The subdivision plat shall be drawn at a scale of 100 feet to one inch or larger (preferred scale of 40 feet to one inch). The subdivision plat shall show the following:
Topographic data shall be at two-foot contours, unless otherwise specified by the Planning Board.
[Amended 4-11-1990]
Tract boundary lines with bearings and distances, tract area, right-of-way lines of streets, easements and other rights-of-way and property lines of residential lots and other sites, with accurate dimensions, bearings or deflection angles, radii and central angles of all curves.
The name and right-of-way width of each street or other right-of-way.
All public and private utilities existing and proposed on and adjacent to the tract; the location, size and invert elevation of sanitary and storm sewers; the location and size of water mains; and the location of gas lines, fire hydrants, electric and telephone poles, including individual water supply and sewage disposal.
The location, dimensions and purpose of any easements.
A number to identify each lot and a letter to identify each block.
The purpose for which sites, other than residential lots, are dedicated or reserved.
The minimum setback line on all lots and other sites (50 feet minimum from the street right-of-way).
[Amended 3-12-1986; 4-11-1990]
The location and description of monuments.
The names of owners of record of adjoining unplatted land.
Reference to recorded subdivision plats of adjoining platted land by record name, date and number.
Certification by a surveyor or engineer as to the accuracy of the survey and plat.
A certification of title showing that the applicant is the landowner.
A statement by owner as to dedicating streets, rights-of-way and any sites for public uses.
Site data, including the number of residential lots, typical lot size, linear feet of streets, acres in parks, etc.
The title, scale, North arrow, date of the drawing and space for an approval stamp.
Street cross sections and profiles showing approved grades.
The size of each sheet shall be 11 inches by 22 inches or 22 inches by 34 inches.
In the case of a minor subdivision, any of the foregoing plat data may be waived, if deemed unnecessary for subdivision approval.
[Added 4-11-1990]
The following shall also be submitted to the Planning Board:
Offers of cession for dedicating streets, easements, rights-of-way, improvements and any sites for parks or other public areas not specifically reserved as shown on the final plat and agreements covering the improvements and maintenance of unceded public open spaces and the conditions and limitations, if any, which offers and agreements, if any, shall be subject to the prior approval of the Town Attorney.
Protective covenants in a form for recording.
Other data. Such other certificates, affidavits or other agreements as may be required by the Board in the enforcement of these regulations.
The Planning Board shall secure a written statement, from the Planning Board Review Engineer and the Town Highway Superintendent certifying that the required improvements have been completed. All offers of cession and agreements regarding improvements and maintenance of public open spaces, if any, shall be approved by the Town Attorney as legally sufficient and correct.
[Amended 4-11-1990]
[Added 3-12-1986]
In the case of a minor subdivision, in the discretion of the Board, any of the foregoing plat data may be waived if deemed unnecessary to complete review of the subdivision.