[HISTORY: Adopted by the Special Town Meeting of the Town of Fairhaven 2-6-2003 by Art. 9.[1] Amendments noted where applicable.]
Excavations and wells — See Ch. 110.
Sewers — See Ch. 158.
Swimming pools — See Ch. 475.
Wells — See Ch. 487.
Editor's Note: This article also repealed former Ch. 187, Water, adopted 5-9-2000 ATM, Art. 34, which article repealed former Ch. 187, Water, which consisted of Part 1, Water Supply Emergencies, adopted 5-5-1990 STM by Art. 11 (Ch. XXXII of the 1934 Bylaws); Part 2, Betterments, by the Special Town Meeting 5-6-1995 by Art. 15, (Ch. XXXIII of the 1934 Bylaws), as amended 5-6-2000 STM by Art. 12; and Part 3, Water Supply, adopted 5-1-1999 ATM, Art. 18, as amended 5-1-1999 ATM by Art. 19.