All residential subdivisions or land development
plans regulated under this section shall provide for suitable and
adequate recreation land and/or fee as set forth in this chapter in
order to:
A. Ensure adequate recreational areas and facilities
to serve the future residents of the Township.
B. Maintain compliance with recreational standards as
recommended by the Lower Makefield Park and Recreation Board and as
approved by the Lower Makefield Township Board of Supervisors.
C. Minimize overuse of and excessive demand for existing
recreational areas and facilities by future residents.
D. Allow for orderly acquisition and development of recreation
areas and open lands needed to serve new residents.
E. Recognize and work to carry out the officially adopted
Lower Makefield Township Park and Pool Facilities Plan, the Park,
Recreation and Open Space Master Plan, Volume 2, the Park and Recreation
Plan of Action of 1996 and the Master Plan for the development of
Macclesfield Park, as may be amended or updated, all prepared under
the supervision of the Township Park and Recreation Board, approved
by the Board of Supervisors.
F. Ensure that dedicated recreation land is suitable
for the intended use.
Where, upon agreement with the applicant or developer, it is determined that the dedication of all or any portion of the land area required for recreation purposes is not feasible under the criteria set forth in §
178-90, the Township shall require the applicant or developer to pay a fee in lieu of dedication of any such land to the Township as follows:
A. The initial fee, established in May 1991 by Ordinance
No. 261, was established at $2,500 per dwelling unit, which fee is
updated annually based on the Philadelphia Consumer Price Index.
B. The initial fee, as established by Ordinance No. 261
in May 1991 and updated annually, is based upon the following: $1,300
per proposed dwelling unit to compensate the Township towards core
recreation land for land acquisition and basic site improvements needed
to make the land suitable for recreation, plus $1,200 per proposed
dwelling unit to compensate the Township toward the passive regional
recreational land acquisition and basic site improvements to make
the land generally suitable for passive recreation.
C. Limitations on use of fees.
(1) Any recreation fees collected under this section shall
be placed within an interest-bearing recreation fee account which
shall function as a capital reserve fund and shall be accounted for
separately from other Township funds.
(2) To ensure that the lands and facilities are accessible
to the residents of the developments that paid fees towards their
cost, the Recreation Fee District Map contained in the Lower Makefield
Park, Recreation and Open Space Plan designates three overlapping
Recreation Fee Districts. These are the Northern Recreation Fee District,
the Central Recreational Fee District and the Southern Recreation
Fee District. Any such fees collected under this section shall only
be expended within the same recreation fee district as the subdivision
or land development that contributed the fees.
D. Fees required under this section shall be paid prior
to the recording of the applicable final plan or as determined by
the Supervisors.
E. If such fees are paid in installments or prior to
the issuance of each building permit, then for the purposes of determining
limits for the time within such funds are required to be expended
under state law, such time limit shall begin when the total fees related
to the final approval are paid in full and not from the date of payment
of any portion of such fees. Upon request, the Township shall refund
such fee, plus interest accumulated thereon from the date of payment
as aforesaid, if the Township has failed to utilize the fee paid for
the purposes set forth in this section within three years.