At all locations in the Borough where official traffic-control signals are installed, pedestrians, except where directed otherwise by pedestrian-control signals installed under § 415-76 of this chapter, shall obey the directions of those traffic-control signals, as follows:
When facing a green signal, a pedestrian may proceed across the roadway within a crosswalk;
When facing a steady yellow signal, a pedestrian shall not start to cross the roadway;
When facing a steady red signal, a pedestrian shall not enter the roadway.
It shall be unlawful for any pedestrian:
To cross any roadway in a business district within the Borough except in a crosswalk;
To cross the roadway, in any of the following portions of streets in the Borough, except in a crosswalk:
Intersection of Main Street and Second Street
Provided that nothing in this section shall permit any pedestrian to cross in a crosswalk at any location where that crossing is prohibited by § 415-76 of this chapter.
Any pedestrian who violates any provision of this chapter shall be guilty of a summary offense, and, upon conviction, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of $5 and costs.