[Amended 8-7-1991 by Ord. No. 91-211; 3-4-1992 by Bylaw Amendment 92-228; 6-2-1999 by Bylaw Amendment 99-409; 5-7-2003 by Bylaw Amendment 03-515; 3-3-2004 by Bylaw Amendment 04-541; 5-18-2005 by Bylaw Amendment 05-569; 6-6-2012 by Bylaw Amendment 12-683; 8-10-2016 by Bylaw Amendment 16-767]
Parking permit zones are hereby established in the following streets or parts of streets or municipal parking facilities:
Name of Street
Depot Street
Municipal parking facility
West Central Street No. 10
Municipal parking facility
The Town Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to establish parking permit spaces in such parking zones as are hereby specified or as may be hereinafter fixed by amendment and to indicate the same by the white markings upon the surface of the highway or the designated parking area. Parking permit spaces within established parking zones may be assigned or reassigned by the Town Administrator from time to time to different uses as permitted by this § 170-20 and to different lengths of use.
The Town Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to set the user fees for all municipal parking lots.
[Amended 11-2-2022 by Bylaw Amendment 22-885[1]]
Editor's Note: This bylaw amendment also repealed former Subsection C, Commuter Rail Municipal Parking Permits, which immediately followed, and redesignated former Subsection D as Subsection C.
Prohibited parking of certain commercial vehicles in residential districts.
It shall be unlawful for any resident or any owner, agent, operator, or person in charge of any bus, semi-trailer, trailer, motor truck, tractor, and/or truck tractor or any vehicle having a commercial registration plate and a gross vehicle weight of more than 15,000 pounds to park, store, or keep such motor vehicle on any residential property, or on any public street, avenue, alley, or other thoroughfare, or any right-of-way in any residential zoning district for a period in excess of one hour unless engaged in legitimate loading or unloading activities or related to work actually being performed upon a resident's property.
It shall be unlawful for any resident in any residential zoning district to park on, cause to be parked on, or allow to be parked on his or her residential property more than one vehicle of 15,000 pounds or less gross vehicle weight which is used for commercial purposes unless garaged entirely within a building. For the purposes of this section, "commercial purposes" shall mean having a commercial registration plate or commercial lettering or signage.
The Town Administrator or his designee may issue an exemption from the preceding sections to any resident upon the Administrator's determination that enforcement against the resident creates a hardship and that the requested parking will not cause excessive noise or otherwise create a nuisance; in issuing an exemption, the Administrator may impose such conditions as he believes are necessary to protect the public interest.
The Police Department and the Building Commissioner or designee shall each have authority to enforce the provisions of the section.
The penalty for violations of the provisions of this section shall be a fine of $100 for each offense, each day to constitute a separate offense.