[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the Township of Conewago 8-12-1981 by Ord. No. 1981-G. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The following words, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section except where the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning:
Any natural person, partnership, association, firm or corporation.
That person or persons who has the use of real estate of a lessor and is responsible for the giving of any type of consideration therefor, but excluding those who are lessees for a period of less than 30 days.
Any person who grants a lease or otherwise permits the use of his real estate or portion thereof for a consideration, monetary or otherwise.
Conewago Township, Adams County, Pennsylvania.
All lessors, within 90 days after the effective date of this chapter, or, in case of real estate thereafter acquired or thereafter rented or becoming available for rental, within 30 days after the acquisition, rental or availability for rental thereof, as the case may be, shall report to the Conewago Township Secretary or Clerk, in writing, addressed to such individual at the Township office, the number of parcels or units of real estate presently or hereafter rented or available for rental, a description (by address, unit or apartment number and/or some other meaningful method) of the parcels or units and the names of its lessees at the time of such report, together with a designation as to which unit or parcel is occupied by each.
Any change in the occupancy of real estate rented or leased or in the identity of the lessee from that shown in the report of the lessor as required in § 112-2 hereof shall be reported, in writing, by the lessor to the Township Clerk or Secretary within 10 days after such change. It is intended hereby that lessors shall report a new lessee or a lessee who rents or leases a different unit or parcel of the lessor's real estate and when a unit or parcel of their real estate becomes vacant.
The Township Supervisors may prepare a form report entitled "Status of Occupancy Report," which form report may require that information set forth above and such other pertinent information that the Township, by resolution, may direct the Township Secretary or Clerk to incorporate into said report form. The failure to have such report forms, however, shall not excuse the obligation of lessors to provide the information required herein.
[Amended 12-20-1999 by Ord. No. 1999-Q]
Any person who violates or permits a violation of this chapter or who furnishes false information to the Township or who uses a false name or address in any report required by this chapter shall, upon being found liable therefor in a civil enforcement proceeding commenced by the Township before a Magisterial District Judge, pay a fine of not more than $600, plus all court costs, including reasonable attorneys' fees, incurred by the Township in the enforcement of this chapter. Each rental unit occupied by a lessee, as defined herein, not reported shall be considered a distinct and separate offense for all purposes hereunder. Each day a violation exists shall constitute a separate offense. Further, the appropriate officers or agents of the Township are hereby authorized to enforce compliance by filing an action in equity in lieu of a civil action filed before a Magisterial District Judge.