It shall be the duty of officers to enforce the provisions of these rules and orders. Such officers are hereby authorized to direct all traffic either in person or by means of visible or audible signal in conformance with the provisions of these rules and orders, provided that, in the event of a fire or other emergency, members of the Fire Department may direct traffic, as conditions may require, to expedite traffic or safeguard pedestrians, notwithstanding the provisions of these rules and orders.
The Chief of Police is hereby authorized to close temporarily any street or highway whenever there is reasonable justification for the closing of such street.
The Chief of Police is hereby authorized to prohibit, temporarily, parking on any street or highway or part thereof whenever there is reasonable justification for such prohibition. Vehicles parked in places where parking is prohibited temporarily may be moved by or under the direction of an officer.
No person shall willfully fail or refuse to comply with any lawful order or direction of an officer, as defined in § 170-4, relating to the direction, control or regulation of traffic. Any person acting in conformity with any such order or direction shall be relieved from the observance of any provision of these rules with which it conflicts.
The provisions of these rules and orders shall not apply to drivers actually engaged in work upon a street or highway closed to travel or under construction or repair or to officers when engaged in the performance of public duties when the nature of the work of any of these necessitates a departure from any part of these rules and orders. These exemptions shall not, however, protect the driver of any vehicle from the consequences of a reckless disregard of the safety of others.