Each contractor shall be responsible for the job site in such a manner that litter will be prevented from being carried or deposited by the elements upon any public place or private premises.
Litter or other debris, including dirt and mud, deposited as the result of normal construction process upon any public place or private premises, shall be removed.
It shall be the duty for any owner, agent, or contractor in charge of a construction or demolition site to furnish containers adequate to accommodate flyable or nonflyable debris or trash at areas convenient to construction areas, and to maintain and empty the receptacles in such a manner and in such a frequency as to prevent spillage or refuse.
It shall be unlawful of any owner, agent, or contractor in charge of a construction or demolition site to permit the accumulation of litter before, during, or after the completion of any construction or demolition project.
The person owning, operating or in control of a loading or unloading dock shall maintain authorized private receptacles for collection of litter, and shall at all times maintain the dock area free of litter in such a manner that litter will be prevented from being carried or deposited by the elements upon any public place or private premises.
Litter receptacles required. Any public place or private premises containing any provision for parking vehicles shall be equipped with litter receptacles in compliance with this chapter and the regulations promulgated by the Borough. Such premises shall include but not be limited to such places as shopping centers, outdoor theaters, drive-in restaurants, gasoline service stations, apartments, developments, parking lots, and any other place where provision is made for vehicles to stop or park in a designated area for any purpose. In lieu of compliance with the receptacle requirements, the Borough may approve a plan for litter control through any authorized sweeping program or other means.
Number of receptacles. All premises having parking lots shall provide in any easily accessible location, a minimum of two refuse containers for up to 25 spaces and at least one additional refuse container for every 50 additional parking spaces.
Specifications. Litter receptacles shall have tight-fitting lids or tops and shall be weighted or attached to the ground or other fixed structures as necessary to prevent spillage. A minimum litter container size of 20 gallons shall be used with all containers being an easily identifiable color with proper markings indicating litter receptacles.
Cleanliness. Premises used for the purpose designated herein shall be kept in a litter-free condition and all litter shall be removed periodically from the receptacles.
Obligation to use receptacles. It shall be the duty and obligation of all persons using parking areas to use such litter receptacles as herein above provided for the purposes intended and it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to deposit upon any such parking lot any litter.
It shall be unlawful for any residential property owner to store or permit storage of any bulky household waste, including household appliances, furniture and mattresses, in areas zoned residential, except in a fully enclosed structure or during days designated for the collection of bulky items.
It shall be unlawful for any residential property owner to store or permit the storage of tires in areas zoned residential, except in a fully enclosed structure or on days designated for the collection of tires.
The procedure for the removal of litter from private premises and the charging of expense thereof as a lien upon such property to be collected as other liens by the Borough Attorney shall be in accordance with the state statutes. The Borough shall be responsible for the implementation of this enforcement program.