[Adopted 5-5-1984 ATM by Art. 13 (Ch. XXIV of the 1934 Bylaws)]
[Amended 5-1-1999 STM by Art. 18]
Except as otherwise provided, sealers and deputy sealers shall receive the following fees for sealing and inspecting the following weighing and measuring devices and automated retail checkout systems:
Balances and scales
Over 10,000 pounds capacity
Over 5,000 to 10,000 pounds capacity
Over 1,000 to 5,000 pounds capacity
Over 100 to 1,000 pounds capacity
1 to 100 pounds capacity
Avoirdupois (each)
Metric (each)
Apothecary (each)
Troy (each)
Certified weights (each)
Capacity measures
Vehicle tanks, each indicator
$ 8.00
Each 100 gallons or fraction thereof
1 gallon or less
More than 1 gallon
Liquid measuring meters
Inlet 1/2 inch or less (oil, grease)
Inlet more than 1/2 inch to 1 inch (gasoline)
Inlet more than 1 inch
Vehicle tank pump
Vehicle tank gravity
Bulk storage
User furnishes prover
Each stop pump
Other devices
Taxi meters
Leather measuring (semiannual)
Linear measure
Milk jars, per gross
Dry measures
Reverse vending machines
Automatic electronic checkouts
Fewer than 4 cash registers or computer terminals
No less than 4 no more than 11 cash registers or computer terminals
More than 11 cash registers or computer terminals
The foregoing fees shall become effective and replace fees presently in effect on July 1, 1984.