[Adopted 3-20-2001 by Ord. No. 2001-08]
Any person or entity desiring to retain the services of police officers of the Township of Stafford for off-duty police-related activities shall be required to enter into a contract with the Township of Stafford. Said contract shall include but not be limited to the nature of the duties to be performed, the location of said duties, the date and hours of service, the rate of payment for services of the officers, administrative fees to the Township of Stafford and fees for the use of Township-owned equipment. Entities utilizing off-duty police officers shall be required to submit and post moneys in advance representing payment for 30 days worth of police services. Any and all services provided pursuant to this agreement shall be discontinued immediately if the entity entering into this contract does not replenish the escrow account funds provided under this article for payment for the police services immediately upon notice from the Township. The Township Administrator is hereby empowered to execute a contract for off-duty police-related activities on behalf of the Township in accordance with this article.
The Stafford Township Chief of Police or his designee shall do scheduling of any and all off-duty employment by Stafford Township police officers. The Chief of Police shall be authorized to designate other members of the Police Department as needed to assist him in the assignment of off-duty police-related activities. The Chief of Police further has the authority to determine the appropriateness of any assignment and, if the Chief of Police does not believe the assignment is appropriate for the Stafford Township Police Department, the Chief has the authority to deny the request for use of off-duty police officers.
The Chief Financial Officer of the Township shall establish an escrow account through a dedication by rider for the purpose of collecting and distributing funds from entities other than the Township which utilize the services of Stafford Township police officers during the off-duty hours. All recordkeeping with respect to the amount to be billed and collected will be the responsibility of the Chief Financial Officer and her staff.
All persons or entities shall be required to make all payments for off-duty assignments payable to the Township of Stafford to the Chief Financial Officer of the Township of Stafford. The rate of payment for officers shall be established on an annual basis by resolution in January of each year based on the charges for these services. The Township may establish different rates for police services provided to other public entities and nonprofit entities such as school districts or local churches. The rates charged by the Township shall include the hourly rate paid to the police officer based on either time and a half or double time, the officer's longevity, the Township's contribution toward FICA, and 15% overhead to cover additional costs incurred by the Township. There will be one composite rate for private entities based on time and a half and one rate for double time for private entities. There will also be a composite rate established for public and nonprofit entities based on time and a half and double time. The determination of whether time and a half or double time rates will be charged to the entity will be made based on whether the officer or officers providing the off-duty services are entitled to payment of either time and a half or double time from the Township of Stafford.
The Township Administrator shall be authorized to establish written rules and regulations governing the utilization of Stafford Township police officers during off-duty hours by entities other than the Township.
Each person or entity who shall employ off-duty police officers pursuant to this section shall be responsible for maintaining his/her or its own insurance coverage. Said insurance coverage shall include but not be limited to general liability and automobile liability and shall name the Township of Stafford as an additional insured. In addition, such policy shall provide for a minimum coverage of $1,000,000 for any one claim or $2,000,000 for any aggregate claims. Proof of said insurance coverage shall be provided to the Township of Stafford prior to the assignment of any off-duty police officers to said person or entity. The person or entity shall provide for the aforementioned for any and all officers, vehicles and/or equipment that is utilized by the off-duty assignment. The Township Council may reduce the amount of insurance for a nonprofit corporation, provided that such reduction does not adversely affect the Township's insurance coverage through the Ocean County Joint Insurance Fund.
The Chief of Police or his or her designee shall have the authority to order any police officer engaged in off-duty assignments within the Township of Stafford to respond to an emergency situation within the Township of Stafford. The Chief of Police or his or her designee shall also have the right to order any off-duty assignment to be terminated whenever said assignment creates an unacceptable risk to the health, safety and welfare of the off-duty officer and/or the citizens of the Township of Stafford. In the event that a police officer is assigned to an emergency situation, the Police Chief or his or her designee shall make notice of that emergency situation, as well as the time said officer was removed from said off-duty assignment. In any situation where an off-duty police officer is called to an emergency situation, said person or entity shall not be responsible for the payment of the officer's hourly rate, administrative fee or any other fees to the Township of Stafford until such time as said police officer and/or equipment returns to the assignment with the off-duty employer.
Any person or entity requesting the services of off-duty police officers shall execute an agreement to indemnify and hold harmless the Township of Stafford for any and all claims and damages which may arise from the off-duty police officer's employment by said person or entity.