[Added 4-16-1990 by L.L. No. 2-1990]
Permit required. No person who is in the business of collecting, transporting and/or disposing of solid waste shall remove any solid waste from the premises of any person unless he shall have obtained a permit from the Village Clerk as well as a permit, if required, pursuant to the provisions of the Public Health Ordinance of the Nassau County Department of Health. Every permittee shall have agreed to conform to any rules and regulations established by the Superintendent of Public Works and to provide additional information pertaining to the collection, transportation and/or disposal of solid waste within the Village as the Superintendent of Public Works or the Village Clerk may reasonably require.
Permit procedure. Every applicant shall file a written verified application with the Village Clerk on forms provided for that purpose verifying the following information.
Application form. The application form shall provide:
The name and address of the applicant, specifying, in the case of any unincorporated association, the names and addresses of each member thereof and, in the case of any corporation, the names and addresses of each officer and director thereof.
If the applicant conducts business under a trade name or if the applicant is a partnership, the application for a permit must be accompanied by a copy of the trade name or partnership certificate duly certified by the Clerk of the county in whose office the certificate is filed.
The age and citizenship of the applicant and each member thereof if an unincorporated association and each director and officer thereof if a corporation.
The experience of the applicant and each member thereof if an unincorporated association and each director and officer thereof if a corporation, in the business of collection, transportation and/or disposal of solid waste material.
The number of collection vehicles to be operated by the applicant and a description of each such vehicle, including the ownership of the vehicle, the make, year, model of chassis and body type, the cubic capacity, or tare weight, the color of the vehicle and the current New York State registration number.
The approximate volume and tonnage each vehicle will handle per day.
The location of any and all terminals proposed to be used by the applicant for the storage of permitted vehicles.
The applicant's proposed daily route for each area to be serviced in the Village. Such route description is to include a description of the street boundaries for each area to be serviced. Within 30 days of occurrence, any changes in the daily route shall be reported, in writing, to the Village Clerk.
The name, address and telephone number, both day and night, of the applicant or the person in charge of the business.
The hours and days each vehicle will operate within the Village. No vehicle may operate as described in this chapter before 7:30 a.m. at any stop adjacent to or within a residential zone. No vehicle may operate as described in this chapter at any stop before 6:30 a.m. In no event shall any vehicle operate after 7:00 p.m.
A statement as to whether the applicant or a member thereof if an unincorporated association or, if a corporation, any director, officer or stockholder thereof has a record of a prior conviction or convictions for a crime other than a traffic offense and, if so, an explanation of the nature of such conviction or convictions.
A complete list of the names and addresses of all employees of the applicant as of the date of application.
Any other relevant information the Village Clerk may require.
Additional requisites for obtaining and holding a permit.
Change of ownership. In the event of any change of ownership of a corporate permittee, the permittee of record must notify the Village Clerk, in writing, of such change within three days after such change occurs.
Insurance. Before a permit may be issued by the Village Clerk, each applicant shall file with the Village Clerk proof of the following insurance coverage consisting of a certificate of the insurance carrier, naming the Village as a coinsured:
Workers' compensation insurance.
Public liability insurance with minimum limits of $1,000,000 for each person injured and $1,000,000 for each accident.
Property damage insurance in the sum of $500,000 for all accidents, subject to a limit of $250,000 for any one accident.
Duty to keep records. Every permittee shall keep complete and accurate books of account with respect to the operation of his business in which shall be entered and shall show, among other things, all income derived or received from each of his customers and/or other sources, together with details of all expense and disbursements made or incurred in the operation of his business. Such books of account shall be kept current on a monthly or quarterly basis and brought up-to-date not later than 30 days after the expiration of such period. All such records shall be retained by the permittee for at least three years.
Right of inspection. The Village shall have the right to inspect books of account and records maintained by the permittee.
Duty to provide additional information. In addition to any provision hereinabove set forth, every person holding a waste removal permit on or after the effective date of this section is subject to any and all laws, ordinances, rules and regulations which govern the operations of the permittee, including but not limited to providing such additional information pertaining to solid waste collection, transportation, recycling and disposal practices and operation from time to time as the Village Clerk may reasonably require. A written verified statement verifying such information shall be filed with the Village Clerk within 30 days after a notice requesting such information has been mailed to the permittee at his last known address.
Permits required by this article shall be issued by the Village Clerk following the review and approval of permit applications and upon payment by the applicant thereof of a fee in accordance with the fee schedule set forth below in Subsections A and B, or as may be subsequently amended by duly enacted resolution of the Board of Trustees. No permit shall be issued unless reflective devices are prominently displayed on all equipment and such devices meet the regulations and requirements established by the Village Clerk. With each permit issued, the Village Clerk shall issue a set of decals or tags or other form of identification approved by the Village Clerk, which shall be permanently fastened and displayed at all times in a conspicuous manner on the right and left doors of each truck, wagon or conveyance. The fee for a permit shall be $500 for each truck, wagon or conveyance used by the applicant in the removal, transportation or disposal of solid waste within the Village.
[Amended 11-19-2001 by L.L. No. 3-2001; 5-20-2013 by Res. No. 094/13]
Upon the filing of an affidavit and such other proof as may be required by the Village Clerk, a substitute permit and decal or tags or replacement of a lost permit and decals or tags may be issued upon the payment of a fee of $100, and a replacement permit card not requiring the issuance of decals or tags may be issued upon the payment of a fee of $50.
Each permit issued pursuant to this article shall be issued as of the date of the granting thereof and shall expire on the first day of February next succeeding such date, unless sooner suspended or revoked. The Superintendent of Public Works may extend the compliance date where he believes circumstances so warrant for a period not to exceed two weeks.
No person shall remove any solid waste of any kind from the premises of any person, except in trucks having watertight bodies. Solid waste placed for collection shall be in watertight containers or in a type of construction as is from time to time described and defined by the Superintendent of Public Works.
Each vehicle shall be maintained, operated and used at all times only in full compliance with all applicable provisions of law, federal and state, as well as local, and with all applicable rules and regulations and orders of all authorities, federal, state, county and Village, having jurisdiction in the premises.
It shall be deemed an offense for any property owner or legal occupant thereof to contract for or allow private solid waste collection except by a person licensed to do the same under this chapter.
The Village Board reserves the right to suspend or revoke any permit issued pursuant to this article. The permit issued may be suspended by the Village Board for a violation of any part of the provisions of this article after service of a notice, in writing, by registered or certified mail, upon the holder of the permit, requiring the permittee, his agents, servants or employees to appear before the Village Board and show cause why the permit should not be revoked.
In addition to subjecting a permit issued pursuant to this article to suspension or revocation, a violation of this article shall be deemed an offense subject to the penalties of § 38-29 above.
The Board of Trustees may amend the penalties imposed in this chapter by duly enacted resolution.
[Added 11-19-2001 by L.L. No. 3-2001]
In any section, paragraph, subdivision or provision of this article shall be adjudged invalid or held unconstitutional, the same shall not affect the validity of this article as a whole, or any part or provision thereof, other than the part so decided to be invalid or unconstitutional.