[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Hamburg 9-9-2015 by Ord. No. 06-2015.[1] Amendments noted where applicable.]
Editor's Note: This ordinance was originally adopted as Chapter 152 but was renumbered to maintain the organization of the Code.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meaning indicated:
Any pistol, revolver, rifle, shotgun, machine gun, automatic and semiautomatic rifle, or other firearm as the term is commonly used, or any gun, device or instrument in the nature of a weapon from which may be fired or ejected any solid projectile, ball, slug, pellet, missile or bullet, or any gas, vapor or other noxious thing, by means of a cartridge or shell or by the action of an explosive or the igniting of flammable or explosive substances. It shall also include, without limitation, any firearm which is in the nature of any air gun, spring gun or pistol, carbon dioxide or compressed air gun or pistol, or other weapon of a similar nature in which the propelling force is a spring, elastic band, carbon dioxide, compressed or other gas, or vapor, air or compressed air, or is ignited by compressed air, and ejects a bullet or missile smaller than 3/8 of an inch in diameter, with sufficient force to injure the person. It shall also, by definition, include any bow and arrow including crossbow and slingshot.
No person shall discharge any firearm within the Borough of Hamburg except as provided in § 115-3 of this chapter.
This chapter shall not apply to:
Law enforcement officers or other persons authorized by law to carry and discharge firearms in the performance of their duties;
Members of any legally recognized military organization while in the performance of their official duties;
Privately employed security personnel who are authorized by law to carry firearms while in the performance of their official duties;
Persons lawfully using firearms in the protection of their person or property for self-defense;
Powder-charged construction equipment used to connect materials to metals or concrete;
Persons lawfully using firearms on property owned by the State of New Jersey.
Violations of the provisions of this chapter shall be punished as provided in Chapter 1, General Provisions, Article III.
This chapter is severable, and in the event any part hereof is deemed or declared invalid for whatsoever reason by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of the chapter shall remain in full force and effect.
This chapter shall take effect upon passage and publication as provided by law.