[Adopted 3-9-1974 ATM by Art. 42 (Ch. XIV of the 1934 Bylaws)]
[Amended 6-14-2021 ATM by Art. 46]
The Select Board shall have authority for layout, relocation, alteration and ordering of repairs on ways as provided by MGL c. 82, § 21. The Select Board shall not give notice of intention to layout, relocate or alter any Town way or private way unless and until a plan of such layout, relocation or alteration for filing with the Town Clerk, as required by MGL c. 82, § 23, has been prepared and submitted to the Select Board. The Select Board shall cause such plan to be prepared at the cost of the Town only if such layout, relocation or alteration is proposed by the Board of Public Works, the Planning Board and the Select Board to serve the public convenience or necessity. Such plan shall otherwise be prepared at the expense of the person or persons petitioning for the layout, relocation or alteration.