[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Commissioners (now Borough Council) of the Borough of Beach Haven 8-9-1971 as Ch. 23 of the 1971 Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Administrative Code — See Ch. 2.
Personnel — See Ch. 27.
The method of payment of officers and employees of the Borough of Beach Haven shall be as herein set forth:
The Borough Treasurer shall present monthly to the governing body, for approval, warrants drawn to the order of the Borough of Beach Haven Payroll Account as follows:
In advance for all employees whose salaries are on an annual or weekly basis when such salaries are due and payable prior to the next regular meeting of the governing body.
In advance for all employees whose compensation is on an hourly basis when the compensation has been approved by some responsible designated official and the director of the appropriate department and has been certified to the Borough Treasurer.
At the first meeting of the governing body in January of each year, there shall be approved an account to be designated "Borough of Beach Haven Payroll Account," and from time to time the Borough Treasurer, upon receipt of a warrant for the amount due such payroll account, shall deposit the same to the credit of the payroll account, charging the appropriate budgetary accounts therewith.
The Treasurer shall thereafter draw checks on said payroll account to the employees entitled to payment therefrom.
At each regular meeting of the governing body, the Borough Treasurer shall submit for approval or ratification, as the case may be, the necessary payrolls for the amount due the several officers and employees for compensation. The payroll shall be considered by the governing body in due course and approved if found to be correct.
In case of error or adjustment in the payroll, it shall be the duty of the Borough Treasurer to see that such error or adjustment is properly corrected and appropriate record made thereof.
Such officers as may be designated by resolution of the governing body are hereby authorized to sign warrants drawn in favor of the payroll account upon due notice that the appropriate payrolls have been approved by the appropriate committeemen and by the proper certifying authorities.
Editor's Note: The current Salary Ordinance, containing the salary schedule for Borough employees, is on file in the office of the Borough Clerk. Borough employees whose jobs come within schedules prepared by the New Jersey Civil Service Commission are subject to the salary ranges specified therein.