[Adopted 5-5-1987 ATM by Art. 13; amended in its entirety 5-4-2013 ATM by Art. 14]
The following is the fee schedule pertaining to Fire Department permits:
Type of Permit or Item
Ammunition storage license
Annual radio box fee
ANSUL system
Blasting permits
Bonfire permits
Copy of fire report
Copy of records (2IE) (depends on amount copied)
Copy of SARF report
Flammable liquids, solids and gases permit
Fuel oil storage/waste oil storage
Initial master box/radio box connection
Inn/hotel inspections (quarterly)
Install/alter oil burner equipment
Install/removal of underground tanks
LP gas storage permit
Vent-free fireplace
Research fee
Smoke detector permits/inspections
Smokeless/black powder permits
Sprinkler permit
Supervised fireworks permit
Tank truck inspection
Welding/cutting storage permit