[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Council of the Town of Franklin 10-7-1981 by Bylaw Amendment 81-19. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Food service establishments (Board of Health) — See Ch. 226.
This chapter shall apply to each holder of a common victualler, innkeeper or other license for the serving and consumption of food on the premises and having a seating capacity of 25 or more persons.
Each establishment subject to the provisions of this chapter shall, at all times when serving food for human consumption, have available on the premises one or more persons who have completed a program of training in lifesaving techniques especially designed for food service personnel, conducted or approved by either the National Academy of Sciences, the American Heart Association or the American Red Cross.
Each establishment subject to the provisions of this chapter shall place on file in the office of the Board of Health and shall keep current by letters mailed to such office a listing of all current employees who have had such training, including their residence address, the date or dates on which such training occurred, the sponsoring organization and the name of the instructor. Such training shall be repeated at least annually.
Each establishment subject to the provisions of this chapter shall provide a place on which shall be posted at all times during which food is being served the name or names of the person or persons then on duty who has or have received the training required by this chapter.
Whoever violates any of the provisions of the foregoing sections shall be punished by a fine of not more than $50 per day while the violation exists.