[HISTORY: Adopted as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Licenses and permits — See Ch. 5, Art. II.
Streets and sidewalks — See Ch. 160.
[Recodified ATM 3-8-1965 by Art. 14]
No person shall throw the carcass of any dead animal or any other animal substance liable to putrefy into any pond, stream or other body of water in the Town or leave such carcass or animal substance on the surface of the ground insufficiently buried.
[Recodified ATM 3-8-1965 by Art. 14]
If any person shall make a complaint to the Dog Officer, Chief of Police or Selectmen that a dog is a nuisance by reason of being at large on the premises of another; or being at large on the streets or public ways; or being at large on public property, the Dog Officer shall investigate such complaint and determine whether it may be necessary to hold a hearing before the Board of Selectmen concerning the restraint or any other disposition of such dog or whether a noncriminal complaint should be sought in the District Court for violating this Dog Control Article.
Any dog found at large and deemed to be a nuisance may be picked up by the Dog Officer and be impounded in a kennel of the Town's choosing, at the owner's expense. The Dog Officer may also impound any dog for other violations of MGL c. 140.
[Added 5-6-2024 ATM by Art. 25]
No dog shall be allowed in any public space or street within the boundaries of Dover unless it is effectively restrained by a leash of no more than 10 feet. A dog may be unleashed in public if it is contained within a motor vehicle, is a service or therapy dog, or is a hound owned by a sporting club, such as a hunt club.
Dogs impounded and unclaimed by owner or keeper after 10 days from delivery of impoundment notice or of posting of notice in a public place may be sold or given to new owners or mercifully put to death by a veterinarian as determined by the Dog Officer.
Any incident in which a dog does bodily injury to a person or attacks, wounds or kills any other dog, pet or livestock, without provocation, shall be investigated by the Dog Officer. After such investigation, the Dog Officer may order the dog to be permanently confined to the premises of its owner or keeper. If said dog is then in violation of a restraint order or is thereafter in violation of such restraint order, following an investigation and such determination by the Dog Officer, the dog may be ordered removed from the Town by order of the Dog Officer.
The owner or keeper of an impounded dog may obtain its release subject to the following conditions:
Payment of all kenneling fees;
Licensing of the dog if unlicensed and payment of all appropriate licensing fees; and
Payment of a late licensing fee, if applicable.
Fines may be imposed pursuant to the provisions of MGL c. 140 or the provisions of this Dog Control Article. Fines shall be imposed at the following rate:
[Amended 5-1-2021 ATM by Art. 22]
For the first offense in a calendar year: $50.
For the second offense in a calendar year: $100.
For the third offense in a calendar year: $300 and referral to the Board of Selectmen for a hearing and subsequent action pursuant to the provisions of MGL c. 140, § 157, as may be amended.
The Selectmen shall appoint a Dog Officer who shall be responsible for enforcing this article as well as the General Laws relating to dogs, making investigations, preparing reports, attending meetings and hearings and maintaining accurate reports pertaining to his/her duties.
All dogs having reached the age of 3 months shall require a license. Fees for such licenses shall be set by the Selectmen.
No fee for licensing shall be charged to a dog which is certified by the Division of the Blind to be in the service of a blind person.
Any person who is the owner of a dog in the Town of Dover and who fails to license said dog within the times prescribed by the General Laws and this article shall pay a late fee as set by the Selectmen in addition to the licensing fee.
Except as otherwise provided herein, all other definitions included in MGL c. 140, § 136A are incorporated within this article.