[Amended 7-9-2008 by Ord. No. 0-08-15; 8-13-2008 by Ord. No.
0-08-19; 6-10-2009 by Ord. No. 0-09-06; 6-11-2014 by Ord. No.
A. Purposes. The overall purpose of the AR Zoning District is to provide
for a residential district that respects and promotes the rural character
of the Township, consistent with the Township's history as a farming
community and its location within the Rural Planning Area on the State
Plan Policy Map (PA-4). As outlined within the 2008 Master Plan, as
well as the 2014 Master Plan Reexamination, the AR Zone is intended
to encourage the continuation of commercial agricultural operations.
B. Permitted principal uses. Within the AR Zoning District, the following
uses are permitted.
Farm and agricultural uses of land subject to the regulations in §§
90-5.23F and
90-5.36 of this chapter.
The sale and processing of agricultural products subject to the requirements of §
90-5.23F, on a seasonal basis.
Municipal buildings, structures and uses owned or operated by
South Harrison Township.
Outdoor public or nonprofit recreation, athletic fields, conservation
areas and parks.
Cemeteries on lots with a minimum of three acres and with twenty-five-foot
buffers along the perimeter.
Detached single-family dwelling units.
Community residences for the developmentally disabled; community
shelters for victims of domestic violence; community residences for
the terminally ill; community residences for persons with head injuries;
and adult family-care homes for elderly persons and physically disabled
adults, as defined in N.J.S.A. 40:55D-66.2.
C. Permitted accessory uses. Accessory uses must be incidental
to the primary use and include:
Private residential swimming pools, provided
that they are a minimum of 25 feet from the rear and side property
lines, including all appurtenances to the actual pool itself, such
as the filtering equipment; paving surrounding the pool; decking whether
attached or detached from the pool; and fencing, if said fencing immediately
surrounds the pool. Pools are not permitted in the front yard.
Sheds a maximum of 200 square feet in area,
a minimum of 10 feet from all property lines, not more than 20 feet
in height and not permitted in the front yard.
Off-street parking for vehicles and motorcycles,
including private garages. Driveways may be located in the front yard.
Fences and walls, not exceeding four feet (48
inches) in height in the front yard and six feet (72 inches) in the
rear yards.
Signs subject to the requirements of §
Home occupations in accordance with §
D. Conditional uses. Conditional uses shall include:
Temporary buildings, temporary construction
offices, temporary sales offices, and temporary storage of material,
provided that:
The structure is located on the lot where the
construction is taking place or on a lot adjacent to or part of the
development site; and
The structure is removed and the use terminated
prior to the issuance of a final certificate of occupancy for the
total project or work is abandoned according to N.J.A.C. 5:23-2.15.
Public and private elementary, junior and high
schools subject to the following in addition to the minimum lot sizes
and requirements established by the New Jersey State Department of
The location of access driveways, landscaping
and site plan design shall be designed with consideration for and
compatible with the neighborhood in which it is to be located.
No building, parking area, loading area or accessory
structure may be located nearer than 50 feet to any property line
or right-of-way line.
Public libraries and museums operated by a public
or nonprofit entity, subject to the following:
The location of access driveways, landscaping
and site plan design shall be designed with consideration for and
compatible with the neighborhood in which it is to be located.
No building, parking area, loading area or accessory
structure may be located nearer than 50 feet to any property line
or right-of-way line.
The minimum lot area is three acres.
Electric and gas substation and service facilities,
and all other public utilities no greater than 400 square feet in
gross floor area, subject to the following requirements:
The project must be designed to be structurally
and architecturally compatible with the neighborhood.
The project conforms to the required setbacks.
Adequate landscaping is provided in conformance with the requirements of §§
90-5.25 and
The project is needed to serve the public interest
or a permitted use within the neighborhood.
Church or other place of worship, or religious
school building, subject to the following:
The location of access driveways, landscaping
and site plan design shall be designed with consideration for and
compatible with the neighborhood in which it is to be located.
No building, parking area, loading area or accessory
structure may be located nearer than 50 feet to any property line
or right-of-way line.
The minimum lot area is three acres and the
minimum setbacks shall be provided.
Adequate off-street parking shall be provided
in accordance with ordinance requirements and the applicant must provide
a written statement indicating that all parking will be accommodated
on the site.
No parking shall be located closer than 50 feet
to any property line.
Impervious coverage shall not exceed 60%.
Planned age-restricted housing in accordance
with the Township's 2006 Fair Share Plan and the following:
The minimum tract size is 50 acres.
The maximum density is three units per acre.
A feasible water supply and on-site wastewater
disposal plan must be provided. The proposed community wastewater
system should be proposed for review by the Planning Board engineer
and the Township Engineer. A maintenance plan must also be submitted.
The minimum affordable housing set aside is
25% of the total number of units.
Affordable units must be made affordable in
accordance with the New Jersey Council on Affordable Housing's regional
income limits and the Uniform Affordability Controls at N.J.A.C. 5:80-26.1
et seq. regarding affordability, occupant eligibility, bedroom distribution,
price and rent restrictions and affirmative marketing.
Affordable units must be designed in accordance
with the New Jersey Fair Housing Act with regard to first floor accessibility.
Bulk requirements.
Maximum density: three units per acre.
Minimum lot area: 7,000 square feet.
Minimum lot width: 65 feet.
Minimum side yards: 10 feet each.
Minimum rear yard: 25 feet.
Minimum front yard: 20 feet.
Minimum of tract for centrally located community
open space: 25%.
Design standards.
A minimum of four architectural plans must be
provided for the development.
No more than 50% of the horizontal area of the
facade may be consumed by garage doors.
Sidewalks must be provided throughout the community.
The open space area should be provided with
consideration for the conservation subdivision design standards.
E. Bulk and area regulations for the AR Zoning District.
Minimum lot area is one acre.
Minimum lot area for stormwater management lots or open space
lots is one acre.
Minimum lot width is 150 feet.
Minimum lot depth is 200 feet.
Minimum front yard setback is 75 feet from a local road, and
100 feet from a state or county road.
Rear yard setback is 50 feet.
Side yard setbacks are 20 feet for each side.
Maximum building coverage is 10%.
Maximum building height is 2 1/2 stories or 35 feet, whichever
is less.
Notwithstanding the minimum setbacks, as set forth above, the
minimum rear yard setback for the installation of an in-ground or
aboveground pool shall be 25 feet from the rear property line. This
setback requirement shall be inclusive of all appurtenances to the
actual pool, such as the filtering equipment; paving surrounding the
pool; decking, whether attached or detached from the pool; and fencing,
if said fencing immediately surrounds the pool.
F. Design standards.
Conservation or open space lands on one developed
parcel should adjoin the conservation and open space lands on the
adjoining parcels to realize an interconnected network of open spaces
and greenways over time.
Side entry garages are encouraged where the
lot geometry permits. When this is not possible, garages must be set
back a minimum of 10 feet from the principal facade plane.
The architecture of dwellings with frontage
on two streets shall respond to both streets, with architectural details,
windows and other elements that respond to the street frontage.
In order to ensure variety among residential
dwellings, houses on the same side of the street must be substantially
different in appearance than other dwellings within two lots from
it. On a cul-de-sac, any lot on the cul-de-sac is considered to be
on the same side of the street. All major subdivisions must provide
a minimum of three basic house designs with exterior variations possible
for each one.
Paved driveways are required for all houses
on lots under four acres.
Except for lighting that may be required at
intersections with county roads and at the end of culs-de-sac, street
lighting should be of a traditional residential character (lamp post
style) and no more than 12 feet in height.
[Added 6-10-2009 by Ord. No. 0-09-08]
A. Purposes. The purpose of the Age-Restricted Residential Inclusionary
Zoning District is to provide viable locations for the development
of inclusionary housing development for senior citizens within the
Township. It is the intent of this district to provide a realistic
opportunity for the provision of market-rate and affordable housing
at a moderate density, with a minimum of 20% of all units set aside
for households of low and moderate income. The COAH rules [N.J.A.C.
5:97-6.4(b)] assume that inclusionary zoning is economically feasible
if it meets the minimum densities and maximum set asides set forth
in the rules at N.J.A.C. 5:97-6.4(b)(2). The Inclusionary Zone will
require a twenty-percent affordable housing set aside consistent with
COAH's rules, the Township's Affordable Housing Ordinance and UHAC.
B. Designated lots. The Age-Restricted Residential Inclusionary Zoning
District applies to block 19, lots 4 and 6 consisting of approximately
15 acres.
C. Permitted principal uses. Within the ARI Zoning District, the following
uses are permitted.
Farm and agricultural uses of land subject to the regulations in §§
90-5.23F and
90-5.36 of this chapter.
The sale and processing of agricultural products subject to the requirements of §
90-5.23F, on a seasonal basis.
Municipal buildings, structures and uses owned or operated by
South Harrison Township.
Outdoor public or nonprofit recreation, athletic fields, conservation
areas and parks.
Detached single-family dwelling units in accordance with the density, bulk and area requirements of §
90-5.15 for the Agricultural Residential Zoning District.
Detached age-restricted single-family dwelling units with 20%
of the total number of units set aside for affordable housing in accordance
with COAH's rules in accordance with the density, bulk and area requirements
Attached age-restricted dwelling units (twin, duplex or townhouse units) in accordance with the density, bulk and area requirements below when a minimum of 20% of the total number of units are set aside and made affordable in accordance with the New Jersey Council on Affordable Housing's regional income limits and the Uniform Affordability Controls at N.J.A.C. 5:80-26.1 et seq., regarding affordability, occupant eligibility, bedroom distribution, phasing, price and rent restrictions, affirmative marketing, and that meet the requirements of Chapter
29 of the South Harrison Township Code (Affordable Housing Ordinance).
Community residences for the disabled, consistent with the requirements of §
D. Permitted accessory uses. Accessory uses must be incidental to the primary use. For development in accordance with §
90-5.16.2C(6) and
(7) above, the accessory uses permitted are:
Sheds a maximum of 120 square feet in area, a minimum of 10
feet from all property lines, no more than 15 feet in height and not
permitted in the front yard.
Off-street parking for private vehicles and motorcycles.
Fences and walls not exceeding three feet (36 inches) in height
in the front yard and not exceeding six feet in the rear yards. For
properties with reverse frontage, a uniform fence location plan and
fence design must be presented at the time of preliminary and final
Signs subject to the requirements of §
Septic disposal systems, either individual or community systems.
E. Conditional uses are permitted in accordance with §
F. Bulk and area regulations for the age-restricted development in the
ARI Zoning District.
The maximum permitted density is 2.2 units per gross acre with
a twenty-percent affordable housing set-aside.
Minimum lot size for stormwater management lots or open space
lots is 20,000 square feet.
All subdivision approvals will be conditioned upon the applicant's
ability to achieve compliance with the applicable requirements for
wastewater (septic systems) and private wells for drinking water.
Table of Performance Regulations.
Age-Restricted Residential Inclusionary Zone
Detached Age-Restricted Single Family Homes
Attached Age-Restricted Homes*
Maximum density
2.2 units per gross acre
2.2 units per gross acre
Minimum lot size
14,000 square feet
2,000 square feet inside unit
3,000 square feet end unit
Minimum lot width
90 feet
20 feet inside unit
30 feet end unit
Minimum lot depth
100 feet
100 feet
Minimum front yard setback local roads/right-of-way
20 feet
20 feet
Minimum setback to state or county right-of-way
50 feet
50 feet
Minimum side yard setback
Aggregate 30 feet, minimum 10 feet one side
0 feet to shared wall
10 feet end unit
Minimum rear yard setback
25 feet
25 feet
Maximum impervious coverage
Maximum height
2 1/2 stories or 35 feet
2 1/2 stories or 35 feet
Perimeter buffer to existing development (in addition to setbacks)
25 feet
25 feet
* If the affordable age-restricted homes are developed with
a shared yard area to be owned by an association, then the units and
overall lot area must meet the intent of the minimum lot sizes.
G. Conservation subdivision design. The principles of conservation design should be followed to the extent possible to guide design in accordance with §
H. Preservation of vegetation and buffers. All reasonable efforts should
be made to retain and protect existing perimeter buffers and vegetation.
Where gaps exist, a mix of evergreen and deciduous trees should be
added to the buffer area.
I. Design standards. The design standards set forth in § 90-5.15G
shall apply; however, the Board shall make reasonable exceptions when
needed to maintain the affordability of affordable housing units.
J. Nonconforming lots. Nonconforming lots shall be permitted as set
forth in § 90-5.15H.
[Amended 11-17-1999 by Ord. No. 0-99-04]
A. Permitted uses. In the NC-1 District, no building
or premises shall be used and no building shall be erected or altered
which is arranged, intended or designed to be used except for one
or more of the following uses.
Detached single-family dwelling unit.
Public and nonprofit playgrounds, athletic fields,
swimming pools, conservation areas, parks and public purpose uses.
Retail sales and retail service establishments.
Personal service establishments (e.g., a tailor,
barber shop, or beauty salon).
Offices for professional services (e.g., physicians,
lawyers, or architects); commercial offices (e.g., realtors or travel
agencies) and offices incidental to uses permitted in this subsection.
Restaurants, excluding drive-in and curb service
Repair and servicing, indoor only, of any article
for sale which is permitted in this district.
Attended laundry and retail dry cleaning services,
not including bulk processing on or from other premises.
Copy centers and newspaper offices.
Buildings, structures and uses owned or operated
by the Township of South Harrison.
All farm and agricultural uses permitted in residential districts in accordance with the provisions set forth in §§
90-5.23F and
90-5.36 of this chapter.
Business or advertising signage for a converted
or new professional office use shall be limited to 12 square feet
in total for the lot.
Accessory uses and accessory buildings incidental
to the above uses located on the same lot and within the same zoning
district permitting the principal use.
B. Conditional uses. In the NC-1 district, the following
uses may be permitted as conditional uses:
Public utilities, substations, electric and
gas facilities no greater than 400 square feet in gross floor area,
subject to the following special requirements:
No storage of materials and trucks, and no repair
facilities or staging of repair crews except within completely enclosed
The exterior of any structure shall be in keeping
with the other structures in the immediate neighborhood.
Buildings, structures and uses owned or operated
by the Township of South Harrison for municipal purposes.
Conversion of existing residential structures
to office uses subject to the following special requirements:
Such conversions shall be limited to the existing
floor area of the residential dwelling. Addition to or expansion of
the existing structure is prohibited.
At the time of site plan review, placement of
an access drive shall be determined so as to allow for a future common
drive with an adjacent residential parcel at one side yard. In addition,
reservation of an access easement to allow for such a possibility
at the opposite side yard may be required. Similarly, depending on
lot configuration, rear yard cross-easements to permit for interconnection
of parking areas may be required.
No parking shall be permitted in the existing
front yard of the dwelling.
Rear and side yards shall be a minimum of 15
feet with adequate landscaping and/or screening to shield parking
areas from adjoining lots.
There shall be no minimum lot size on which a conversion may be permitted to occur; provided, however, that no lot existing at the time of adoption of this Part
5, on which a conversion is proposed, shall be further reduced in size.
[Amended 12-27-2000 by Ord. No. 0-00-04]
Business or advertising signage for a converted
or new professional office use shall be limited to 12 square feet
in total for the lot.
Home occupations as part of a continued existing residential use may occur subject to the criteria governing such home occupations as contained in §
90-5.29 of this chapter.
[Amended 11-17-1999 by Ord. No. 0-99-04]
Any building within the NC-1 District which
is to be used in whole or part as a dwelling unit shall be governed
by the bulk and area regulations for the AR District. All other development
within the NC-1 District shall be governed by the following standards:
A. Minimum lot area: 10,000 square feet.
B. Minimum lot width: 75 feet.
C. Minimum lot depth: 125 feet.
D. Minimum setbacks:
Side yard: five feet. In addition the combined
width of both side yards shall be no less than 15 feet.
E. Maximum impervious coverage: 40%.
F. Maximum building height: 2 1/2 stories, but not
to exceed 35 feet.
[Added 12-28-2005 by Ord. No. 0-05-18; amended 11-1-2006 by Ord. No. 0-06-13]
A. Residential development requiring on-site affordable
Any residential development in any zoning district,
except as noted for the age-restricted planned development use, in
the Township proposing 18 or more lots or units shall set aside 11.1%
of said units for affordable housing as said term is defined under
the FHA and COAH regulations.
[Amended 12-13-2006 by Ord. No. 0-06-14]
In order to facilitate the construction of affordable housing by developers which are required to provide such housing pursuant to the requirements of Subsection
A(1) above, the following types of housing units shall be permitted uses and structures for occupancy by low- or moderate-income households when proposed as part of an inclusionary development:
[Amended 12-13-2006 by Ord. No. 0-06-14]
Single-family detached houses.
Single-family attached houses in the form of
semidetached (side-by-side) units or duplex (over and under) units.
The affordable housing units shall be disbursed
throughout inclusionary developments to the greatest extent possible
and shall be designed to be architecturally indistinguishable from
the market-rate units to the greatest extent possible. To that end,
the scale, massing, roof pitch and architectural detailing (such as
selection of exterior materials, windows, doors, etc.) of the buildings
containing the affordable housing units shall be similar to and compatible
with that of the market-rate units.
B. Alternative means of satisfaction of responsibilities.
COAH regulations permit the creation of affordable
housing through various alternative mechanisms, including, but not
limited to, the following: a) the purchase of an existing market-rate
home at another location in the community and its conversion to an
affordable price-restricted home in accordance with COAH's criteria,
regulations and policies; and/or b) participation in reconstruction
and/or buy-down/write-down, buy-down/rent-down programs.
An applicant shall only be entitled to satisfy
its affordable housing obligation via one or more of the alternative
mechanisms set forth above if the applicant first secures the written
authorization of the Township to comply via one or more of these alternative
mechanisms. If the developer intends to satisfy its responsibilities
through an alternative mechanism, it must produce written authorization
from the Township as a precondition to completeness. The Township
Committee shall have the complete discretion to determine whether
the alternative better enhances goals and policies set forth in the
Township's Housing Element and Fair Share Plan.
[Amended 12-13-2006 by Ord. No. 0-06-14]
C. Residential development and nonresidential development
requiring developer fee payment. Residential development in any zoning
district in the Township proposing 17 or fewer lots or units and all
nonresidential development shall pay an affordable housing development
fee pursuant to the Township's Development Fee Ordinance (Ordinance
No. O-05-06).
D. Mixed-use (residential and nonresidential) development
All new mixed-use development, or any expansion
of existing mixed-use development that results in net increases in
existing or approved development, shall be required to provide affordable
housing or contribute to affordable housing as follows:
As to the residential component, the developer
shall be required to reserve one affordable unit out of every nine
constructed, provided that there are at least 18 units.
As to the nonresidential component, the development
shall pay an affordable housing development fee pursuant to the Township's
Development Fee Ordinance (Ordinance No. O-05-06); or the developer
may be permitted to increase the set-aside in the residential component
by reserving one additional unit for every 25 jobs projected to be
created pursuant to the standards set forth in N.J.A.C. 5:94-1.1 et
E. Low- and moderate-income requirements and compliance
with COAH's rules.
The affordable unit(s) to be produced pursuant
to above shall be available to a low-income individual or household
should only one affordable unit be required. Thereafter, each of the
affordable units shall be divided evenly between low- and moderate-income
individuals and households except in the event the applicable formulas
result in an odd number of affordable units, in which event the unit
shall be a low-income residential unit.
Affordable housing units being constructed on
site shall meet the requirements of South Harrison's Affordable Housing
Ordinance and shall be in conformance with COAH's third round rules
at N.J.A.C. 5:94-1 et seq., and the Uniform Housing Affordability
Controls at N.J.A.C. 5:80-26.1 et seq., including, but not limited
to, requirements regarding phasing schedule, controls on affordability,
low-/moderate income split, heating source, maximum rent and/or sales
price, affordability average, bedroom distribution and affirmative
It shall be the developer's responsibility,
at its cost and expense, to arrange for the New Jersey Housing Affordability
Service ("HAS") or other administering agency approved by COAH and
the Township to ensure full COAH compliance and file such certifications,
reports and/or monitoring forms as may be required by COAH or the
Court to verify COAH compliance for each affordable unit.
F. Regulations with respect to prior approvals or agreements
are as follows:
Development that has received preliminary or
final approval before the effective date of this section shall not
be required to comply with this section unless the approvals expire,
or a substantial change in the development is sought.
If a substantial change to a prior preliminary
or final approval is sought, then the developer shall be required
to comply with this section.
When a prior approval exists, this section shall
be applicable as a condition of approval under the following additional
In any application that seeks to extend or modify
the expiration date of a development approval;
In any application that seeks to extend or modify
the statutory period of protection as applicable to the particular
classification of approval granted.
This section shall not change any existing and
approved developer's agreement between a developer and the Township
of South Harrison so long as the agreement contains a negotiated and
approved requirement for meeting COAH obligations generated by the
G. Right to greater set-aside if compensatory benefit.
As to residential developers, nothing herein
shall affect the Township's ability to generate more affordable housing
than the one-for-eight standard set forth above in the event that
the developer secures a density bonus or other compensatory benefit
through zoning or through a use variance.
Any requirement for residential developers in
excess of one affordable unit for every eight market units shall be
based upon standards the Township shall hereafter enact and shall
secure COAH's approval of same.
H. Other regulations are as follows:
Every development applicant shall be required
to submit a proposed affordable housing production plan (AHPP) at
the time the application is made. The AHPP shall be a condition of
the "completeness" determination. Each AHPP shall be the subject of
review for consistency with COAH's rules, the Fair Housing Act, this
section, and the Township's Housing Element and Fair Share Plan as
proposed to and/or approved by COAH, and such other rules and regulations
as may be applicable. This review shall be conducted by the Township
Planner or by such other person or entity as shall be designated to
administer the Township's COAH matters.
The AHPP shall be approved by the Board hearing
the development application. The Board shall consider the impacts
of the proposal relative to its consistency with Township's Housing
Element and Fair Share Plan, this section, and the applicable COAH
Compliance with COAH's rules and with the approved
AHPP shall be an essential and nonseverable condition of the Board's
resolution of approval and may be covered by appropriate performance
and maintenance guarantees as with any other required improvement.
It shall be the developer's responsibility,
at its sole cost and expense, to contract with a COAH-approved and
Township-designated experienced entity for the initial and ongoing
administration of the controls on affordability so as to ensure full
COAH compliance. The designated administrative entity shall, by February
1 of each year, and as otherwise required by COAH throughout the year,
file with the Township Clerk of the Township of South Harrison such
certifications, reports and/or monitoring forms as may be required
by COAH to verify the continuing compliance of each affordable unit
with COAH's rules.
The calculation of affordable housing obligation
shall be a completeness item during administrative review of the application.
The calculation shall be reviewed by the Township Planner or other
municipal official designated by the municipality.
Compliance with COAH's rules shall be an essential
and nonseverable condition of any approval by the approving authority.
The approving authority shall require that the applicant or successor
in interest comply with the Growth Share Ordinance, when applicable.
The method of compliance shall be enumerated in the approving authority
[Added 7-9-2008 by Ord. No. 0-08-11]
A. Purpose. The purpose of this district is to permit
conversions of residential dwellings to offices that are compatible
with adjacent residential neighborhoods along key corridors within
the Township and to encourage new office development that is of a
residential scale and character in these areas, where it is anticipated
that traffic will increase as a result of development within the Township
and in the surrounding municipalities. The intent is to maintain the
residential character of the neighborhoods and provide opportunities
for office uses where adequate parking, lot size and buffering requirements
are met. Site plan approval is required prior to any proposed conversion
or construction.
B. Permitted principal uses are as follows:
Farm and agricultural uses of land subject to the regulations in §§
90-5.23F and
90-5.36 of this chapter.
Single-family detached dwellings as permitted and regulated in the Agricultural Residential (AR) District (§
Professional office uses such as physician,
dentist, lawyer, or architect.
Commercial office uses such as administrative,
insurance office, travel agent, or realtor, except that training facilities
are not permitted.
Home occupations as part of a continued existing residential use may occur subject to the standards set forth in §
C. Permitted accessory uses are as follows:
Private garages for the storage of not more
than three vehicles.
Storage buildings (sheds) not to exceed 200
square feet for tools and equipment for maintenance of the grounds.
Stormwater management facilities.
Other customary accessory uses which are clearly
incidental to the principal structure and use.
D. Bulk and area regulations are as follows:
Minimum lot area: one acre (43,560 square feet). For residential development the bulk and area requirements of §
90-5.16 apply.
Minimum lot width: 150 feet.
Minimum lot depth: 200 feet.
Minimum building setbacks from property line:
Side yard: 25 feet each side for existing structures,
50 feet each side for new construction adjacent to residential use.
Maximum impervious coverage: 50%.
Maximum building footprint: 5,000 square feet.
Maximum building height: 35 feet or 2.5 stories.
Minimum parking lot setback: 25 feet from side
and rear, 100 feet from front. (NOTE: Side yard parking setback may
be reduced to 10 feet if there will be cross access with the adjacent
E. Design standards.
The conversion of an existing residential structure
to any nonresidential use is only permitted when the character of
the existing structure is maintained or, if altered, it reflects a
traditional residential architectural style.
Applicants must submit architectural elevations
to demonstrate consistency with this section. The Land Use Board will
consider the architecture, color and design of proposed buildings.
All buildings shall have a unified architectural treatment, whether
constructed new, as an addition to an existing structure, or as a
renovation. Buildings shall relate in scale and design to any surrounding
buildings, showing respect for the local context and a compatibility
with residential character. Continuity with surrounding uses should
be considered in determining front yard setbacks. Front porches are
Architecture and site planning should be designed
with a cohesive design scheme. Building details and ornamentation
such as indentations, variations in rooflines, cornices, offsets and
overhangs are encouraged.
Primary facade materials shall be wood, aluminum
or vinyl clapboard siding, stone, smooth stucco or brick. Where walls
are constructed of more than one material, the differentiation shall
be along a horizontal line
The facade treatment of side and rear walls
shall be similar to the treatment of the front facade. Buildings on
corner lots shall be considered significant structures since they
have at least two facades visibly exposed to the street. Such buildings
may be designed with additional height and/or architectural features
to emphasize their location.
Exterior mechanical equipment shall be architecturally
screened and hidden from public view.
Parking lots are only to be permitted within
the front yard area if the applicant demonstrates that placing the
parking at the side or rear is not possible due to the specific site
characteristics. It is the applicant's responsibility to prove that
locating parking at the side or rear is not possible, it is not sufficient
to say it is not convenient.
A landscaped buffer strip 25 feet in width, including a double row of evergreen trees, is required along the side and rear property lines within the buffer required by §
Parking lots may be constructed of stone, at the discretion of the Planning Board, with a driveway constructed in accordance with §
90-3.26 and paved for a minimum distance of 30 feet from the right-of-way into the property; and handicapped parking stalls that are paved in accordance with current code standards.
Curbing or curb stops shall be provided in all
parking areas and along all access ways.
Where possible, parking areas should be interconnected
with those of adjacent office or commercial uses with cross access
agreements to minimize curb cuts and improve site circulation, or
provide the potential for future connections where an adjacent use
is not yet operational. Common driveway access is encouraged and must
be addressed by each applicant. Access to the site may not be from
a neighborhood street.
Signage. Signs are intended to identify the
site and should be designed to enhance and be visually compatible
with the surrounding area.
A freestanding monument/ground or hanging style
sign may be installed to identify the business, set back a minimum
of 10 feet from the property line, outside of sight triangles.
The maximum sign area is 12 square feet in area
and six feet in height.
Signs may be illuminated, but must be shielded
and turned off no later than 10:00 pm.
Signs should be constructed of materials to
enhance a rustic appearance, such as carved high-density urethane,
sandblasted or painted wood, carved metals, or other material that
compliments the building architecture and overall site.
[Amended 3-11-1998 by Ord. No. 0-98-04; 11-17-1999 by Ord. No. 0-99-04; 7-9-2008 by Ord. No. 0-08-14]
A. Purpose. The purpose of the Light Industrial Zoning
District is to provide the opportunity for and to encourage the development
of flexible planned light industrial sites and to promote the orderly
and sound development of such areas in accordance with the comprehensive
plan. The LI Zoning District is intended to provide for the Township's
needs presently and in the future so that over time land use and development
will evolve in a coordinated and harmonious manner.
B. Permitted principal uses are as follows:
Farm and agricultural uses of land subject to the regulations in §§
90-5.23F and
90-5.36 of this chapter.
Municipal buildings, structures and uses owned
or operated by South Harrison Township, indoor and outdoor public
recreation, libraries, community theater, other public and semipublic
Warehouse and wholesale storage in accordance with §
90-3.34 and other applicable regulations.
Limited manufacturing in accordance with the definition in §
Professional and business offices.
Commercial recreation facilities.
Single-family homes existing at the time of
the adoption of this section may continue to exist until such time
as they are converted for commercial use or are vacated for more than
six months.
C. Permitted accessory uses are as follows:
Restaurant or cafeteria primarily for supplying
meals to employees and guests of the principal use.
In-service training schools for employees.
Custodial living quarters associated with the
maintenance of the principal use.
Assembly halls for meetings incidental to the
business of the principal use.
Maintenance, utility and storage facilities
incidental to the business of the principal use, provided that they
are in fully enclosed buildings.
Buildings, structures and uses owned or operated
by the Township of South Harrison or the County of Gloucester.
Stormwater management facilities.
D. Conditional uses are as follows:
Electric, gas and other public utilities in
accordance with the following requirements:
The project is designed to be structurally compatible
and in keeping with the architectural character of the area.
The project is in keeping with the Master Plan.
The project is in conformance with the required
Adequate landscaping is provided to shield the
equipment from public view.
Storage of materials and vehicles is only permitted
within enclosed buildings.
Service stations and repair garages in accordance
with the following requirements:
All pits, lifts, and working areas, as well
as all lubrication, repair or similar activities shall be performed
in an enclosed building; however, minor repair work may be performed
at an island or pump location.
All storage areas and trash facilities shall
be enclosed with a fence, approved by the Planning Board, or masonry
enclosure with a facade to match the building, so as to be screened
from public view.
All structures, gasoline pumps and islands upon
which pumps are normally located shall be set back from all street
and property lines at least 50 feet, except that canopy structures
may be located as close as 40 feet to a right-of-way line
A minimum of 25 feet shall exist between any
two islands and between any island and the service station, auto repair
or auto body building.
Service stations and repair garages shall be
designed compatibly with other permitted commercial and industrial
uses in the district in which they are located and that they may be
located within industrial complexes as an integral part of the overall
Landscaping and seasonal flowers shall be required
within the front setback area.
The exterior display and parking of equipment
for rental purposes shall be permitted, provided that the area devoted
to this purpose does not exceed 20% of the lot area, the maximum permitted
sign area is not exceeded, and the location of the rental area does
not interfere with the required off-street parking and traffic circulation
required for the use.
Floor drains shall not be connected to the individual
on-site septic system. Provisions shall be made for the separation
of grease from any disposal to the on-site septic system. All disposal
of floor-drain waste, grease, oil and the like shall be in accordance
with the appropriate state, county and local regulations.
No automobile or motor vehicle which is unregistered
or any motor vehicle, whether registered or not, that is in a junked,
inoperable or other condition such that it is unfit for use on any
public roadway, shall be stored on the premises of any service station
or repair garage for a period in excess of 90 days. All such vehicles
stored overnight on the premises outside the main building shall be
screened from public view by a fence or other permanent structure
or an opaque landscaped buffer, approved by the Land Use Board in
accordance with the landscaping standards specified in this section.
In addition to the signs otherwise permitted,
permitted service stations and repair garages offering the sale of
gasoline and other fuel products may increase the size of the otherwise
permitted freestanding sign by 1/3 for the listing of the name(s)
and/or symbol(s) of the principal fuel(s) available, or in the alternative,
an attachment to the freestanding sign is permitted, listing the principal
fuel(s) available, said attachment not to exceed 1/3 of the area of
the base sign.
Industrial parks, in accordance with the following
requirements, as well as the other LI District requirements:
The minimum park area is 12 acres.
The minimum lot area for each parcel is two
The minimum park frontage on a county road is
250 feet.
A unified sign package is included with directional
signs if appropriate.
E. Bulk and area regulations. Light Industrial (LI) Zone
requirements are as follows:
Minimum lot size: three acres.
Minimum lot width: 200 feet.
Minimum lot depth: 200 feet.
Minimum front yard setback: 75 feet.
Minimum rear yard setback: 30 feet.
Minimum side yard: 40 feet each.
Maximum impervious coverage: 60%.
Maximum building height: three stories or 45
Minimum parking setback: 50 feet from front,
25 feet from side and rear.
Minimum buffer to residential property or residential
zone (may include required yard): 75 feet.
F. Design standards.
Applicants must submit architectural elevations
to demonstrate consistency with this section. The Land Use Board will
consider the architecture, color and design of proposed buildings.
All buildings shall have a unified architectural treatment, whether
constructed new, as an addition to an existing structure, or as a
renovation. On large warehouse or light industrial buildings, attention
should be given to entryways. Buildings shall relate in scale and
design to any surrounding buildings so that over time a unified aesthetic
may develop.
Architecture and site planning should be designed
with a cohesive design scheme. Building details and ornamentation,
such as indentations, variations in rooflines, cornices, offsets and
overhangs are encouraged.
Primary facade materials shall be wood, aluminum
or vinyl clapboard siding, smooth stucco or brick. Consideration will
be given to other materials for large warehouse or light industrial
The facade treatment of side and rear walls
shall be similar to the treatment of the front facade. Buildings on
corner lots shall be considered significant structures, since they
have at least two facades visibly exposed to the street. Such buildings
may be designed with additional height and/or architectural features
to emphasize their location.
Exterior mechanical equipment shall be architecturally
screened and hidden from public view.
Entrances to warehouse or light industrial sites
or industrial parks should be defined with landscaping and unified
A landscaped buffer strip 25 feet in width, including a double row of evergreen trees, is required along the side and rear property lines within the buffer required by §
90-5.24. Where the site abuts a residential use, fencing may also be required.
Curbing shall be provided in all parking areas
and along all accessways.
Where possible, parking areas should be interconnected
with those of adjacent light industrial, office or commercial uses
with cross access agreements to minimize curb cuts and improve site
circulation, or provide the potential for future connections where
an adjacent use is not yet operational. Common driveway access is
encouraged and must be addressed by each applicant. Access to the
site may not be from a neighborhood street.
For sites that will have frequent truck traffic,
a truck circulation plan should be submitted with the site plan.
Signage. Signs are intended to identify the
site and should be designed to enhance and be visually compatible
with the surrounding area.
A freestanding monument/ground or hanging style
sign may be installed to identify the business, set back a minimum
of 10 feet from the property line, outside of sight triangles.
The maximum sign area is 12 square feet in area
and six feet in height.
Signs may be illuminated, but must be shielded
and turned off no later than 10:00 pm.