bank(s) of the Town shall be required to transfer securities to be held as collateral to secure Town funds on deposit that are in excess of Federal Insurance Corporation coverage to a third party custodial bank.[1]
Editor's Note: The former unnumbered paragraph, Other Officials, which immediately followed this section, was deleted at time of adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I.
The Town Supervisor shall maintain a record of all investments. Such record shall identify the security, the fund(s) for which held, the place where held and pertinent data relative to the acquisition and redemption of same. An accounting shall be made to the Town Board periodically or whenever requested by the Town Board.
A committee of Town Board members shall be appointed, to include the Town Supervisor, to be designated the "Investment Committee" and to review investment decisions.
The following practices or policies shall not be authorized or permitted:
Town funds are not to be used for the purpose of arbitrage.
Town funds on deposit with a bank shall only be placed with the official bank(s), as determined by the Town Board.
Town funds will not be provided to a trading partner.