[Adopted 8-16-1989 by Bylaw Amendment 89-165]
No person shall unlawfully or intentionally alter or damage, or allow to be altered or damaged, a water meter registering the use of the Town's water supply, or prevent such meter from duly registering the quantity of water supplied through it, or hinder or interfere with its proper action or accurate registration, or break the water meter seal, or attach a pipe to a main or otherwise use or cause to be used the water supplied by the Town without the consent of the Town given by the Director of Public Works or his designee, unless said water passes through a meter set by the Town.
The penalty for violation of this section, which may be enforced by the Department of Public Works Director, Water Superintendent, Town Administrator or any of their designees, and which may be enforced pursuant to the provisions of MGL c. 40, § 21D, relative to noncriminal disposition, shall be:
First violation: a fine of $100.
Second violation: a fine of $200.
Subsequent violations: a fine of $500.
Violators of this section may also be subject to criminal prosecution.
[Added 5-2-1990 by Bylaw Amendment 90-181]
Water meters one inch and below. All meters with waterlines of one inch or less shall be maintained and repaired by the Town at its cost. However, meters damaged through negligence of the water customer shall be repaired or replaced at the customer's expense.
Water meters above one inch. Water customers requiring water meters with waterlines above one inch in diameter will be required to purchase and pay the full cost of meter installation. Meters in this category must also be maintained and tested at the owner's/customer's expense. If the Water Department determines that the meter is not working properly, a notice to repair order will be issued giving the owner/customer 21 days to repair the meter. If the owner/customer fails to comply with the repair order, the Town will undertake necessary repairs and bill actual costs, to include a service fee. Outstanding bills will be added to water charges, and the method of payment will be the same as for water charges.
[Amended 12-20-1995 by Bylaw Amendment 95-306]
Water meter test.
All water meters with waterlines of sizes above one inch in diameter must be tested for accuracy by a certified testing agency once every two years. Meters must demonstrate an accuracy level within tolerance of plus or minus 2%. Additional accuracy tests may be required upon failure of a previous test after repairs have been made. Any meter found unable to demonstrate the accuracy required must be repaired or replaced by the owner/customer. A copy of the written test results by the firm or individual performing the test must be submitted to the DPW office no later than two weeks from the date of the test. All cost for testing, repairs and/or renewals shall be borne by owners of the property.
Outside the testing parameters established above, the Town may request accuracy testing at any time. However, if testing shows that the meter accuracy is within established limits of plus or minus 2%, the Town shall pay for any associated costs. If the Town determines that the meter is not working accurately, a notice to perform testing and/or repair order will be issued giving the owner/customer 21 days to test/repair the meter. If the owner/customer fails to comply with the test/repair order, the Town will undertake necessary repairs and bill actual costs, including a water meter service fee. Unpaid fees will be added to water charges and the method of payment will be the same as for water charges.
[Amended 12-20-1995 by Bylaw Amendment 95-306]
The Water Department shall be notified by the responsible party prior to all tests that are to be made.
Water Department access. A water customer shall provide access to the Water Department during regular business hours and, in the event of an emergency, at all other times, to permit Water Department employees or contractors to inspect, test, repair and/or replace the water service or any component thereof or the water meter for the premises. In the event of a water customer's failure to provide access, the Director of Public Works or his designee shall transmit a written request for access to the customer, specifying the purpose and date(s) and time(s); if the water customer fails to provide access at the requested date(s) and time(s), or within 30 days following receipt of the written request, whichever is later, then the water customer shall be liable for a fine of $25 per day for each day thereafter, until the water customer provides the requested access. This provision may be enforced by the Director of Public Works or his designee.
[Added 3-23-2016 by Bylaw Amendment 16-755]