[Recodified ATM 3-8-1965 by Art. 14]
The Selectmen, before granting a written permit
to move a building in any public street or way in the Town, shall
ascertain the destruction or injury of any shade or ornamental tree
or shrubs or any fixture or ornament or utility standing in a street,
way or enclosure adjoining the same which will be caused thereby;
and if in such case, in the opinion of the Selectmen, such permission
should be granted, they may require the person applying to give satisfactory
security to any person owning such trees, shrubs or fixtures to indemnify
him for any damage caused as aforesaid, before giving such permission.
And any person or persons requesting such permission may be required
by the Selectmen to give a bond satisfactory to them to indemnify
the owner against any loss or damage occasioned by such moving.
No driveway or other access to a public street
shall be constructed or altered at the point of intersection with
such street unless a written permit is first obtained from the Superintendent
of Streets. No building permit shall be issued for the construction
of a new building or structure unless such access permit has first
been obtained.
[Added ATM 5-6-1996 by Art. 17]
No person shall excavate any area within the
limits of any public way in the Town unless a written permit is first
obtained from the Board of Selectmen or its designee.
No person shall cultivate, plow, or plant any
land within the limits of any public street or way in the Town.
[Amended ATM 5-7-2001 by Art. 24]
No person shall suffer any wood or coal or any
cart or wagon or motorized vehicle to remain within the limits of
any public way so as in any manner to obstruct the travel thereon,
or for more than 24 hours after he has been notified by the Superintendent
of Streets or any constable or police officer to remove the same.
The Selectmen may prohibit or restrict and regulate
coasting and sliding upon any of the streets or highways of the Town.
No person shall play at any game of ball or
football or throw balls or stones or snowballs within any of the streets
of the Town.
No person shall, except in the performance of
a legal duty, fire or discharge any gun, fowling piece or firearm,
or make any bonfire in any street or public place in the Town.