[Adopted 12-12-18 by Ord. No. 116]
All fire apparatus and equipment, such as fire engines, fire trucks, ladders, axes, ropes, extinguishers, hose and waterproof clothing or other permanent equipment, heretofore acquired or hereafter to be acquired, for the use of the Fire Department, shall be operated, housed and kept in repair by said Fire Department as hereinafter provided.
[Amended 11-14-1974 by Ord. No. 315]
On or before the first day of January of each year, the Fire Department, through its Chief, shall submit a report in writing to the Borough Council, showing an inventory of all such permanent apparatus and equipment and all consumable supplies in its care, owned by the borough, with a statement in detail of the estimated cost of necessary repairs, housing rentals and consumable supplies needed for such permanent apparatus and equipment for the following year, together with a statement in detail of the actual costs of the same for the current year, and also a separate list of necessary new apparatus and equipment in order that the Borough Council may consider the same in making the appropriations for said year.
[Amended 11-14-1974 by Ord. No. 315]
All bills incurred by said Fire Department for such operation, housing and keeping in repair of such apparatus and equipment shall be certified as correct by said Fire Chief and submitted monthly to the Borough Council for payment.