[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Lynbrook 3-15-2004 by L.L. No. 1-2004. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Zoning — See Ch. 252.
The Village Board has found that recent private growth and development in the Village has resulted, in certain specific instances, in an unbalanced and excessive demand upon Village services and/or facilities beyond the reasonable, customary and planned levels of services or facility use ordinarily provided by the Village. The extraordinary demands of such specific individuals, firms, or categories of individuals or firms, has resulted or will result in an unbalanced allocation of Village funds, to accommodate these extraordinary demands. The Board finds, nonetheless, that the Village should afford its services and facilities to all individuals, firms, or categories of individuals or firms, when called upon even if such demands are excessive or unbalanced. Accordingly, the Board has found that, to effect an equitable balancing of the costs of providing for the needs or such individuals, firms, or categories of individuals or firms, as compared to the general entitlements of the average Village resident or firm, there should be a fair assessment of a special fee, which shall be characterized as an "Impact fee," where appropriate.
Where it appears that an individual, firm, or category of individuals or firms, is demanding or proposes to demand Village services or use of Village facilities to an extent that such demand is in excess of the average demand of individuals, firms, or category of individuals or firms, within the Village, the Village Board will make a factual determination as to whether such individual, firm, or category of individuals or firms, causes or will cause an excessive and unbalanced economic impact when compared to average demands.
Where the Board's initial finding is that such demands of an individual, firm, or category of individuals or firms, is excessively unbalanced when compared to the average demands, the Board will conduct a public hearing upon at least five days' published public notice for the purpose of taking evidence as to the extent of the demands upon Village services or Village facilities of a specific individual, firm, or category of individuals or firms, above the average demand.
Upon a finding by the Board after a public hearing that a specific individual, firm, or category of individuals or firms, is demanding or will demand Village services or facilities to an excessive and unbalanced extent, the Board will determine an equitable special fee or fee structure, where required, to offset the excessive economic impact of the demands of such individual, firm, or category of individuals or firms.
Having determined that an impact fee, or an impact fee structure, is required, the Board, by resolution, shall set forth monetary amount of such fee or fee structure and shall provide direction to the appropriate Village department, commission, or board for the calculation and collection of such impact fee or fees.
Editor's Note: The Board of Trustees of the Village on 11-20-2006 adopted a resolution to establish a parking fund for the assessment of impact fees required when variances are granted to the Code's minimum parking space requirements. A copy of said resolution is on file in the Village's offices.