[Adopted 3-16-1994]
Any owner or keeper of a dog or cat in the Town of Franklin shall cause such animal to receive an initial rabies vaccination by a licensed veterinarian by three months of age. A second rabies vaccination shall be administered between nine to 12 months after the date of the initial vaccination. Thereafter, each such dog or cat shall be required to receive a rabies booster vaccination in accordance with the vaccine manufacturer's recommendation.
Each owner of or keeper a dog or cat shall make a available for inspection a valid rabies vaccination certificate and rabies tag for said animal upon request by any person authorized under this regulation or Massachusetts General Laws.
Enforcement. The Animal Inspector, Franklin Board of Health and/or it's designees shall have the power and responsibility for enforcement of this chapter.
Violations and penalties.
Any person who violates one or more of the provisions of this chapter may be fined through noncriminal disposition in accordance with Massachusetts General Laws, c. 40, § 21D, as follows:
First offense shall be a warning.
Second offense shall be a fine of $50 per pet.
Third offense and all subsequent offenses shall be a fine of $50 per pet.
Each day's failure to comply shall constitute a separate and distinct offense.