[Adopted 10-25-1982 by L.L. No. 4-1982]
The purpose of this article shall be to prevent contamination or pollution within the Village water supply system by the prevention and correction of any cross-connection to other water supply systems within the Village.
It shall be unlawful for the owner of property or the user of Village water, or both, to introduce or permit the introduction into the Village water supply system of pollution or contamination of any kind. Whenever cross-connection of other water supply into the Village system is found or whenever any other condition is found which presents the possibility of contamination or pollution, the water supply to such premises and/or other premises from which cross-connection is made shall be discontinued immediately until the cross-connection is eliminated or the condition remedied. The operator of the Water Department may permit or require a backflow preventer of a pattern and design which the New York State Department of Health approves as reasonably adequate to prevent contamination if the operator determines that a complete physical separation from the Village water system is not practicable or necessary or that adequate inspection for cross-connection cannot readily be made or that such backflow preventer is necessary because of existing or possible backflow resulting from a special condition, use or equipment.
Any corrective measure, disconnection or change on private property shall be at the sole expense of the person in control of such property. Any changes required in the Village system outside the property or between the meter and the supply line or distribution system and any charges for cutoff or disconnection shall be added to the charges for water against the premises necessitating such expenditure.
All physical connections which may constitute potential cross-connection are prohibited unless constructed, maintained and operated in accordance with the provisions of the New York State Sanitary Code, Chapter I, Part 5, Section 5-1.31.
[Added 10-3-1994 by L.L. No. 1-1994]
Any person or persons, firm or corporation that violates any provisions of this article shall be punishable by a fine of not more than $250, imprisonment not to exceed 15 days, or both. Every day during or on which a violation occurs or continues shall constitute a separate offense.