[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Saddle River 6-15-1987 as § 1 of Ord. No. 478-C. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Pursuant to the powers vested in the Borough of Saddle River by N.J.S.A. 40:67-1 et seq., the Borough of Saddle River shall, from the date of adoption of this chapter, prohibit the placement of any and all encroachments, obstructions and encumbrances in, over or upon the rights-of-way of the Borough of Saddle River. Any structure currently existing within the right-of-way shall be allowed to remain.
[Added 12-21-1992 by Ord. No. 587-C]
Definitions. As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Freestanding stanchions, columns, pillars, walls and mailbox supports.
Permit required. Any person proposing the erection of any auxiliary structure, except as specifically exempted elsewhere in this section, shall submit location and construction details and the applicable fee as established by the Saddle River Building Department and obtain a permit from said Building Department.
Exemptions. Retaining walls less than 12 inches in height and all mailbox supports which meet the standards promulgated by the United States Postal Service and do not encroach into the nominal traffic area shall not be subject to this section.
Conditions. All auxiliary structures are permitted in areas zoned Residential R-1 and R-2,[1] subject to the following conditions:
Auxiliary structures shall meet all requirements of §§ 105-3 and 105-4 of Chapter 105, Fences.
On municipal roads, all auxiliary structures shall be located a minimum of 25 feet from the road right-of-way center line.
On county roads, where the limits of the rights-of-way exceed 25 feet from the center line, auxiliary structures shall be located on the applicant's property, behind the established right-of-way, but not less than 25 feet from the center line of the road.
Pillars and columns shall not exceed horizontal dimensions of 36 inches by 36 inches and shall not exceed six feet in height measured from the mean grade level at the base of said pillars or columns. Light fixtures shall not exceed 18 inches above the top of the pillar or column.
A wall may be attached to a column or pillar, but must not exceed 10 feet in length. Two such walls having a total length of 20 feet are permitted at each driveway entrance, with a maximum of two driveway entrances per building lot.
[Amended 9-18-2006 by Ord. No. 06-799-C]
Any wall attached to a column or pillar must comply with the requirements of § 105-4 of Chapter 105, Fences, but may rise to the column or pillar height, provided that the slope of the rise is no greater than 1:1 (45°).
Editor's Note: See Ch. 210, Zoning, Arts. I and II.
Proposed installation of auxiliary structures and connecting walls on nonresidential properties must be shown on site plans and submitted to the Planning Board for review and approval.
Upon notification by the Borough Engineer of any encroachment, obstruction and/or encumbrance upon the right-of-way, the property owner so notified will have 30 days to remove the offending encroachment, obstruction and/or encumbrance. Any property owner who fails to obey the order of the Borough Engineer to remove the offending structure shall be subject to a fine of $100 per day until the offending structure is removed. Upon failure of the offending property owner to remove the offending structure, the Borough may remove said structure and thereafter place a lien upon the property to cover all costs associated with the removal of the offending structure.