A Preliminary Plan of a subdivision may be submitted by the applicant to the Planning Board and, through the Board, to the Board of Health and Conservation Commission for discussion and tentative approval, modification or disapproval by the Board. The submission of such a Preliminary Plan will enable the applicant, the Planning Board, the Board of Health, the Conservation Commission, other municipal agencies and owners of property abutting the subdivision to discuss and clarify the problems of such subdivision before a Definitive Plan is prepared. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that a Preliminary Plan be filed in every case. A properly executed application of Form B-1 (see Appendix C[1]) shall be filed with the Preliminary Plan submitted to the Board at the Town Clerk's office.
Editor's Note: Appendix C is included at the end of this chapter.
If, after its examination of a Preliminary Plan submission, the Board finds that the applicant has failed to include significant information required in Subsections B and C, the Board may disapprove the Preliminary Plan as submitted and require that a new application be filed along with a new filing fee.
Submittal requirements. The Preliminary Plan, along with a properly executed Form B-1, shall be submitted by delivery by registered mail to the Town Clerk. If so mailed, the date of receipt by the Town Clerk shall be the date of submission of the Plan. In addition, written notice of such submission, using Form B-1, shall be given by the applicant to the Town Clerk by delivery or by registered or by certified mail. The Town Clerk shall give a written receipt, if requested by the person delivering such notice. With submission of the Preliminary Plan, the applicant shall also file a copy of said written notice and receipt with the Planning Board. The following shall be submitted by the applicant:
Fifteen contact prints, dark lines on white background, containing the information required in Subsection C, filed with the Board.
One copy of the Preliminary Plan in digital format. The preferred format is .DXF files. The copy shall be submitted in a format authorized by the Board. The plan shall be referenced to Massachusetts Mainland State Plane NAD83, at a minimum of 2 points on the plans.
[Added 4-27-1998; amended 7-16-2007]
One contact print, as in Subsection B(1) above, filed with the Board of Health. The applicant shall obtain a receipt from the Board of Health, a copy of which shall be submitted to the Planning Board.
One contact print, as in Subsection B(1) above, filed with the Conservation Commission. The applicant shall obtain a receipt from the Conservation Commission, a copy of which shall be submitted to the Planning Board.
Where any contiguous unsubdivided land is owned or controlled by the owner or applicant, a sketch plan shall be submitted, showing: the proposed subdivision parcel and streets, the boundaries of the contiguous unsupervised land and a possible or prospective street layout.
An initial nonrefundable fee, in accordance with the fee schedule, payable to the Town of Dover at the time of submission of an application.
Upon receipt of a Preliminary Plan, the Planning Board will obtain from its Consulting Engineer an estimate, in writing, of costs for reviews under § 248-9E(2)(d) and § 248-9I(3). The applicant shall be informed of the anticipated cost, and payment shall be submitted to the Board within 15 days of notification by the Board. Additional deposits, as may be requested, shall be submitted.
Contents. The Preliminary Plan shall be drawn on three-mil mylar or tracing paper, 24 inches by 36 inches, with pen or pencil at a scale of 1 inch equals 40 feet and shall show information as listed below to describe the subdivision and form a clear basis for review and discussion and for the preparation of the Definitive Plan. During discussion of the Preliminary Plan, the complete information required for the Definitive Plan (§ 248-9C, Contents) and the financial arrangements (§ 248-9G, Performance guaranty) will be developed.
[Amended 7-16-2007]
The subdivision name, boundaries, North point, date of submission, required scale, legend and the title "Preliminary Plan."
The names and addresses of the record owner and applicant.
The name, address and seal of the registered professional engineer and registered land surveyor who prepared the plan.
The names and plan location of all abutters, indicating limits of contiguous boundaries and those owners of record.
Existing and proposed lines of streets, ways, rights-of-way, easements, including purpose, and any public or common areas within the subdivision.
The proposed system of drainage, including the location of natural waterways within and adjacent to the subdivision, indicating direction of flow, and all water bodies and areas classified as wetlands adjacent to or within the proposed subdivision.
The proposed water source and distribution system, where applicable, and determination of the adequacy of the public water supply.
The approximate boundary lines of proposed lots, with approximate dimensions and areas and the required square drawn within each lot.
The location, names and present widths of adjacent streets, bounding, approaching or near the subdivision.
The location of existing bridle, walking and hiking trails on, near or approaching the subdivision.
Existing and proposed topography of the land at two-foot contour intervals. Existing topography shall be determined by an on-site engineering survey. All pertinent information, such as existing water bodies, swamps, marshes, wetlands, natural watercourses, Conservancy Zone Districts defined by contour lines, one-hundred-year flood lines (FEMA), river and brook setback lines, DEP restricted lands, stone walls, fences, buildings, large trees or wooded areas, rock ridges, ledge outcroppings and locations of soil tests shall be shown. Proposed grading contours and spot elevations shall be shown. Lengths and locations of all new stone walls specified in Standard Construction Details (see Appendix A[2]) shall be indicated.
Editor's Note: Appendix A is included at the end of this chapter.
All wetlands as defined by the Dover Conservation Commission Wetlands Protection Bylaw[3] shall be shown on the plan and flagged on site.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 181, Dover Wetlands Protection, and Ch. 263, Rules and Regulations for the Dover Wetlands Protection Bylaw.
Existing and proposed profiles for proposed streets on National Vertical Datum with horizontal scale: 1 inch equals 40 feet and vertical scale: 1 inch equals 4 feet. Existing topography at proposed street center lines and at all right-of-way lines shall be indicated; and, by shading or other appropriate graphic means, those portions along the right-of-way lines where proposed cuts and/or fills relative to proposed finished street center line grades are within the following vertical height parameters shall be indicated clearly on the plan.
Cuts or fills greater than 0 feet to 6 feet.
Cuts or fills greater than 6 feet to 10 feet.
Cuts or fills greater than 10 feet to 14 feet.
Cuts or fills greater than 14 feet are not allowed.
Cross sections for streets.
Cross sections for streets at scale 1/4 inch equals 1 foot to show proposed street construction, slopes, regrading and stone walls at a typical point of maximum cut and/or fill within each of the following parameters:
Greater than 0 feet to 6 feet.
Greater than 6 feet to 10 feet.
Greater than 10 feet to 14 feet.
Greater than 14 feet are not allowed.
Each cross section shall extend the full width to show proposed grading as it joins at the existing ground on both sides of the proposed street.
The locations of sidewalks, pedestrian pathways and bridle paths.
Elevations and log data for soil tests taken to show general suitability for on-lot sewage disposal.
When multiple sheets are necessary, match lines shall be used and referenced to a key sheet which will graphically indicate the arrangement of said multiple sheets. The key sheet shall be submitted on 1 standard 24-inch by 36-inch sheet at a suitable scale.
A locus map of the vicinity at a scale of 1 inch equals 800 feet, showing the relationship of the proposed subdivision to adjacent properties and streets bounding, approaching or near the subdivision.
A statement of the existing zoning and any easements, covenants or restrictions applying to the area proposed to be subdivided.
An environmental impact statement shall be submitted pursuant to the requirements of Appendix B.[4]
Editor's Note: Appendix B is included at the end of this chapter.
Each Preliminary Plan shall be accompanied by 3 sets of oblique, colored, aerial photographs, minimum size 16 inches by 20 inches, clearly depicting the subject parcel, contiguous parcels and relationship to existing public or private ways.
Plan sheets required. The information listed below for inclusion on each type of sheet is intended as a general guide only. All information required by the Dover Planning Board Subdivision Rules and Regulations shall be included on 1 or more of these required sheets as appropriate for clarity.
K Sheet. The key sheet is to show the entire subdivision and overlay index of P/T Sheets, scale appropriate for total subdivision area; include locus map at scale 1 inch equals 800 feet.
P/T Sheets: plans of subdivision streets and lots, including parcels and easements for utilities, ways, paths, trails and open spaces; topography and grading plans, including natural and man-made physical features and new stone walls; scale of 1 inch equals 40 feet.
RP Sheets: road plans and profiles and utilities, including parameters of cuts and fills; scales of 1 inch equals 40 feet and 1 inch equals 4 feet.
RC Sheets: street cross sections to show typical construction at parameters of proposed cuts and fills; various scales as appropriate.
EIR Sheets.
EIR-1, Watershed Plan.
EIR-2, Soils Plan.
EIR-3, Aquifer Plan.
Scale to match K sheet or as appropriate to show required information clearly.
Tentative approval. The Planning Board may give such Preliminary Plan its tentative approval, disapproval or approval with modifications. One copy of the Preliminary Plan will be returned to the applicant, reflecting the action of the Board. Any approval does not constitute approval of a subdivision, but does facilitate the procedure in securing final approval of the Definitive Plan. The submission of the Preliminary Plan for examination by the Board shall not be deemed a submission of a Definitive Plan of a subdivision of land or approval by the Board under MGL c. 41, § 810, and the action of the Board on such Preliminary Plan shall not prejudice its action on the Definitive Plan.
A Definitive Plan of a subdivision shall be submitted, including all the plans, information, documents, data and statements as required by Subsections B and C.
If, within 21 days after its examination of a Definitive Plan submission, the Board finds that the applicant has failed to include significant information required in Subsection B and C, the Board may disapprove the Definitive Plan as submitted and require that a new application be filed along with a new filing fee.
[Amended 7-16-2007]
Submittal requirements. The Definitive Plan, along with a properly executed Form B-2,[1] shall be submitted by delivery by registered mail to the Town Clerk. If so mailed, the date of receipt by the Town Clerk shall be the date of submission of the plan. In addition, written notice of such submission, using Form B-2, shall be given by the applicant to the Town Clerk by delivery or by registered or by certified mail. The Town Clerk shall give a written receipt, if requested by the person delivering such notice. With submission of the Definitive Plan, the applicant shall also file a copy of said written notice and receipt with the Planning Board. The following shall be submitted by the applicant:
An original drawing of the Definitive Plan and 15 contact prints, dark line on white background, containing the information required in Subsection C, filed with the Board. The original drawing will be returned after approval or disapproval.
One copy of the Definitive Plan in digital format. The preferred format is .DXF files. The copy shall be submitted in a format authorized by the Board. The plan shall be referenced to Massachusetts Mainland State Plane NAD83, at a minimum of 2 points on the plans.
[Added 4-27-1998; amended 7-16-2007]
Two contact prints, as in Subsection B(1) above, filed with the Board of Health. The applicant shall obtain a receipt from the Board of Health, a copy of which shall be submitted to the Planning Board.
Two contact prints, as in Subsection B(1) above, filed with the Conservation Commission. The applicant shall obtain a receipt from the Conservation Commission, a copy of which shall be submitted to the Planning Board.
Where any contiguous unsubdivided land is owned or controlled by the owner or applicant, a sketch plan shall be submitted showing: the proposed subdivision parcel and streets, the boundaries of the contiguous unsubdivided land and a possible or prospective street layout; unless such a plan has already been submitted under the provisions of § 248-8B(5).
A nonrefundable fee, in accordance with the fee schedule, shall be payable to the Town of Dover at the time of submission of an application; except that if no Preliminary Plan was filed, then the fee for the Definitive Plan shall be in accordance with the fee schedule.
List of abutters (Form C[2]). The name and mailing address of each of the abutters as they appear in the most recent tax list, including owners of land separated from the subdivision only by a street. The applicant shall obtain a certificate from the Board of Assessors that all abutters are listed.
Editor's Note: Form C is on file in the Planning Board offices and may be examined there during regular office hours.
When the applicant is a corporation, evidence from the clerk of the corporation, certifying authorization of individual(s) to act for the corporation.
Evidence that, when applicable, the Definitive Plan conforms to the approved Preliminary Plan or that the Definitive Plan includes the modifications required by the Board's action on the Preliminary Plan.
An environmental impact statement shall be submitted pursuant to the requirements of Appendix B.[3]
Editor's Note: Appendix B is included at the end of this chapter.
Upon receipt of a Definitive Plan, the Planning Board will obtain from its consulting engineer an estimate, in writing, of costs for reviews under Subsection E(2) and Subsection I(3). The applicant shall be informed of the anticipated cost and make payment to the Planning Board within 15 days of notification by the Board. Additional deposits, as may be required, shall be submitted.
Editor's Note: Form B-2 is on file in the Planning Board offices and may be examined there during regular office hours.
The Definitive Plan shall be clearly and legibly drawn at a scale of 1 inch equals 40 feet or such other scale as the Board may accept to show details clearly and adequately. The Definitive Plan shall conform to the requirements of MGL c. 36, § 13A, for plans to be filed with the Registry of Deeds. The plan size shall be 24 inches by 36 inches and shall have a one-inch border. The plan shall contain a square of 3 1/2 inches reserved for the use of the Registry of Deeds or the Land Court.
The Definitive Plan shall be drawn on linen or polyester film, single matte, with a thickness of 3 mils, having the opacity to allow consistent diazo and microfilm reproduction. A compatible ink with long-term durability which will produce a permanent bond shall be used. The minimum size of the lettering shall be 1/8 inch in height.
[Amended 7-16-2007]
The Definitive Plan shall contain at least the following information:
The subdivision name, boundaries, North point, date of submission, required scale, legend and the title "DEFINITIVE PLAN."
The names and addresses of the record owner and applicant.
The names and addresses of the registered professional engineer, registered land surveyor and registered landscape architect who prepared the plan, with their respective certifications and seals. The registered land surveyor shall certify that all surveying conforms to the Technical Standards for Property Surveys of the American Congress on Surveying and Mapping and to the requirements of the Registry of Deeds or the Land Court. The source or sources of information about the location of the boundaries shall appear on the plan. The registered professional engineer shall certify that the design of all subdivision improvements conforms to or exceeds the standards set forth in the rules and regulations of the Dover Planning Board and conforms to current standards of engineering practice. The registered landscape architect shall certify that the design of all subdivision landscape improvements conforms to or exceeds the standards set forth in the rules and regulations and conforms to current standards of landscape architectural practice.
The names and plan locations of all abutters indicating the limits of contiguous boundaries and those owners of land separated from the subdivision only by a street, as determined from the most recent Dover tax list.
The existing and proposed lines of streets, ways, lots, rights-of-way, easements, including purpose, zoning district boundaries and any public or common areas within the subdivision. The proposed streets shall be identified with letters shown in pencil until names are selected by the Board.
Sufficient data, including lengths, bearings, radii, tangent distances and central angles to determine the exact location, direction and length of every street and way line, lot line, boundary line and easement line and to establish these lines on the ground; all bearings and distances shall be connected with adjoining subdivisions or town, county or state road layouts. Bearings and distances shall be given to the nearest second and .01 foot, respectively.
The location of all permanent monuments identified as to type and whether they are existing or proposed.
Boundary lines, areas in square feet and dimensions of all proposed lots, with all lots designated numerically and in sequence. The required zoning square shall be drawn on each lot. Any lot shown on a sheet shall be shown in its entirety, i.e., no lots split between sheets.
Boundary lines of the entire original tract of land if the particular lot or lots to be recorded have been severed from a larger tract or, if not practicable, the boundary lines of the entire original tract shall be shown on an attached sketch with the error closure of the perimeter traverse clearly shown.
The location, names and present width of streets bounding, approaching or within 500 feet of the subdivision.
The location of existing bridle, walking and hiking trails on, near or approaching the subdivision.
A locus map at a scale of 1 inch equals 800 feet included on the front sheet of the Definitive Plan showing the right-of-way lines of all proposed streets in the subdivision, the boundaries of the subdivision and the location of the subdivision in relation to 2 or more existing streets or portions thereof shown and readily identifiable as to locus in the town.
The proposed layout of storm drainage, including all interceptor drains and site drainage systems required by particular soil conditions, water supply and sewage disposal and underground electric and telecommunication systems. The design computations for determining the required sizes of the storm drainage and water supply systems shall be submitted with the said proposed layout. The system of drainage shall include the location of natural waterways within and adjacent to the subdivision. The direction of flow and all water bodies or areas classified as wetlands, adjacent to or within the proposed subdivision, shall be indicated.
The location of existing wells, water pipes and hydrants and the proposed water source, proposed water pressure storage facility or standpipe and distribution system proposed for the subdivision.
Existing and proposed topography of the land at two-foot contour intervals and all necessary spot elevations. All pertinent information, such as existing water bodies, swamps, marshes, wetlands, natural watercourses, Conservancy Zone District defined by contour lines, one-hundred-year flood lines (FEMA), river and brook setback lines, DEP restricted lands, stone walls, fences, buildings, large trees or wooded areas, rock ridges, ledge outcroppings and the location of soil borings and percolation tests shall be shown. On each lot the following shall be shown: approximate anticipated location for the house, driveway and areas for the septic system and expansion area and suggested grading contours and spot elevations. The locations, lengths and grading of all new stonewalls shall be shown.
[Amended 7-16-2007]
General soil types and information as to the suitability of each lot for on-lot sewage disposal and the depth to the groundwater table; location, results and dates of all test pits and borings; and the level of the water table and results of soil percolation test on all lots, indicating elevation at which such tests were taken, elevation of proposed leaching facility and the soil conditions at the level of the tests and proposed grade. Depth to the groundwater table shall be determined at the time of its highest elevation and shall be determined during the time periods required by the Dover Board of Health. All tests shall be executed at the expense of the applicant and in accordance with the regulations of the Dover Board of Health.
The locations of all sidewalks, pedestrian pathways and bridle paths, and the types and locations of markers shall be indicated. The types and locations of markers for pedestrian pathways and bridle paths shall be indicated.
The locations of electric and telecommunication lines, transformers and other equipment.
Existing and proposed profiles of the center line of proposed streets on the National Vertical datum with a horizontal scale of 1 inch equals 40 feet and a vertical scale of 1 inch equals 4 feet. A permanent bench mark within the subdivision shall be established, based on such datum, with adequate description shown on the plan. Profiles shall also indicate the location of any intersecting public or private ways and the location and size of existing and proposed storm drains, water mains and their appurtenances and other underground utilities to be placed in the right-of-way. The stationed center line corresponding to the profile upon which the above profiles are taken shall be shown in plain view. The design computations for determining the elevations, grades and sight distances of horizontal and vertical curves shall be submitted with the profiles.
[Amended 7-16-2007]
Existing and proposed profiles for proposed streets on the National Vertical datum with a horizontal scale of 1 inch equals 40 feet and a vertical scale of 1 inch equals 4 feet. Existing topography at proposed street center lines and at all right-of-way lines shall be indicated; and, by shading or other appropriate graphic means, those portions along the right-of-way lines where proposed cuts and/or fills relative to proposed finished street center line grades are within the following vertical height parameters shall be indicated clearly on the plan.
[Amended 7-16-2007]
Cuts or fills greater than 0 feet to 6 feet.
Landscape plans.
Landscape plans prepared by a registered landscape architect registered in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts shall be submitted to show proposed stone walls, retaining walls, headwalls, other landscape structures, trees, planted shrubs, seeding and other landscaping. The landscape plans shall be on separate standard sheets of 24 inches by 36 inches and shall include plans, elevations, sections. grading, spot elevations and other required details. All landscape plans shall be based on lines, grades and profiles established for the subdivision streets and easements by the professional engineer and land surveyor. Minimum scale for plans and elevations shall be 1/4 inch equals 1 foot and for details and sections shall be 1/2 inch equals 1 foot. The scale selected for any landscape plan, elevation or section shall be consistent in representing length, width and height (i.e., no exaggerated horizontal/vertical scales). Cross sections for all streets at a scale of 1/4 inch equals 1 foot shall be included to show proposed street construction, slopes, regrading, stone walls, landscaping and planting at all points of maximum cut and/or fill within each of the following parameters:
Greater than 6 feet to 10 feet.
Greater than 10 feet to 14 feet.
Greater than 14 feet are not allowed.
And at a typical point of maximum cut and/or fill within the following parameter: greater than 0 feet to 6 feet.
Each cross section shall extend the full width to show proposed grading as it joins the existing ground on both sides of the proposed street.
For all bridle paths and pedestrianways and other easements not within street rights-of-way, provide the following: existing and proposed profiles along center line; existing and proposed grading plans; existing and proposed drainage. All scales shall be horizontal: 1 inch equals 40 feet; vertical: 1 inch equals 4 feet.
Park or open areas suitably located for playground or recreation purposes within a subdivision.
The location and species of proposed street trees; the location of existing trees or wooded areas within a distance of 40 feet from the gutter line of the paved berm on both sides of each proposed street. The location and species of individual existing trees with trunks of over 8 inches in diameter, measured 4 feet above finished grade, shall be included.
A key sheet, showing layout of the entire subdivision, if submitted by section, including street names, lot numbers, easements and areas at a suitable scale. When multiple sheets are necessary, match lines shall be used and referenced to an index overlay which will graphically indicate the arrangement of said multiple sheets.
Any other pertinent information, unique to the particular subdivision, which the Board shall request, including necessary engineering calculations to provide assurance to the Board that fire protection, vehicular traffic flows and all other precautions are being provided.
All wetlands as defined by the Dover Conservation Commission Wetlands Protection Bylaw[4] shall be shown on the plan and flagged on site.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 181, Dover Wetlands Protection and Ch. 263, Rules and Regulations for Dover Wetlands Protection Bylaw.
In the event that no Preliminary Plan has been filed, each Definitive Plan shall be accompanied by 3 sets of oblique, colored, aerial photographs, minimum size of 16 inches by 20 inches, clearly depicting the subject parcel, contiguous parcels and the relationship to existing public or private ways.
Plan sheets required. The information listed below for inclusion on each type of sheet is intended as a general guide only. All information required by the Dover Planning Board Subdivision Rules and Regulations shall be included on 1 or more of these required sheets as appropriate for clarity.
Title Sheet: the name of the subdivision; the names and addresses of the owner(s) applicant, professional consultants; list of sheets included and locus map at a scale of 1 inch equals 800 feet.
K Sheet: the key sheet to show the entire subdivision and overlay index of sheets; scale appropriate for total subdivision areas.
P Sheets: plans of subdivision streets and lots, including parcels and easements for utilities, ways, paths, trails and open spaces, scale of 1 inch equals 40 feet.
T Sheets: topography and grading plans, including natural and man-made physical features and new stone walls. (Note: T Sheets are to match lots and street segments as shown on sheets.) (The scale shall be 1 inch equals 40 feet.)
RP Sheets: road plans and profiles and utilities, including parameters of cuts and fills; scale of 1 inch equals 40 feet and 1 inch equals 4 feet.
RC Sheets: road construction drawings, including street cross sections and details of manholes, catchbasins, drainage headwalls, hydrants, other utility structures and appurtenances; various scales as appropriate.
L Sheets: landscape design and planting plans, including new and existing stone walls, alignment of sidewalks, pedestrianways, bridle paths, landscape design and planting layouts and schedules for trees, shrubs and seeding. (Note: L sheets are to match lots and street segments as shown on P sheets.) The scale shall be 1 inch equals 40 feet.
LC Sheets: landscape construction drawings, including plans, elevations, sections, details and grading for new stonewalls; construction details for sidewalks, pedestrianways, bridle paths, detention/retention basins; cross sections for streets at cut and/or fill parameters; plans, profiles, grading and drainage along bridle paths and pedestrian pathways not within street rights-of-way; various scales as appropriate.
EIR Sheets.
EIR-1 Watershed Plans.
EIR-2 Soils Plan.
EIR-3 Aquifer Plan.
Scales to match K Sheet or as appropriate to show the required information clearly.
A copy of the Definitive Plan in digital format shall also be filed. The preferred format is .DXF files, but a copy capable of conversion to a .DXF file is acceptable. Copy shall be submitted on 3.5 inch disk. The plan shall be referenced to Massachusetts Mainland State Plane NAD83, at a minimum of 2 points on the plan.
[Added 12-15-1997]
Accompanying statements and data. The Definitive Plan shall be accompanied by 15 copies of written statements on:
Existing zoning and any easements, covenants and restrictions applying to the area proposed to be subdivided; and
Data and proposed arrangements for water supply, sewerage and sewage disposal, including all appurtenances, as required by the Board of Health, as follows:
A sufficient number of properly conducted percolation tests (at least 1 per acre) made by a qualified engineer to indicate clearly the soil conditions throughout the area being subdivided, and a report on the results of the percolation tests, together with related information as to the type of soil encountered and information water table evaluations.
Plans and specifications showing the location and size of the water supply line throughout the development.[5]
Editor's Note: Original Subsection (c), which immediately followed, was repealed 9-26-1991.
Plans and profiles of development shall show all provisions made for proper drainage of the area, including location and size of drain lines, catch basins, culverts, ditches and headwalls.
By Board of Health as to suitability of the land. At the time of filing of the Definitive Plan, the applicant will file with the Board of Health 2 contact prints thereof. The Board of Health shall, within 45 days after filing of the plan, report to the Planning Board, in writing, approval or disapproval of said plan. If the Board of Health disapproves said plan, it shall make specific findings as to which, if any, of the lots shown on such plan cannot be used for building sites without injury to the public health or is unsuitable because of drainage conditions and include such specific findings and reasons thereof in such report, and, where possible, shall make recommendations for the adjustment thereof. Any lot so located that it cannot be served by a connection to a sewer system shall be provided with a septic tank and drain field satisfactory to the Board of Health.
By other Town officials. Before approval of the Definitive Plan is given, the Planning Board will obtain appropriate checks on the engineering and survey information shown in said plan and written statements that the proposed improvements shown are laid out to the satisfaction of the following:
The Superintendent of Streets, as to the design of the street system, location of easements and design of the sewerage, water and drainage systems, including appurtenances.
The Tree Warden, as to location, size and species of street trees.
The Conservation Commission, as to compliance with the Dover Wetlands Protection Bylaw.[6]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 181, Dover Wetlands Protection, and Ch. 263, Rules and Regulations for Dover Wetlands Protection Bylaw.
The Planning Board Consulting Engineer. Before approval of the Definitive Plan is given, the Planning Board will obtain a written statement from its Consulting Professional Engineer, confirming that all proposed improvements shown are in conformance with the requirements of applicable Dover Subdivision Rules and Regulations and other applicable state and local requirements. Costs for such review and approval shall be paid for by the applicant pursuant to the existing fee schedule.
To facilitate review of the Definitive Plan by the Planning Board Consulting Engineer, at the time of filing of the Definitive Plan, the applicant shall stake the center line of all proposed streets at a minimum of every 50 feet with the center line stations and the cut or fill dimensions to finish grade marked on the stakes, also the lot frontage with numbers.
[Amended effective 11-16-1995]
Public hearing. Before approval, modification and approval or disapproval of a Definitive Plan is given, a public hearing shall be held by the Planning Board, notice of time and place of which and of the subject matter, sufficient for identification, shall be given by the Planning Board by advertising in a newspaper of general circulation in the Town of Dover, once in each of 2 successive weeks, the first publication being not less than 14 days before the day of such hearing, and by mailing by certified or registered mail a copy of such advertisement to the applicant and to all owners of land abutting upon the land included in such plan as appearing on the most recent assessors' list.
Performance guaranty. No Definitive Plan will be endorsed until the applicant has furnished security as required by law, to ensure that all required improvements within or appurtenant to the subdivision will be made in compliance with these rules and regulations and in conformity to the Definitive Plan, as modified or amended by the Planning Board and/or the Board of Health. All such required improvements shall be secured by 1, or in part by 1 and part by the other, of the 2 methods described in Subsections G(1) and (2) below, which the applicant may vary from time to time at his election.
[Amended 7-16-2007]
Method one, performance bond: a performance bond of the applicant running to the Town of Dover, secured by surety (Form G)[7] or by money or negotiable securities deposited with the Town Treasurer (Form H or Form I)[8] in such amounts as the Board shall determine to be sufficient to cover the cost of completing the required improvements, or such portion thereof not secured by covenant under Subsection G(2). Such bond shall be conditioned upon full and satisfactory completion of all such improvements within such time as the Board shall determine, but in no event more than 2 years from the date of the Board's endorsement of its approval of the Definitive Plan.
Editor's Note: Form G is on file in the Planning Board offices and may be examined there during regular office hours.
Editor's Note: Forms H and I are on file in the Planning Board offices and may be examined there during regular office hours.
Method two, covenant: a covenant running with the land duly executed by each record owner of land within the subdivision. Such covenant shall be either inscribed on the Definitive Plan or be contained in a separate recordable document (Form J)[9] referred to on the plan and shall provide in part that no lot shall be built upon or sold until all improvements required under these rules and regulations shall have been completed and approved by the Board as provided herein.
If the applicant elects to secure performance by covenant, either in whole or in part, approval of his Definitive Plan by the Board will be made conditional upon:
The recording of the Definitive Plan with the covenant (either endorsed on the plan or contained in the separate document) not later than 60 days after the Board's endorsement of its approval of the plan; and
Completion of all required improvements within such time as the Board shall determine, but in no event more than 24 months from the date of such endorsement.
The covenant, whether inscribed on the plan or contained in a separate document, shall contain a provision that the construction of all streets and ways and the installation of all municipal services shall be completed in accordance with the applicable rules and regulations of the Board within 24 months from the date of the Board's endorsement of its approval of the Definitive Plan and that failure to so complete shall automatically rescind approval of the plan.
Editor's Note: Form J is on file in the Planning Board offices and may be examined there during regular office hours.
Certificate of action. The action of the Planning Board with respect to any Definitive Plan shall be by vote, copies of which shall be certified and filed with the Town Clerk and sent by registered mail to the applicant. If the Board modifies or disapproves such plan, it shall state in its vote the reasons for its action. Final approval, if granted, shall be endorsed on the original drawing of the Definitive Plan by the signatures of a majority of the Board (or by the signature of the person officially authorized by the Board) but not until the statutory twenty-day appeal period has elapsed following the filing of the certificate of action by the Board with the Town Clerk and said Clerk has notified the Board that no appeal has been filed. Final approval of the Definitive Plan does not constitute the laying out or acceptance by the town of streets within a subdivision.
Evidence of satisfactory performance. Before the Planning Board will release the interest of the town in a performance bond or deposit (or, in the case of approval With covenant, issue a release of covenant), the applicant shall:
File with the Superintendent of Streets a certified copy of the layout plan of each street in the subdivision (or, in the case of approval with covenant, of the street or streets serving the lots for which a release is desired). Certification shall be by a registered professional engineer or land surveyor and shall indicate that streets, storm drains, sewers, water mains and their appurtenances have been constructed in accordance with said plan and are accurately located as shown thereon.
Obtain and submit to the Board written evidence that the required improvements have been completed to the satisfaction of the following:
The Superintendent of Streets, as to the placing of monuments and construction of all other required improvements and the performance of all other required work.
The Tree Warden, as to the planting of any required street trees.
The Conservation Commission, as to compliance with the Dover Wetlands Protection Bylaw,[10] and the State Wetland Protection Act, MGL c. 131.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 181, Dover Wetlands Protection, and Ch. 263, Rules and Regulations for Dover Wetlands Protection Bylaw.
Obtain and submit to the Board written evidence that the required improvements have been completed to the satisfaction of the Planning Board Consulting Engineer and in conformance with the Planning Board Subdivision Rules and Regulations. Costs for necessary field inspections and review of work in progress and completed work shall be paid for by the applicant pursuant to the existing fee schedule.
File with the Planning Board a complete set of street layout plans, including takings and easements, and all other documents required for Town Meeting acceptance of streets and required for filing such acceptance with the Registry of Deeds and/or Land Court. A copy of such as-built plan in digital format shall be filed. The preferred format is .DXF files, but a copy capable of conversion to a .DXF file is acceptable. Copy shall be submitted on 3.5 inch disk. The plan shall be referenced to Massachusetts Mainland State Plane NAD83, at a minimum of 2 points on the plan. All costs for acceptance of streets, filing of any and all plans and documents and recording of plans shall be paid by the applicant.
A summary package shall be submitted as requested by the Planning Board.
Release of performance guaranty. Upon the completion of the improvements required under Article VI, in order to obtain a release of the security for the performance of any covenant with respect to any lot, the applicant shall send by registered mail to the Town Clerk a written statement, in duplicate, that said construction or installation in connection with which such bond, deposit or covenant has been given, has been completed in accordance with the requirements of Article VI. Such statement is to contain the address of the applicant, and the Clerk shall forthwith furnish a copy of said statement to the Planning Board. If the Board determines that said construction or installation has been completed, it shall release the interest of the town in such bond and return the bond or the deposit to the person of covenant in a form for recording. If the Board determines that said construction or installation has not been completed, it shall specify to the applicant, in writing, the details wherein said construction and installation fails to comply with the requirements of Article VI.