[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of North Arlington 6-13-1995 by Ord. No. 1642. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The Mayor and Borough Council, through the Board of Fire Officers, shall have primary responsibility for setting the general policies of the Fire Department. This shall include encouraging general fire protection activities, provision of necessary funds to operate the Fire Department, and establishment of the scope and level of service provided by the Fire Department.
The established rules and regulations of the Department shall serve to govern the overall operations of the North Arlington Fire Department.
The Fire Department of the Borough of North Arlington shall consist of three volunteer companies and an authorized strength of 85 members. Company strength shall be:
Engine Company No. 1: 25 members.
One Chief.
One Captain.
Two Lieutenants.
Twenty-one firefighters.
Engine Company No. 2: 25 members.
One Chief.
One Captain.
Two Lieutenants.
Twenty-one firefighters.
Truck Company No. 3: 35 members.
One Chief.
One Captain.
Three Lieutenants.
[Amended 4-8-2010 by Ord. No. 2043]
Thirty firefighters.
[Amended 4-8-2010 by Ord. No. 2043]
[Amended 6-27-1997 by Ord. No. 1706]
An applicant for membership in the North Arlington Fire Department shall meet the following requirements:
Be a citizen of the United States of America.
An applicant for membership may reside in North Arlington or any of the following contiguous communities:
[Amended 10-14-2010 by Ord. No. 2060; 12-14-2023 by Ord. No. 2396]
Lyndhurst, Bergen County, New Jersey.
Kearny, Hudson County, New Jersey, but only those who reside within the geographic area between Belleville Turnpike to Quincy Avenue and Passaic Avenue to East of Schuyler Avenue.
In the event that a waiting list for applicants exists, preference will be given to residents of the Borough of North Arlington;
Shall have reached the age of 18.
[Amended 6-21-2012 by Ord. No. 2099]
Shall possess a valid New Jersey driver's license.
Shall consent to a criminal record check conducted by the North Arlington Police Department.
Shall satisfactorily complete the following examinations:
[Amended 6-21-2012 by Ord. No. 2099]
Newly appointed members shall be required to serve a one-year probationary period.
The following restrictions will apply to members 18 years of age and still in secondary school:
[Added 6-21-2012 by Ord. No. 2099]
Applicant will be required to obtain written permission of parent(s) or guardian.
Any student currently attending secondary school shall not be permitted to attend fires or Department functions during school hours and between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. Sunday through Thursday.
Applicant shall not be appointed any sooner than 90 days prior to posted graduation date.
Special duty firefighters.
An applicant for membership as a special duty firefighter in the North Arlington Fire Department shall meet the following requirements:
Completed seven or more years of active service.
Gainfully employed during the daytime hours in the Borough of North Arlington.
Submit a request in writing to the members of the respective company and receive approval from the company, Board of Fire Officers and the Mayor and Council.
Rights, duties, privileges and restrictions of special duty firefighter.
Special duty firefighters will have the rights, duties and privileges of active members of the Fire Department, except eligibility for election to the position of Chief, Assistant Chief, Captain, Lieutenant or Second Lieutenant.
There will be no more then three special duty firefighters on each company's roster.[1]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection C, Relocation of firefighters, added 10-14-2010 by Ord. No. 2060, which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed 12-14-2023 by Ord. No. 2396.
All applications for membership to any company shall be duly approved by the said company and submitted to the Board of Fire Officers and, upon receiving the Board's approval, shall be submitted to the Mayor and Council for confirmation.
All applications for transfers from one company to another shall follow the following procedure:
The respective company captains must sign the request on the approval of each company.
The request for transfer shall be presented, in writing, to the Board of Fire Officers.
The Fire Board must give final approval to all intercompany transfers.
The terms of all officers shall be for one year, commencing January 1.
Company elections shall be held during October of each year.
All members of the Department shall hold a meeting to be presided over by the Chair of the Fire Committee of the Borough Council at 7:30 p.m. on the first Saturday of December of each year. The purpose of the meeting shall be the election of Chief, Assistant Chief, and Deputy Chief of the Department. The office of the three Chiefs shall rotate among the companies, and each of them shall be of a different company. No member shall be eligible for election to the office of Chief, Assistant Chief, or Deputy Chief, unless he/she has been a member of the Department for five years and has served in the position of Captain or Lieutenant for at least one year prior to the commencement of his/her term of office.
Each company shall have the right to nominate their own member for the office of Chief, Assistant Chief and Deputy Chief, to which said company shall be entitled.
The Department, at its annual meeting, shall also elect, from among the members of the Board, a Secretary-Treasurer to the Board.
The Department, at its annual meeting, shall also elect, from among the members of the Department, a Department Chaplain.
Each company shall elect from among its members the following Department officers in accord with their respective bylaws:
Company Chief.
Second Lieutenant.
Third Lieutenant (Company No. 3 only).
[Added 4-8-2010 by Ord. No. 2044]
Each company shall elect from among its members the following company officers in accord with their respective bylaws:
Vice President.
The Chief, Assistant Chief, Deputy Chief, Ex-Chiefs, Captains, and Lieutenants of each company who are active members of the North Arlington Fire Department shall constitute the Board of Fire Officers. The Board shall administer the affairs of the Department when it is not on active duty, subject to the approval of the Mayor and Borough Council; enforce the bylaws of the Board and latest Borough ordinances; promulgate and enforce the Department rules and regulations; and shall keep permanent records of all its affairs, including but not limited to:
The Board shall meet monthly, or more frequently if necessary, to transact the business of the Department.
When the Department is not on active duty, it shall be under the general supervision of the Chief of the Department; provided, however, that such supervision shall be subject to and not in conflict with the latest Borough ordinances, bylaws of the Board of Fire Officers, or the Department rules and regulations.
When the Department is attending a fire or other emergency, it shall be under the absolute control of the Chief of the Department and, in his/her absence, the Assistant Chief and, in his/her absence, the Deputy Chief.
In the event that no Chief officer is present, the order of rank shall descend as established by the Department rules and regulations.
The Chief, Assistant Chief, Deputy Chief, or officer in command shall have general police power at all fires in any area of the Borough actually under the supervision and control of the Fire Department.
Upon a general alarm of fire or other emergency, it shall be the duty of each member to report immediately to their respective station and convey their apparatus to the incident, and perform any duty that may be required. They shall remain on duty until relieved by order of the incident commander or a company officer.
On other than a general alarm, it shall be the duty of each member to respond as designated in the message or in accord with established procedures.
The Chief of the Department is responsible for the general direction, control, and supervision of the Department as authorized and provided for by statute, ordinance, and the Department rules and regulations. He/she shall administer the daily activities of the Fire Department. This shall include the development of policies and procedures to implement programs in training, firefighter safety and health, and other necessary programs to perform the functions of the Fire Department in accordance with applicable laws, regulations and nationally recognized standards. The Chief shall report directly to the Mayor and Borough Council or administrative official designated by the Council.
The duties and responsibilities of the fire officers shall be as established in the rules and regulations of the Department.
Operation of all Department vehicles shall be as established in the rules and regulations of the Department.
There shall be an annual inspection of the entire Department membership, apparatus and equipment. The inspection shall be held at such time and place as the Board of Fire Officers shall determine. The inspection shall be conducted by the Mayor and Borough Council, and the chief officers of the Department. All members of the Department shall attend the inspection in the prescribed uniform.
Equipment purchases and/or repairs shall be authorized by the Department Chief in accord with Borough procedures.
Company Captains shall be responsible for the operation, maintenance and care of all Department apparatus and equipment assigned to his/her respective company. Company Captains shall report any potential or immediate problems to the Department Chief, who shall take appropriate action.
Department members, regardless of rank, shall be subject to disciplinary action, according to the nature or aggravation of the offense, for violating their oath and trust by committing an offense punishable under the laws or statutes of the United States, the State of New Jersey, municipal ordinances, Department regulations, or company bylaws, either willfully or through negligence or incompetence, to perform the duties of their assignment; or for failure to obey any lawful instruction, order, or command of an officer. Disciplinary action in all cases will be decided on the merits of each case. Disciplinary action shall be in accord with procedures established by the Board of Fire Officers and enumerated in the Department rules and regulations.
Each member of the Department shall be entitled to receive an annual clothing allowance in the following amounts:
[Amended 11-8-2007 by Ord. No. 1989]
Fire fighter
+ $700
+ $300
+ $350
Deputy Chief
+ $450
Assistant Chief
+ $525
+ $700
+ $175
Fire Board Secretary
+ $175
Fire Inspector
+ $100
Fire Investigator
+ $100
Haz-Mat member
+ $150
Haz-Mat Officer
+ $225
Relief Secretary
+ $100
Relief Treasurer
+ $100
Safety Officer
+ $125
Training Officer
+ $225
Training Coordinators
+ $150
Note: (+) indicates amount added to firefighter allowance.
Any member who achieves an annual credit percentage of 40% shall be entitled to receive the full clothing allowance for his/her rank.
Any member who fails to achieve an annual credit percentage of 40% shall receive a prorated percentage of the clothing allowance for his/her rank based upon the number of calls made.
In the event that a member dies during the fire year, the member's beneficiary shall be entitled to receive the member's full clothing allowance for that year.
In the event that a volunteer firefighter dies as a result of injuries sustained in the course of his/her duties, the surviving spouse of said volunteer firefighter, or the minor child or children of such firefighter, if he/she leaves no surviving spouse, or such minor child or children after the death of said surviving spouse shall receive an annual pension in the maximum amount allowable by law at the time of his/her death.
[Amended 4-10-2014 by Ord. No. 2127]
Any member, having completed 25 or more years of active service in the Department, with 10 of those years having qualified for a North Arlington Length of Service Award Program deposit, may request approval to be placed in the category of inactive member of the Department.
Said request shall be submitted in writing to the members respective company. Upon approval of the request, the company shall forward the request to the Board of Fire Officers. Upon approval of the Board, the request shall be presented to the Mayor and Council for final approval.
Inactive members shall have the rights, duties, and privileges of active members, except that they are not required to perform active firefighting duties. They shall not be eligible to vote on Department matters, or hold office as a Department line officer.
Inactive members shall be entitled to receive the annual firefighter clothing allowance.
Inactive members shall have the rights, duties, and privileges of active members, except that they shall not perform active firefighting duties nor be eligible to vote on Department matters or hold office in the Department.
Inactive members shall be entitled to receive the annual firefighter clothing allowance.
Injured inactive status shall be granted to any member who sustains an injury in the line of duty that prohibits the member from continuing as a firefighter.
[Added 4-8-2010 by Ord. No. 2045]
A request for "injured inactive" status will be:
Submitted in writing by the member and/or Company Captain;
Reviewed for merit by the Chief of the Department and the Borough Administrator; and
Supported by documentation, including:
NFIRS fire report, including injury module;
NAFD workers compensation documentation with date of injury; and
Additional information deemed suitable by Chief of Department and Borough Administrator.
The determination of request shall be in writing and decided within 60 days of request.