This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the "Lower Makefield Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance."
The purpose of this chapter is to assure the orderly development of Lower Makefield Township in the following manner:
To promote thereby the health, safety and general welfare of the residents of the Township.
To provide for the coordination of existing streets and public utilities with new facilities.
To provide for efficient and orderly extension of community services and facilities.
To ensure conformance of land utilization with the Comprehensive Master Plan and the Zoning Ordinance of Lower Makefield Township.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 200, Zoning.
To assist orderly, efficient and integrated development of land.
To ensure equitable handling of all subdivision plans by providing uniform procedures and standards for observance, both by subdividers and the Township.
To ensure the proper provision of open lands for recreation and the proper location of sites for community facilities.
To ensure that proper provision shall be made for stormwater management, water, sewerage and other needed improvements.
To ensure that land to be subdivided shall be of such character that it can be used for building purposes without danger to health or peril from fire, flood or other menace.
To preserve and protect environmentally sensitive areas, important natural features, wildlife habitat, agricultural areas and areas or buildings of historic significance.
To recognize stormwater as an important natural resource and maximize its infiltration into our aquifers, streams and rivers to the extent feasible to enhance the quality of our water supply and to protect our natural resources.
[Added 12-20-2006 by Ord. No. 363]
To provide guidelines for LID site design in order to:
[Added 12-20-2006 by Ord. No. 363]
Retain open space or natural resource protection areas, preferably in contiguous blocks or linear corridors where feasible, for the protection of the best stormwater management features identified in the site analysis process. The open space layout should be situated in a location that will have the most success at providing a buffer next to impervious surfaces.
Orient residential lots to minimize site disturbance, maximize the benefits of minimal earth disturbance, facilitate sheet flow into natural resource protection areas and bioretention/rain garden facilities, and promote community aesthetics, livability and privacy.
Eliminate stream crossings with roads and conveyance systems, whenever possible. Minimize impervious surfaces by reducing building footprints and setbacks, road length and width, parking areas, and driveways.
Minimize the connectivity of impervious surface by directing stormwater from impervious areas into swales or as low-velocity sheet flow to adjacent undisturbed open space areas or bioretention areas.
Integrate small, dispersed bioretention areas to capture, store, and infiltrate stormwater on-site.
Maintain predevelopment flow path lengths in natural drainage patterns, whenever possible.
Lay out roads and lots to follow topographic contours to minimize soil and vegetation disturbance.
Utilize pervious paving surfaces such as porous pavement and pavers for roads, driveways, parking lots or other types of drivable or walkable surfaces, where feasible.
Direct rooftop runoff to infiltration areas or to cisterns for nonpotable reuse or utilize vegetated roof systems to evaporate and transpire stormwater.
The integration of these purposes will be of mutual advantage to the developer and the Township in providing the necessary services at minimum cost and maximum convenience, thereby creating conditions favorable to the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of the Township.