No impure ice or ice cut within or outside of the Borough of North Arlington from a polluted pond, lake or stream, and no ice manufactured from impure water, shall be used or sold within said Borough. No such ice shall be brought into the Borough for the purpose of use or sale; provided, however, that such ice may be used for cold storage purposes only, when permitted by this Board; said permit shall be issued in the same manner as the permit for like purpose.
No wholesale dealer of ice shall sell ice to any person or persons, partnership or corporation without having thoroughly cleansed and washed said ice so as to remove therefrom all hurtful or noxious substances.
All dealers in ice, to assure a pure and healthful condition of same, shall, before placing the said ice in any wagon, cart or vehicle, thoroughly wash and cleanse the same.
No person or persons, partnership or corporation shall transport, sell or distribute ice in the Borough of North Arlington without first having obtained a permit from the Board of Health for each wagon, cart or vehicle used in such transportation, sale or distribution of ice.
[Amended 11-30-1934; 2-9-2006 by Ord. No. 1953]
Before such permit is granted, the applicant shall pay to said Board of Health a fee of $5 for each cart, wagon, vehicle, station, depot or manufacturing plant used in the transportation, sale, distribution or manufacture of ice.
[Added 11-30-1934]
Permits shall extend from the first day of July to the last day of June the following year and shall be issued in the name of the owner of the cart, wagon, vehicle, station, depot or manufacturing plant used in the transportation, sale, distribution or manufacture of ice. Such permits shall not be sold, assigned or transferred and may be revoked if the ordinances of the Borough of North Arlington and the laws of this state are not strictly complied with.
All wagons, carts or vehicles used in the transportation of ice shall not, while actually engaged in the same, be used for any other purpose whatsoever.[1]
Editor's Note: Original Sections 15 to 20, inclusive, regulating the treatment of communicable diseases of humans and animals, air pollution, the keeping of domestic animals and the storage of garbage, were repealed 2-9-2006 by Ord. No. 1953.