No person except an employee of the Fairhaven Board of Public Works, or of the Fairhaven Fire Department, in the performance of his duties, or a person acting with the permission of the Fairhaven Board Public Works shall open or discharge from any fire hyrdrant connected to the Fairhaven water system.
The unauthorized opening or discharging from any fire hydrant connected to the Fairhaven water system shall be punished by a fine of $100 for the first offense and $200 for the second and each subsequent offense.
The Board of Public Works may authorize the installation of a second water meter on a property to measure the usage of water for outside use only, and for which a sewer usage fee shall not be assessed. The Board shall establish, and may from time to time amend, a fee for annual inspection of such second meters. The annual inspection shall be performed to insure that there is no cross connection from the second water meter to any plumbing in the house which is, in turn, connected to the Town sewer system. A violation of this section shall result in a warning, and any subsequent violation shall result in a fine of $100, plus removal of the second meter so that all Town water used on the property shall pass through one meter.