Unless otherwise specified or indicated on the plans, all concrete shall be Class C concrete, as specified in § A385-52, and shall be mixed and placed in accordance with the requirements set forth in Article VII of this chapter.
Manholes, catch basins, and inlets shall be constructed of brick or concrete block meeting the requirements of these specifications at points indicated on the plans or designated by the Borough Engineer.
The brick and block shall be laid with broken joints, and all vertical and horizontal joints shall be filled with 1:2 cement-sand mortar. Straight joints shall be not more than 3/8 inch wide, and radial joints not more than 1/2 inch in average width. The masonry shall be carried to such a height that a mortar joint not more than 1/2 inch thick is needed for setting the head casting.
No masonry shall be laid in water. Water shall not be allowed to flow against or over masonry until it has had time to set, as may be prescribed by the Borough Engineer.
No work shall be done on masonry on days during which, in the opinion of the Borough Engineer, good work cannot be done.
The unit price bid for manholes, catch basins, and inlets shall include all excavation and refilling, all concrete work, all masonry, all castings, and all other work and material required to construct the same in accordance with the plans and specifications.
Temporary pavements to carry traffic shall be constructed at all points where the sewer crosses or runs through a paved roadway. In placing the temporary pavement, the trench backfill shall be compacted as directed up to within six inches of the surface, after which the remaining six-inch space shall be filled with steam cinders, which shall be well-rolled. The contractor shall maintain this temporary pavement in a condition adequate for usual traffic until such time as the Borough Engineer orders the permanent pavement placed again. The cost of constructing and maintaining temporary pavements shall be deemed included in the unit price bid per linear foot for sewer construction.
All pavements disturbed by the sewer construction shall be replaced by the contractor. In replacing pavements, the old pavement shall be cut out 12 inches wider than the width of the trench, that is, six inches wider on each side thereof. The sides of the old pavement cut shall be straight and even.
Existing macadam pavements or pavements with a Type A or Type T bituminous surface shall be replaced in the following manner:
Excavate to a depth of seven inches and properly consolidate the subbase by rolling.
Place two-and-one-half or one-and-one-half-inch stone, as directed, to such a depth that after ultimate compression it shall have a depth of five inches. Roll the stone to the satisfaction of the Borough Engineer.
Apply bituminous binder grade OA-4 at the rate of two gallons per square yard. This bitumen shall be applied from a pressure distributor and shall have a temperature of between 300° F. and 350° F.
Construct the Type A or Type T bituminous concrete top, using material complying with the 1941 New Jersey State Highway Department Specifications, as amended, to a point level with the old pavement grade.
Other types of pavement shall be replaced, as directed by the Borough Engineer, to produce a replaced section equal to the old pavement which was removed.
The cost of replacing all pavements shall be deemed included in the unit price bid per linear foot for sewer construction.