[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Council of the Town of Franklin 12-20-2023 by Bylaw Amendment 23-902.[1] Amendments noted where applicable.]
Editor's Note: Former Ch. 147, Removal of Snow and Ice, adopted 1-10-1975 by § 19 of Art. IV of the Bylaws of the Town of Franklin, as amended, was repealed 2-1-2017 by Bylaw Amendment 17-785.
The owner, agent, or occupant of private property bordering a street in the Town where there is a sidewalk or footway duly established and defined and delineated on attached map, "Sidewalk Snow Removal Required By Property Owner,"[1] shall cause all snow and ice to be removed within 12 hours after snow ceases to fall and shall maintain said sidewalk in a non-slippery condition suitable for pedestrian travel at least 36 inches in width along the length of said sidewalk. Whenever any sidewalk or footway shall be encumbered with ice, the owner or occupant of such private property shall remove the ice therefrom, or so treat it that it shall be safe and convenient for travel in a non-slippery condition. In the event of an unusually heavy snowfall, the time limit shall be extended at the discretion of the Town Administrator. The provisions of this section shall apply to snow which falls from buildings as well as to that which falls from the clouds.
Editor's Note: Said map is on file in the Town offices.
The owner, agent, or occupant of private property bordering a street in the Town where there is a sidewalk or footway duly established and defined and delineated on map, "Sidewalk Snow Removal Required By Property Owner," where the awning or signage of such building slopes towards such street so as to cause snow and/or ice to accumulate on the sidewalk or footway, shall cause all snow and ice to be removed from below such awning and sign within 12 hours after the same has fallen or formed.
The prohibition contained in § 155-21 that no person(s) shall place, or cause to be placed, ice or snow upon any public way of the Town, unless exempted by the Director of Public Works, applies to this chapter.
If any person(s) subject to the provisions of this by law neglects or fails to comply with the provisions of § 147-1, 147-2, or 147-3, then the Franklin Police, the DPW Director or their designee, and/or the Building Commissioner or their designee shall make reasonable attempts to notify such person(s) of their neglect or failure and obligate them to do so, and, if the person(s) does/do not comply forthwith, the person(s) shall be fined $50 for each offense, by any of the Town officials designated herein to enforce this bylaw.