In order to encourage the sound development of street frontage, the following special regulations of this article shall apply.
Access barrier. Access to streets shall be controlled in the interest of public safety. Each building or group of buildings used for nonresidential purposes, and its parking or service areas, shall be physically separated from the right-of-way line by a curb and planting strip or other suitable barrier not less than 35 feet in depth along all streets against unchanneled motor vehicle access or egress, except for accessways authorized herein.
Accessways (driveways).
Each separate use, grouping of attached buildings or grouping of permitted uses shall not have more than one accessway for every 200 feet of street frontage, except as permitted by this chapter.
Insofar as practical, the use of common accessways by two or more permitted uses shall be provided in order to reduce the number and closeness of access points along a street and to encourage the fronting of significant traffic-generating uses upon a parallel access street and not directly upon a major roadway.
No more than two driveways not less than 20 feet or more than 30 feet in width shall be used as means of ingress and egress for each nonresidential use, except where deviation in the number of or width of such driveways may be deemed necessary by the Zoning Board of Appeals because of traffic safety conditions.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
No driveway to an off-street parking or loading area shall be located closer than 50 feet to the intersection of any two streets or within 10 feet of any side lot line. In addition, there shall be a minimum distance of 20 feet between two driveways located on one frontage.
Driveways serving residential uses shall be regulated by the following provisions:
Except as permitted herein, no residential property shall be permitted to have more than one driveway cut onto a public street.
Driveways shall be a minimum of seven feet but not greater than 10 feet in width for a lot containing no garage or a single-car garage, nor more than 16 feet in width for a lot containing either a one-and-one-half-car garage or a two-car garage. Driveways shall not exceed 10 feet in width in any front yard of any residential district.
[Amended 10-9-2007 by L.L. No. 4-2007]
All driveways shall either be constructed of asphalt concrete surface with the proper subbase.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
No curb cut opening shall exceed 16 feet unless otherwise approved by the Superintendent of Public Works.
Residential properties may be served by a turnaround or U-type driveway, provided that the lot to be served by said driveway has not less than 60 feet of frontage and the main front wall of any building upon said lot is set back not less than 50 feet from the front lot line.