[Added 10-18-1988 by Ord. No. 88-83]
The following information and documents must be submitted to the Planning Board Secretary for a concept plan review:
The name and address of the owner and applicant.
The name, signature, license number and address of the engineer, land surveyor, architect, professional planner and/or landscape architect, as applicable, involved in the preparation of the plat.
A title block denoting the type of application, Tax Map sheet, county, name of municipality, block and lot and street location.
A key map at a specified scale showing the location of the tract with reference to surrounding properties, streets, municipal boundaries, etc., within 500 feet.
A schedule of required and provided zone district(s) requirements, including lot area, width, depth, yard setbacks, building coverage, open space, parking, etc.
A North arrow and scale.
The general size and location of any existing or proposed structures.
The general location and dimensions of any existing or proposed streets.
An existing copy and/or delineation of any existing or proposed deed restrictions or covenants.
Any existing or proposed easements or land reserved for or dedicated to public use.
Payment of the concept review fee.
All existing streets, watercourses and floodplains and the general location of wetlands or other environmentally sensitive areas on and within 200 feet of the site.
Existing rights-of-way and/or easements on and within 200 feet of the tract.
Topographic features of the subject property from the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey map or North America Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88).
[Amended 12-20-1988 by Ord. No. 88-95; 9-17-2002 by Ord. No. 2002-80]
The general boundary, limits, nature and extent of wooded areas, specimen trees and other significant physical features.
The general vehicular and pedestrian circulation patterns.
[Amended 12-20-1988 by Ord. No. 88-95]
An aerial photograph or copy of an aerial photograph with the site boundaries clearly indicated. This photograph or print must be of a scale of one inch equals 400 feet or less, must have been taken within a five-year period of the date of submission and must clearly indicate existing vegetation, structures and surrounding land uses.
[Added 1-31-1989 by Ord. No. 89-10]
The following shall be addressed before the application can be deemed complete:
Appropriate fees from the fee schedule.
One copy of the development application checklist.
Twelve copies of the subdivision plans, including the plat detail criteria set forth in:
Section 130-91A for minor subdivisions.
Section 130-91B for preliminary approval for major subdivisions.
Section 130-91C for final approval for major subdivisions.
Twenty copies of the development application (12 copies for Zoning Board of Adjustment C variances).
One copy of the tax certification.
One copy of the notice of fees and agreement to pay the same.
One copy of the affidavit of ownership.
One copy of the disclosure of ownership (if a partnership, corporation or joint ownership).
One copy of the affidavit of noncollusion.
Twelve copies of the permit refusal from the Zoning Officer.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection A(11), twelve copies of the Tax Map resolution sheet (final only), was repealed 8-22-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-22.
Five copies of the environmental assessment, if required.
Five copies of the traffic impact study, if required.
Five copies of the drainage calculations.
Five copies of the soils report.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection A(16), Five copies of the energy conservation report, was repealed 9-17-2002 by Ord. No. 2002-80.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection A(17), Five copies of the solar access report, was repealed 9-17-2002 by Ord. No. 2002-80.
In the Pinelands Area, such other information as may be required under Chapter 211, § 211-9, of the Township Code.
[Added 8-16-1988 by Ord. No. 88-69]
A minimum of four days prior to a public hearing, the following additional items shall be submitted:
One copy of the affidavit of proof of service.
One copy of the list of property owners within a two hundred-foot radius.
One copy of certified mail receipts from the post office.
One copy of the proof of publication from the newspaper.
Minor subdivisions.
General requirements. Minor subdivision shall be based on a land survey and shall be drawn at a scale not more than 100 feet to the inch for subdivisions up to 100 acres in size and not more than 200 feet to the inch for subdivisions over 100 acres in size and shall show or be accompanied by the information specified below.
Specific requirements shall be as follows:
Title block. The title block shall appear on all streets and include:
The title of the minor subdivision.
The name, if any.
The Tax Map sheet, block and lot number(s) of the tract to be subdivided as shown on the latest Township Tax Map.
The acreage of the tract to be subdivided.
The date (original and all revisions).
The names and addresses of the owner and the subdivider, so designated.
The name(s), signature(s), address(es) and license number(s) of the land surveyor who prepared the map. (The plat should bear the embossed seal of the land surveyor.)
A schedule should be placed on the map indicating the acreage of the tract, the approximate number of lots, the zone, minimum required lot areas, setbacks, yards and dimensions.
In the Pinelands Area, the information required pursuant to Chapter 211, § 211-9, of the Township Code.
[Amended 8-16-1988 by Ord. No. 88-69]
Detailed information:
A key map, at a scale of one inch equals 2,000 feet, showing the location of the tract to be subdivided with reference to surrounding areas, existing streets which intersect or border the tract, the names of all such streets and the location of any Township boundary which is within 500 feet of the subdivision.
The names of all owners of and property lines of parcels within 200 feet of land to be subdivided, including properties across the street, as shown by the most recent records of the Township.
All existing streets, watercourses, floodplains, floodways and flood hazard areas within the proposed subdivision and within 200 feet of the boundaries thereof.
All existing structures and uses, with an indication of those which are to be destroyed or removed, as well as the shortest distance between any existing building and a proposed or existing lot line. All front, side and rear yard setback lines shall be shown conforming to the Zoning Ordinance.
The boundaries, nature and extent of wooded area and the location of any other significant physical features, including swamps, bogs and ponds, within the proposed subdivision.
Existing and proposed rights-of-way and easements within and adjoining the tract, with dimensions, existing driveways, street names and the purpose of any easement. Sight triangles shall be shown. Copies of the text of any deed restrictions shall be included.
A North arrow and written graphic scales.
It shall be one of four standard sizes, namely thirty by forty-two (30 x 42) inches, twenty-four by thirty-six (24 x 36) inches, fifteen by twenty-one (15 x 21) inches or eight and one-half by thirteen (8 1/2 x 13) inches, as measured from cutting edges. If one sheet is not of sufficient size to contain the entire territory, the map may be divided into sections, to be shown on separate sheets of equal sizes, with references on each sheet to the adjoining sheets.
It shall show the dimensions, bearings and curve data, including lengths of tangents, radii, arcs, chords and central angles, for all center-line and right-of-way-line curves on streets sufficient to enable the definite location of all lines and boundaries shown thereon, including drainage easements, public easements and areas dedicated for public use.
Tangents, chord, arc, radius and central angle at all street corners.
All dimensions, both linear and angular, of the exterior boundaries of the subdivision and all lots and all lands reserved or dedicated for public use shall balance, and either description shall close within a limit of error of not more than one part in 10,000.
Each block and each lot shall be numbered in accordance with a scheme approved by the Tax Assessor.
All municipal boundary lines crossing or adjacent to the territory intended to be subdivided shall be shown and designated.
The names of adjoining subdivisions, if any, and the file number of the recording or the names of the owners of adjacent properties.
The map shall clearly show all monumentation and property markers as required, including monuments found, monuments set and monuments to be set. An indication shall be made where monumentation found has been reset. All monuments, as required, shall be placed in compliance with the New Jersey Map Filing Law, as amended.[1]
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 46:23-9.9 et seq.
An affidavit setting forth the names and addresses of all the record title owners of the lands proposed to be subdivided by the map and the consent, in writing, of all such owners to the approval of such map shall accompany the plat or be shown thereon.
Such other information as the Board Engineer or Board may require or request during the informal discussion of the subdivision.
The map must include certification blocks for the signatures of the Chairman and Secretary of the Board, the Board Engineer and such other certifications as required by law.
In the Pinelands Area, such other information as may be required under Chapter 211, § 211-9, of the Township Code.
[Amended 8-16-1988 by Ord. No. 88-69; 10-18-1988 by Ord. No. 88-77]
The location, size and type of existing trees, shrubs and any significant natural features. The applicant shall consult with the Board Landscape Architect and Engineer who may require that the applicant locate and identify all trees of eight inches or more in diameter on all or part of the site.
[Amended 9-17-2002 by Ord. No. 2002-80]
Required documentation:
Ocean County Planning Board approval, where required.
Proof of payment of real estate taxes.
A certificate of title, which may be in letter form, signed by a member of the New Jersey Bar or by a title officer or authorized agency of a title insurance company licensed to do business in the State of New Jersey, which certificate shall confirm that the owner of the premises in question is the applicant as shown on the plat.
Such other submittals as may be required by state or local law. Unless other specific provisions are made in this chapter or by statute, all approval required of federal, state, county and local agencies or officials shall be obtained and evidence thereof filed with the Planning Board prior to the signing of a plat. The applicant shall specify whether any approval of federal, state, county and local agencies or officials which requires as a condition of such approval an off-site dedication of any kind and the nature of such off-site dedication.
[Amended 2-17-2004 by Ord. No. 2004-20]
If the Board agrees, approval may be granted conditioned upon the receipt of any necessary subsequent approval, but no approval signatures will be affixed to any plat prior to obtaining any such required approvals. The Board may determine a reasonable time for obtaining all such required approvals; and such time in no case shall exceed 190 days. In the event that such required approvals are not obtained within such time, the conditional approval shall lapse, and submission of a new application will be necessary.
Preliminary plats for major subdivisions shall include the following:
The preliminary plat shall be clearly and legibly drawn or reproduced at a scale of not less than 100 feet to the inch, on sheets of equal size and a maximum size of 30 inches by 42 inches. It shall be prepared and sealed by a land surveyor licensed by the State of New Jersey, with design and improvements prepared by a professional engineer licensed by New Jersey. The preliminary plat shall be designed in compliance with the provisions of § 130-34, shall contain the information required by this section and shall be submitted in both hard copy and, if available, electronic format.
[Amended 12-20-1988 by Ord. No. 88-95; 11-18-2003 by Ord. No. 2003-141]
Title block. The title block shall appear on all sheets and include:
The title of the preliminary plat.
The name, if any.
The Tax Map sheet, block and lot number(s) of the tract to be subdivided as shown on the latest Township Tax Map.
The acreage of the tract to be subdivided, to the nearest tenth of an acre.
The date (of the original and all revisions).
The names and addresses of the owner and the subdivider, so designated.
A schedule shall be placed on the map indicating the acreage of the tract, the number of lots, the zone, minimum required lot areas, setbacks, yards and dimensions.
The name(s), signature(s), address(es), and license number(s) of the engineer and land surveyor who prepared the map. (The plat shall bear the embossed seal of the engineer and land surveyor.)
A key map, at a scale of one inch equals 2,000 feet, showing the location of the tract to be subdivided, with reference to surrounding areas, existing streets which intersect or border the tract, the names of all such streets and any Township boundary which is within 500 feet of the site.
The names of all owners of and property lines of parcels within 200 feet of the site, including properties across the street, as shown by the most recent records of the Township.
The plat shall be based on a current, certified boundary survey. The date of the survey and the name of the person making the same shall be shown on the map.
Existing one-foot interval contours based on United States Coast and Geodetic Survey datum (MSL-0) shall be shown extending a minimum of 100 feet beyond the boundary of the tract in question and shall be certified by a New Jersey licensed surveyor or professional engineer as to accuracy, except that where the slopes exceed 5%, a two-foot interval may be used. The source of elevation datum base shall be noted. North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) can be used as an alternative to United States Coast and Geodetic Survey datum, provided that conversion data is provided.
[Amended 9-17-2002 by Ord. No. 2002-80]
All existing streets, watercourses, floodplains, floodways and flood areas within the proposed subdivision and within 200 feet of the boundaries thereof, both the width of the paving and the width of the right-of-way of each street, existing public easements and Township borders within 200 feet of the subdivision.
All existing structures, an indication of those which are to be destroyed or removed and the front, rear and side yard dimensions of those to remain.
The boundaries, nature and extent of wooded areas and other important physical features, including swamps, bogs and ponds, within the proposed subdivision.
The layout of the proposed subdivision, drawn in compliance with the provisions of this chapter.
All proposed public easements or rights-of-way and the purposes thereof and proposed streets within the proposed subdivision. The proposed streets shall show the right-of-way and proposed pavement width.
The existing systems of drainage of the subdivision and of any larger tract of which it is a part, together with information on how it is proposed to dispose of surface drainage.
The acreage of the drainage area (or areas) of each natural or man-made watercourse traversing the subdivision, including the area within the subdivision and the area upstream from the subdivision.
All proposed lot lines and the areas of all lots in square feet.
A North arrow and written and graphic scales.
A copy of any existing or proposed covenants or deed restrictions applying to the land being subdivided, or certification that none exists.
Preliminary utility layouts showing methods of connection and sources of service.
The proposed location and area, in acres or square feet, of all required or proposed open space areas.
The preliminary plat shall indicate the zone and tract acreage and shall show the required minimum lot area, front, side and rear yard setback lines and the lot line dimensions and areas of each lot being created by the proposed subdivision.
[Amended 12-20-1988 by Ord. No. 88-95]
Preliminary construction, grading, drainage and utility plans and profiles, at a scale of one inch equals 100 feet horizontally and one inch equals five feet vertically, shall accompany the final plat and show the following information:
A grading plan showing existing and proposed grading contours at intervals of one foot throughout the tract, except that if slopes exceed 5%, an interval of two feet is permissible. Datum shall be United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, and the source of the datum shall be noted.
The proposed spot or finished elevations at all property corners, the curb opposite property corners, corners of all proposed structures or dwellings, the first-floor elevation of all proposed structures or dwellings and drainage arrows designating direction of overland drainage flow on each lot.
Complete information for storm drainage and sanitary sewer systems, including but not limited to invert, rim and top-of-casting elevation for all drainage structures and the size, length, type and class of pipe and slope of all pipe. The drainage plan shall be accompanied by complete drainage calculations made in accordance with the standards set forth herein.
The slope, direction of flow and typical section for all streams, swales and ditches.
Preliminary center-line profile grades, correct to one-hundredth (1/100) foot, with full information concerning vertical curve elevation.
All center-line elevations of each street at a maximum interval of 100 feet.
Complete construction details for all structures, including but not limited to manholes, inlets, headwalls, yard drains, culverts, bridges and pumping stations.
Complete off-site information concerning final disposition of stormwater runoff and sanitary sewer connections to existing or proposed facilities.
Utility layouts and cross sections (sewers, water, gas, electric, telephone, etc.) showing feasible connections to any existing or proposed utility systems; provided, however, that layouts of gas, electric and telephone lines are not required. An indication of these on a typical road cross section shall be sufficient. Layouts shall include proposed locations of fire hydrants. If private utilities are proposed, they shall comply with all local, county and state regulations.
The tops of the banks and boundaries of the floodways and flood hazard areas of all existing watercourses, where such have been delineated, or the limits of alluvial soil where the boundaries of floodways and flood hazard areas have not been determined, and/or such other information as may assist the Planning Board in the determination of floodway and flood hazard area determination limits.
The limits of all areas of proposed cuts and fills, exclusive of excavations for basements, shall be clearly designated.
Sectionalization and staging plan. The plat may be accompanied by a preliminary sectionalization and staging plan showing the following. If the subdivision is proposed to be filed for final approval in sections, the plan shall show each such section. The staging of the various sections in the subdivision shall be such that, if development of the subdivision were to be discontinued after the completion of any section, the developed portion of the subdivision would be provided with adequate street drainage and utility systems. The size and staging of the section in a subdivision shall be established to promote orderly development and shall be subject to the approval of the Board. In no instance shall any single section of a subdivision include more than 100 lots. During construction of the development, the developer shall fully comply with the sectionalization and staging plan in accordance with the preliminary approval. If, for any reason, the developer does not fully comply with the approved sectionalization and staging plan, no building permits shall be issued until such time as the developer makes application to and receives approval from the Board for a revised staging and sectionalization plan. The Board may modify the plan and pose time restrictions or require the developer to construct the development in accordance with an approved staging and sectionalization plan.
The map must include certification for the signatures of the Chairman, the Secretary and the Board Engineer.
Soil borings to a depth of 10 feet, indicating soil types and the seasonal high-water-table elevations, along with percolation tests, shall be submitted (one for each five acres) for all subdivisions where on-site sanitary sewer disposal septic systems are proposed. The location of soil borings and percolation tests shall be indicated on the plat.
An affidavit setting forth the names and addresses of all record title owners of the land proposed to be subdivided by the map and the consent, in writing, of all such owners to the approval of such map shall accompany the plats or be shown.
All municipal boundary lines crossing or adjacent to the territory intended to be subdivided shall be shown and designated.
The names of adjoining subdivisions, if any, and the file number of the recording or the names of the owners of adjacent properties.
The applicant shall be required to submit certification, in writing, from the Stafford Municipal Utilities Authority indicating that the plans have been reviewed and approved or conditionally approved at their preliminary stage by the Municipal Utilities Authority.
[Amended 12-20-1988 by Ord. No. 88-95]
The preliminary plat shall indicate the limits of land clearing and land disturbance of the proposed major subdivision.
In the Pinelands Area, such other information as may be required under Chapter 211, § 211-9, of the Township Code.
[Amended 8-16-1988 by Ord. No. 88-69]
The specific size and species of individual existing mature trees of a size of eight inches in diameter at breast height (dbh) and masses of existing mature woodland [predominantly trees greater than eight inches in diameter at breast height (dbh)] and any other significant natural vegetation or natural features. The applicant shall consult with the Board Landscape Architect and Engineer who may require that the applicant locate and identify all trees of eight inches or more in diameter on all or part of the site. The plans must indicate all existing mature vegetation to be preserved, relocated (including the proposed location of transplanted trees) or removed and appropriate details and plans for tree protection fencing. The plans shall include an aerial photograph or copy of an aerial photograph with the site boundaries clearly indicated. This photograph or print must be of a scale of one inch equals 400 feet or less, must have been taken within a five-year period of the date of submission and must clearly indicate existing vegetation, structures and surrounding land uses.
[Amended 1-31-1989 by Ord. No. 89-10; 11-21-1989 by Ord. No. 89-66; 9-17-2002 by Ord. No. 2002-80]
A preliminary landscape plan, prepared by a certified landscape architect. The plan shall be prepared on a halftone sheet of the Engineer's grading plan showing existing and proposed grades and shall indicate the location and spacing of shade trees, ornamental trees, evergreen trees, shrubs, ground cover and lawn, utilizing different graphic symbols for each which are representative of the size of the plant, within a period of 10 years after installation, and shown to scale. The plan shall include a planting schedule indicating the quantity, common name, botanical name, installed size (including height and caliper for shade and ornamental trees), root and quality for all proposed plantings. The plan shall indicate the construction materials, location and size of any berms, walls, fences, pavements or site amenities to be provided. When appropriate or required, a graphic section illustration at a scale of one inch equals 10 feet or larger shall be provided to indicate the effectiveness of proposed or existing materials as a buffer in relation to the height of the area being screened.
[Amended 1-31-1989 by Ord. No. 89-10]
Preliminary details of all proposed recreational areas, including details of both active and passive areas, and the lot in which the recreation area, if required, is to be located shall be included as an integral part of the preliminary plan submission.
Such other information as the Board and/or Board Engineer may require or request.
Final plats for major subdivisions. The final plat shall be clearly and legibly drawn in final form at a scale of not less than one inch equals 50 feet, in compliance with the New Jersey statutes, for purposes of recording and shall also be submitted in electronic format, if available. The final plat shall conform to the preliminary plat as approved, shall not contain more than 100 lots and, at a minimum, shall show and be accompanied by the following:
[Amended 11-18-2003 by Ord. No. 2003-141]
Required documentation:
Stafford Municipal Utilities Authority approval.
Ocean County Planning Board approval, where required.
State and/or federal regulatory agencies approval, as required.
A soil disturbance permit.
Proof of payment of real estate taxes.
A certificate of title, which may be in letter form, signed by a member of the New Jersey Bar or by a title officer or authorized agent of a title insurance company licensed to do business in the State of New Jersey, which certificate shall confirm that the owner of the premises in question is the applicant as shown on the plat.
Such other submittals as may be required by federal, state or local law. Unless other specific provisions are made in this chapter or by statute, all approvals required of federal, state, county and local agencies or officials shall be obtained and evidence thereof filed with the Board prior to the signing of a final plat. If the Board agrees, final approval may be granted conditioned upon the receipt of any necessary subsequent approvals, but no approval signatures will be affixed to any plat prior to obtaining any such required approvals. The Board may determine a reasonable time for obtaining all such required approvals; and such time in no case shall exceed one year. In the event that such required approvals are not obtained within such time, the conditional approval shall lapse, and submission of a new application will be necessary.
The final plat shall contain all general requirements, details and supporting data as required for the preliminary plat as specified in § 130-91B.
It shall show the dimensions, bearings and curve data, including the lengths of tangents, radii, arcs, chords and central angles, for all center-line and right-of-way-line curves on streets sufficient to enable the definite location of all lines and boundaries shown thereon, including drainage easements. public easements and areas dedicated for public use.
Tangents, chord, arc, radius and central angle at all street corners.
All dimensions, both linear and angular, of the exterior boundaries of the subdivision and all lots and lands reserved or dedicated for public use shall balance, and their description shall close within a limit of error of not more than one part in 10,000. Where feasible, the control points of the subdivision shall be referenced to three permanent coordinated monuments.
Any easement or land reserved for or dedicated to the public use shall be designated, and the proposed use of sites other than residential shall be noted.
Each block and each lot shall be numbered in accordance with a scheme approved by the Tax Assessor.
The map shall clearly show all monumentation and property markers as required, including monuments found, monuments set and monuments to be set. An indication shall be made where monumentation found has been reset. All monuments, if required, shall be placed in compliance with the Map Filing Law.[2]
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 46:23-9.9 et seq.
Subdivision names and street names shown on the final plat shall not be the same or similar to any name of an existing subdivision or street in the Township.
In addition to the final plat scale requirements of this subsection, the final plans shall include a Tax Map resolution sheet drawn to the scale of the appropriate Tax Map of Stafford Township depicting the subdivision on the Tax Map.
[Added 11-5-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-99]
Installation of on-tract improvements for subdivisions. Prior to the granting of final subdivision approval, the applicant shall have installed, or furnished performance guaranties for the ultimate installation of, the improvements described below. All improvements shall be subject to approval and inspection by the Township Engineer, who shall be notified by the developer at least two weeks prior to the start of construction of any improvement. All installation shall be in accordance with Article X. The following improvements will be required, except where the Board waives the requirement by specific resolution in conjunction with hardship, peculiar situations or special development provisions:
Streets and pavements. The subdivider shall design and construct streets and pavements meeting the minimum specifications as set forth in RSIS.
Curbs and sidewalks. The subdivider shall construct curbs and sidewalks on both sides of all new and existing streets, avenues, highways and public lanes to the extent that such will be on tract.
Storm drains and culverts. All streets shall be provided with sufficient catch basins, storm sewers, culverts, water detention basins and other drainage appurtenances for the proper drainage of the area, in light of existing and future conditions.
Monuments. Monuments shall be of the size and shape required by N.J.S.A. 46:23-9.11g and shall be placed in accordance with said statute.
Street name signs. Street name signs shall be placed at all street intersections within the subdivision. Such signs shall be of a type approved by the Township and shall be placed in accordance with the standards of the Township.
Streetlighting. The subdivider shall be responsible for the installation of streetlighting facilities as approved by the Board.
Topsoil protection. Topsoil which shall be removed in the course of regrading a subdivision shall be redistributed as to provide at least six inches of cover on areas to be used as building sites from which topsoil was removed and shall be stabilized by seeding or planting.
Shade trees. Shade trees shall be located within the street right-of-way in such a manner so as not to interfere with utilities or sidewalks and shall be of a type and species approved by the Board as part of subdivision approval.
Sanitary sewers.
Where a public sanitary sewer system is reasonably accessible, each lot within a subdivision shall be provided with sewage disposal facilities by the required extension of sewer mains and connections thereto, the cost thereof to be borne by the subdivider.
Where a public sanitary sewer system is not reasonably accessible, a statement from the appropriate agency controlling sanitary sewer connections shall be required indicating that such service is not practicable. In this case, on-lot sewage disposal may be allowed and shall require a minimum of two percolation tests on each lot. The percolation tests shall include all required data, including but not limited to the date of the tests, the soil log at least 10 feet below the finished grade, the groundwater level, the rate of percolation, the weather conditions prevailing at the time of the test(s) as well as for the preceding 48 hours, and the layout and grades for the proposed septic field. The tests shall be performed at the applicant's expense and shall be approved by the Board of Health. The results of the percolation tests and the location of each test shall be shown on the subdivision plat. Installation of septic systems shall conform to the standard requirements of the Township and State Boards of Health or other authority having jurisdiction thereof.
Where a public sanitary sewer is not reasonably accessible, the subdivider may be required by the Board to install within the subdivision a complete sewer pipe system in addition to individual on-site systems, including provision for connection thereto at each lot, provided that there is reliable information to indicate that connection of the development to a public sanitary sewer system can be anticipated within a reasonable period of time.
Water supply.
Where a public water supply system is reasonably accessible to the subdivision, each lot within the subdivision shall be provided with water supplied by said water system.
Where a public water supply system is not reasonably accessible, a statement from the appropriate agency controlling public water connections shall be required indicating that such service is not practicable. In this case, each lot shall be served by an individual driven well, the installation of which shall conform to the standard requirements of the Township and State Boards of Health or other authority having jurisdiction thereof.
Where both on-site sewage disposal and on-site water supply is proposed, the location of the proposed individual water supply and its location relative to the sewage disposal system for each proposed lot shall be shown on the plat.
Fire hydrants. Fire hydrants shall be installed in all subdivisions when a central water supply exists. Fire hydrants shall be of the type approved by the Township Fire Department and shall be placed and installed in accordance with its requirements.
Electric, telephone and cable antenna television service. Except as otherwise provided in the regulations of the Board of Public Utilities Commission, in all major subdivisions, electric, telephone and cable antenna television facilities shall be installed underground. Arrangements for such underground installation shall be made by the subdivider with the appropriate utility company.
Easements. Easements of a width sufficient to allow proper maintenance shall be provided for the installation of all drains, storm drains, gas mains, etc. Such easements shall be dedicated to the Township by approved legal procedure.
On-tract installations for site plans. Prior to the granting of final approval, the applicant shall have installed or furnished performance guaranties for the ultimate installation of any required public on-tract improvements as the same are described in Subsection A above. In addition, the Board may require the installation of on-site improvements, as described in Subsection C below, prior to the granting of final approval, which it finds essential before the issuance of a building permit. All such improvements shall be subject to approval and inspection of the Township Engineer.
On-site installation for site plans.
Pavement. All parking and loading areas shall be constructed and paved in accordance with the specifications in § 130-81.
Drainage. All sites shall be drained and graded so as to control surface runoff efficiently. Storm drainage shall be connected to existing facilities whenever possible. Retention facilities may be required by the Township in cases where existing systems lack capacity or where needed to protect downstream properties. Drainage design shall be as set forth in the Stormwater Regulations.
Parking. Parking spaces, pedestrian walkways and entrance and exit driveways shall be painted on the finished pavement in traffic paint.
Curbs. All paved areas shall be bounded by curbs constructed of concrete in residential and commercial developments and of concrete in industrial developments.
Sidewalks. Concrete sidewalks, at least four feet in width and four inches in thickness, shall be constructed where required.
Screening. All off-street parking and loading areas shall be effectively screened on any side which adjoins or faces premises situated in any residential zone, in accordance with § 130-51G.
Lighting. Adequate lighting shall be provided for parking areas in operation between 1/2 hour before sunset and 1/2 hour after sunrise. In addition, the premises shall have adequate lighting for security purposes during the foregoing period when the facility is not in operation. All exterior lighting shall meet the design standard established in § 130-51G.
Landscaping. All portions of the property not used for off-street parking shall be attractively landscaped with grass lawn, trees and shrubs as approved by the Board. Shade trees shall be installed within the street right-of-way in accordance with the approved plan.
Utilities. All uses shall be provided with adequate water supply and sanitary disposal facilities, in accordance with applicable local and state regulations.
The Board may require items of construction such as retaining walls, guardrails, safety fencing, traffic barricades and other devices necessary in the interest of public safety and convenience.
[Added 11-5-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-99]
The approving authority may require an applicant, as a condition for approval of a subdivision or site plan, to pay his or her pro rata share of the cost of providing only reasonable and necessary street improvements and water, sewerage and drainage facilities, and easements therefor, located outside the property limits of the subdivision or development that are necessitated or required by construction or improvements within such subdivision or development. "Necessary improvements" are those clearly, directly and substantially related to the development in question. The approving authority shall base its determinations regarding proportionate or pro rata shares to be paid by an applicant on the circulation and comprehensive utility service plans pursuant to the Municipal Land Use Law.[1] The proportionate or pro rata amount of the cost of such facilities within a related or common area shall be based on the following criteria, and any such amount shall be determined after a full hearing and after consideration of time and cost factors as well as the effect of the proposed improvements on adjoining properties.
Cost allocation.
Full allocation. In cases where off-tract improvements are necessitated by the proposed development and where no other property owner(s) receive(s) a special benefit thereby, the applicant may be required at his or her sole expense and as a condition of approval to provide and install such improvements.
Proportionate allocation. Where it is determined that properties outside the development will also be benefited by the off-tract improvement, the following criteria shall be utilized in determining the proportionate share of the cost of such improvements to the developer (allocation formula):
Roadways. The applicant's proportionate share of street improvements, the alignment, channelization, barriers, new or improved traffic signalization, signs, curbs, sidewalks, trees, utility improvements uncovered elsewhere, the construction or reconstruction of new or existing streets and other associated street or traffic improvements shall be as follows:
The Municipal Engineer or Planner shall provide the applicant with the existing and reasonably anticipated future peak-hour flows for the off-tract improvements.
The applicant shall furnish a plan for the proposed off-tract improvement which shall include the estimated peak-hour traffic generated by the proposed development and the proportion thereof which is to be accommodated by the proposed off-tract improvement. The ratio of the peak-hour traffic generated by the proposed development which is to be accommodated by the off-tract improvement to the future additional peak-hour traffic anticipated to impact the proposed off-tract improvement shall form the basis of the proportionate share. The proportionate share shall be computed as follows:
Total cost of enlargement or improvement
Capacity of enlargement or improvement (peak-hour traffic)
Developer's cost
Development peak-hour traffic to be accommodated by the enlargement or improvement
Drainage improvements. The applicant's proportionate share of stormwater and drainage improvements, including the installation, relocation or replacement of storm drains, culverts, catch basins, manholes, riprap, improved drainage ditches and appurtenances thereto and relocation or replacement of other storm drainage facilities or appurtenances associated therewith shall be determined as follows:
The capacity and the design of the drainage system to accommodate stormwater runoff shall be based on the standards specified in this article, computed by the developer's engineer and approved by the Municipal Engineer.
The capacity of the enlarged, extended or improved system required for the subdivision and areas outside of the developer's tributary to the drainage system shall be determined by the developer's engineer subject to approval of the Municipal Engineer. The plan for the improved system shall be prepared by the developer's engineer and the estimated cost of the enlarged system calculated by the Municipal Engineer. The prorated share for the proposed improvement shall be computed as follows:
Total cost of enlargement or improvement
Capacity of enlargement or improvement (peak rate of runoff)
Developer's cost
Development peak rate of runoff to be accommodated by the enlargement or improvement
Escrow accounts. Where the proposed off-tract improvement is to be undertaken at some future date, the moneys required for the improvement shall be deposited in an interest-bearing account to the credit of the municipality in a separate account until such time as the improvement is constructed. If the off-tract improvement is not begun within 10 years of deposit, all moneys and interest shall be returned to the applicant.
Sale before final approval. Any developer, owner or other person who, prior to final approval, transfers, sells or agrees to sell, as owner or agent, any land which forms a part of a subdivision on which the approving authority is required to act, such person shall be subject to a fine not to exceed $1,000 or to imprisonment for not more than 30 days, and each parcel, plot or lot so disposed of shall be deemed a separate violation. In addition to the foregoing, if the streets in the subdivision are not such that a structure on said land in the subdivision would meet requirements for a building permit, the municipality may institute and maintain a civil action for injunctive relief or to set aside and invalidate any conveyance made pursuant to such a contract or sale. In any such action, the transferee, purchaser or grantee shall be entitled to a lien upon the portion of the land from which the subdivision was made that remains in the possession of the subdivider or his or her assigns or successors, to secure the return of any deposit made or purchase price paid, and also a reasonable search fee, survey expense and title closing expense, if any. Any such action must be brought within two years after the date of the recording of the instrument of transfer, sale or conveyance of said land or within six years if unrecorded.
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq.
The following shall be addressed before the application can be deemed complete:
Appropriate fees from the fee schedule.
One copy of the development application checklist.
Twelve copies of the plans, including the plat detail criteria set forth in:
[Amended 12-20-1988 by Ord. No. 88-95]
Section 130-43 for minor site plans.
Section 130-93A for preliminary approval.
Section 130-93B for final approval.
Twenty copies of development application (12 copies for Zoning Board of Adjustment C variances).
One copy of the tax certification.
One copy of the notice of fees and agreement to pay the same.
One copy of the affidavit of ownership.
One copy of the disclosure of ownership (if a partnership, corporation or joint ownership).
One copy of the affidavit of noncollusion.
Twelve copies of the permit refusal from the Zoning Officer.
Twelve copies of the signed and sealed current survey of the property.
[Amended 8-22-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-22]
Five copies of the environmental assessment, if required.
Five copies of the traffic impact study, if required.
Five copies of the drainage calculations.
A statement of operations detailing the nature of the proposed business, estimated number of staff, parking spaces, hours of operation, timing and frequency of deliveries, if any, and an overview of the proposed operations on the site.
[Added 8-22-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-22[1]]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection A(15), Five copies of the soils report, was repealed 11-5-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-99.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection A(16), Five copies of the energy conservation report, was repealed 9-17-2002 by Ord. No. 2002-80.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection A(17), Five copies of the solar access report, was repealed 9-17-2002 by Ord. No. 2002-80.
In the Pinelands Area, such other information as may be required under Chapter 211, § 211-9, of the Township Code.
[Added 8-16-1988 by Ord. No. 88-69]
A minimum of four days prior to a public hearing, the following additional line items shall be submitted:
One copy of the affidavit of proof of service.
One copy of the list of property owners within a two hundred-foot radius.
One copy of certified mail receipts from the post office.
One copy of proof of publication from the newspaper.
Preliminary site plan details shall include the following:
The site plan shall be clearly and legibly drawn or reproduced, at a scale of not less than 50 feet to the inch, on sheets of equal size and a maximum size of 30 inches by 42 inches. It shall be drawn and sealed by a land surveyor and/or professional engineer licensed by the State of New Jersey. The site plan shall be submitted in hard copy and, if available, electronic format. The site plan shall be designed in compliance with the provisions of this section and shall contain the following information.
[Amended 11-18-2003 by Ord. No. 2003-141]
Title block. The title block shall appear on all sheets and include:
The title of the site plan.
The name, if any.
The Tax Map sheet, block and lot number(s) of the tract as shown on the latest Township Tax Map.
The acreage of the tract to the nearest tenth of an acre.
The date (of the original and all revisions).
The names and addresses of the owner and application, so designated.
A schedule shall be placed on the map indicating the acreage of the tract, the zone, minimum required lot areas, setbacks, yards and dimensions.
The name(s), signature(s), address(es) and license number(s) of the engineer and land surveyor who prepared the map. (The plat shall bear the embossed seal of the engineer and land surveyor.)
A key map, at a scale of one inch equals 2,000 feet, showing the location of the tract with reference to surrounding areas, existing streets which intersect or border the tract, the names of all such streets and any Township boundary which is within 500 feet of the site.
The names of all owners of and property lines of parcels within 200 feet of the site, including properties across the street, as shown by the most recent records of the Township.
The plat shall be based on a current, certified boundary survey. The date of the survey and the name of the person making the same shall be shown on the map.
Existing one-foot interval contours based on United States Coast and Geodetic Survey datum (MSL-O) shall be shown extending a minimum of 100 feet beyond the boundary of the tract in question and shall be certified by a New Jersey licensed surveyor or professional engineer as to accuracy, except that where the slopes exceed 5%, a two-foot interval may be used. The source of elevation datum base shall be noted. North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) can be used as an alternative to United States Coast and Geodetic Survey datum, provided that conversion data is provided.
[Amended 9-17-2002 by Ord. No. 2002-80]
All existing streets, watercourses, floodplains, floodways and flood areas within the proposed site and within 200 feet of the boundaries thereof, both the width of the paving and the width of the right-of-way of each street and existing public easements.
All existing structures, an indication of those which are to be destroyed or removed and the front, rear and side yard dimensions of those to remain. Structures to be removed shall be indicated by dashed lines; structures to remain shall be indicated by solid lines.
The boundaries, nature and extent of wooded areas and other important physical features, including swamps, bogs and ponds, within the proposed site and within 200 feet thereof.
All proposed public easements or rights-of-way and the purposes thereof and proposed streets within the proposed site. The proposed streets shall show the right-of-way and proposed pavement width.
The existing system of drainage of the site and of any larger tract of which it is a part, together with information on how it is proposed to dispose of surface drainage.
The acreage of the drainage area (or areas) of each natural or man-made watercourse traversing the site, including the area within the site and the area upstream from the site.
A North arrow and written and graphic scales.
A copy of any existing or proposed covenants or deed restrictions applying to the site or certification that none exist.
Utility layouts showing the methods of connection and the source of service.
The proposed location and area, in acres or square feet, of all required or proposed open space areas.
Such other information or data as may be required by the Board in order to determine that the details of the site plan are in accordance with the standards of the ordinances of the Township and all other general laws.
On-site grading and drainage plan.
The plat shall show or be accompanied by a grading and drainage plan which will show locations of all existing and proposed drainage swales and channels, retention and recharge basins, the scheme of surface drainage and other items pertinent to drainage, including the approximate proposed grading contours at one-foot intervals, except that, if slopes exceed 5%, a two-foot interval may be used.
The plan shall outline the approximate area contributing to each inlet.
All proposed drainage shall be shown, with pipe type and sizes, invert elevations, grades and direction of flow. The direction of flow of all surface waters and of all watercourses shall be shown.
The grading and drainage plan shall be accompanied by drainage calculations made in accordance with standards set forth herein.
Off-site drainage plan. The plat shall also be accompanied by an off-site drainage plan prepared in accordance with the following standards:
The plan shall consist of an outline of the entire drainage basin in which the property is located. The terminus of the basin and existing ground contours or other basins for determining basin limits shall be shown.
Pertinent off-site existing drainage, which receives or discharges runoff from or onto the site, shall be shown with elevations of inverts, pipe types and sizes or other appropriate physical data for open or nonpipe conduits.
Profiles showing all proposed drainage, all existing and proposed finished roadway grades, channel section details, pipe sizes, type, inverts, road crowns and slopes and all other proposed drainage structures and connections.
Sectionalization and staging plan. The plat shall be accompanied by a sectionalization and staging plan, if applicable, showing the following. If the site plan is proposed to be constructed in sections, the plan shall show each such section. The staging of the various sections shall be such that, if development were to be discontinued after the completion of any section, the developed portion would be provided with adequate street drainage and utility systems. The size and staging of each section shall be established to promote orderly development and shall be subject to the approval of the Board. During construction of the development, the developer shall fully comply with the sectionalization and staging plan in accordance with the preliminary approach. If, for any reason, the developer does not fully comply with the approved sectionalization and staging plan, no building permits shall be issued until such time as the developer makes application to and receives approval from the Board for a revised staging and sectionalization plan. The Board may modify the plan and impose time restrictions or require the developer to construct the development in accordance with an approved staging and sectionalization plan.
The map must include certification for the signatures of the Chairman, the Secretary and the Board Engineer.
The proposed spot or finished elevations at all property corners, curb, corners of all proposed structures, first-floor elevation of all proposed structures and those to remain, and drainage arrows designating the direction of overland drainage flow and the proposed use or uses of land and all structures.
Detailed utility layouts and cross sections (sewers, water, gas, electric, telephone, etc.) showing feasible connections to any existing or proposed utility systems; provided, however, that detailed layouts of gas, electric and telephone lines are not required. Layouts shall include the proposed location of fire hydrants. If private utilities are proposed, they shall comply with all local, county and state regulations.
The limits of all areas of proposed cuts and fills, exclusive of excavations for basements, shall be clearly designated.
The method of sewage and solid waste disposal shall be described.
The distances measured along the right-of-way lines of existing streets abutting the property to the nearest intersections with other public streets.
The vehicular circulation pattern on the site and the means of ingress to and egress from the development, showing, in particular, the size and location of driveways and curb cuts, walkways, the proposed traffic channels, acceleration and deceleration lanes, if any, and any other means of controlling vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
The location and design of any on-site parking areas or loading areas, showing the size and location of spaces, bays, aisles and barriers.
The location, direction of illumination, height, intensity and hours of operation of the existing or proposed outdoor lighting, to be expressed in average horizontal footcandles.
The location, size and type of directional, regulatory or advisory signs or pavement markings.
The location and use of existing structures within 100 feet of the tract boundaries.
The specific size and species of individual existing mature trees of a size of eight inches in diameter at breast height (dbh) and masses of existing mature woodland [predominantly trees greater than eight inches in diameter at breast height (dbh)] and any other significant natural vegetation or natural features. The applicant shall consult with the Board Landscape Architect and Engineer who may require that the applicant locate and identify all trees of eight inches or more in diameter on all or part of the site. The plans must indicate all existing mature vegetation to be preserved, relocated (including the proposed location of transplanted trees) or removed. The plans shall include an aerial photograph or copy of an aerial photograph with the site boundaries clearly indicated. This photograph or print must be of a scale of one inch equals 400 feet or less, must have been taken within a five-year period of the date of submission and must clearly indicate existing vegetation, structures and surrounding land uses.
[Amended 1-31-1989 by Ord. No. 89-10; 11-21-1989 by Ord. No. 89-66; 9-17-2002 by Ord. No. 2002-80]
The location of driveways within 100 feet of the site boundaries.
The location and type of garbage and refuse disposal facilities.
Soil erosion and sedimentation control plans shall be submitted.
Preliminary architectural plans and elevations shall accompany the site plan submission.
The locations and type of the nearest and/or proposed fire hydrants.
Sight triangles shall be provided and shown on the plat as required by this chapter.
The Board may waive any of the requirements of this section of details specified to be shown on the site plan in any given application if the Board determines that strict adherence to the requirements or details would be superfluous or unduly burdensome to the applicant and not in the best interest of the Township. The Board, in its discretion, may permit an applicant to use alternative types of improvements where good cause is shown and where the proposed type of improvement would at least be the equivalent of the improvement standards in this chapter.
A preliminary landscape plan, prepared by a certified landscape architect. The plan shall be prepared on a halftone copy of the Engineer's grading plan, showing existing and proposed grades, and shall indicate the location and spacing of shade trees, ornamental trees, evergreen trees, shrubs, ground cover and lawn, utilizing different graphic symbols for each which are representative of the size of the plant, within a period of 10 years after installation, and shown to scale. The plan shall include a planting schedule indicating the quantity, common name, botanical name, installed size (including height and caliper for shade and ornamental trees), root and quality for all proposed plantings. The plan shall indicate the construction materials, location and size of any berms, walls, fences, pavements or site amenities to be provided. When appropriate or required, a graphic section illustration at a scale of one inch equals 10 feet or larger shall be provided to indicate the effectiveness of proposed or existing materials as a buffer in relation to the height of the area being screened.
[Amended 1-31-1989 by Ord. No. 89-10]
The applicant shall detail what provisions are to be incorporated in the site development with regard to access for emergency and firefighting equipment and for firesafety.
An environmental impact assessment shall be required where the property for which an approval is sought contains wetlands or is within 200 feet of wetlands. In addition, the Planning Board may require an environmental impact assessment in regard to any application before the Board. Where an environmental impact assessment is required, the applicant shall provide such a submission in accordance with the requirements of § 130-94 and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. The environmental impact assessment shall be required to be prepared and submitted with the preliminary application, and the application may be deemed incomplete without it. In those cases where an impact statement is required by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection for a CAFRA permit, said impact statement may be substituted for the report required herein. A copy of the same shall be submitted to the Planning Board for its review.
[Amended 9-17-2002 by Ord. No. 2002-80]
In the Pinelands Area, such other information as may be required under chapter 211, § 211-9, of the Township Code.
[Added 8-16-1988 by Ord. No. 88-69]
Final site plan details. The final site plan shall be clearly and legibly drawn or reproduced at a scale of not less than 50 feet to the inch, on sheets of equal size and a maximum size of 30 inches by 42 inches. It shall be drawn and sealed by a land surveyor and/or professional engineer licensed by the State of New Jersey. The final site plan shall be submitted in hard copy and, if available, electronic format. The final site plan shall conform to the preliminary site plan as approved, shall be designed in compliance with the provisions of this section in addition to the following:
[Amended 12-20-1988 by Ord. No. 88-95; 11-18-2003 by Ord. No. 2003-141]
Required documentation:
Stafford Municipal Utilities Authority approval.
Ocean County Planning Board approval, where required.
State and/or federal regulatory agency approval, as required.
Ocean County Conservation District approval, where required.
Proof of payment of real estate taxes.
An affidavit setting forth the names and addresses of all record title owners of the subject property included on the site plan and the consent, in writing, of all such owners to the approval of such site plan shall accompany the final plat or shall be shown thereon.
Such other submittals as may be required by federal, state or local law. If the Board agrees, final approval may be granted conditioned upon the receipt of any necessary subsequent approvals, but no approval signatures will be affixed to any plat prior to obtaining any such required approvals. The Board may determine a reasonable time for obtaining all such required approvals; and such time in no case shall exceed one year. In the event that such required approvals are not obtained within such time, the conditional approval shall lapse, and submission of a new application will be necessary.
A written description of the proposed operations in sufficient detail to indicate the efforts of those operations in producing traffic congestion, noise, glare, air pollution, fire hazards or safety hazards; in addition, a description of the proposed number of shifts, if shiftwork operation is contemplated, together with a projection of the maximum number of employees per shift or, where shiftwork is not contemplated, then a projection of the proposed hours of operation for commercial use.
In the Pinelands Area, such other information as may be required under Chapter 211, § 211-9, of the Township Code.
[Amended 8-16-1988 by Ord. No. 88-69]
Planting details which conform with the standard details provided in § 130-69, details and plans for the protection of existing vegetation and plans, documents or specifications for the irrigation and maintenance of all landscape areas.
[Added 1-31-1989 by Ord. No. 89-10]
Complete construction details for all structures, including but not limited to manholes, inlets, headwalls, yard drains, culverts, bridges and pumping stations.
A complete signage package plan or document graphically indicating the dimensions, area, height, location, copy and type for all existing and proposed signage to be erected in conjunction with the proposed development.
[Added 1-31-1989 by Ord. No. 89-10]
[Amended 10-18-1983 by Ord. No. 88-76; 10-15-1996 by Ord. No. 96-56; 8-3-1999 by Ord. No. 99-38; 9-17-2002 by Ord. No. 2002-80; 11-1-2004 by Ord. No. 2004-84; 11-5-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-99]
An environmental impact assessment shall be required for major subdivisions and/or major or minor site plans where the property for which an approval is sought contains wetlands or is within 200 feet of wetlands. In addition, the Planning Board may require an environmental impact assessment in regard to any application before the Board. Where an environmental impact assessment is required, the applicant shall provide such a submission in accordance with the requirements of this section and the Stafford Township Environmental Commission. The environmental impact assessment shall be required to be prepared and submitted with the preliminary application, and the application may be deemed incomplete without it. In those cases where an impact statement is required by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection for a CAFRA permit, said environmental impact statement may be substituted for the report required herein. A copy of the same shall be submitted to the Planning Board for its review. Environmental impact assessments shall be certified by a licensed professional engineer and shall include the following:
A composite environmental constraints map at the same scale as the preliminary plat or site plan. The applicant shall, utilizing existing map sources, present a plan indicating:
The features for preservation.
Features which represent any constraints for development, generally indicating the area most suitable for development, the areas least suitable for development and various degrees of suitability between these two extremes.
An environmental impact statement containing data reflecting:
A statement describing and explaining the impact and effect of the proposed subdivision or site plan upon the ecological systems and environment of Stafford Township's land and waters, giving consideration to the applicable natural processes and social values of:
Depth of the seasonal high-water table.
Stormwater runoff.
Potential soil loss.
Soil nutrient retention.
Wetland and coastal vegetation.
Recreation value of vegetation.
Historic value.
Scenic features.
Wildlife: high-value areas.
Wildlife: rare and beneficial species.
Water quality.
Air quality.
When field investigations are performed to determine existing conditions, methods used shall be addressed.
Specific plans proposed by the subdivider or developer to alter, preserve or enhance and mitigate or minimize adverse impacts on the natural resources and natural features of the land within the proposed subdivision or site.
When necessary, a pesticide contamination analysis as required by § 130-49.1.
Test boring, percolation rates, water levels and groundwater samples shall be submitted by a licensed engineer in accordance with the following standards:
To a two-acre site: one test hole.
Two-acre site: three test holes.
Three-acre site: six test holes.
Five- to ten-acre site: eight test holes.
Eleven- to forty-acre site: 10 test holes.
Forty-one to one-hundred-acre site: 16 test holes.
Over one-hundred-acre site: 10 test holes.
These borings shall be distributed over the tract to adequately represent site conditions and shall be to a minimum depth of 10 feet.
Groundwater impact assessment. In addition to Subsections A, B and C above, a separate section of the environmental impact assessment shall assess the impact of the proposed development on groundwater quality, particularly private and public potable water supply wells. Such assessment shall, at a minimum, provide the following:
Description of proposed use: type of use or activity; commercial (trades and services); industrial (manufacturing and processing); product produced, Standard Industrial Code (SIC) if applicable.
A complete list of the types and volumes of all hazardous materials (including fuels) used, stored, processed, handled or disposed, other than those volumes and types associated with normal household use.
Description of the types of wastes generated and method of disposal, including solid wastes, hazardous wastes, sewage and nonsewage wastewater discharges.
Location of all private potable water supply wells within 200 feet of the property line.
Description of the risks associated with the use, handling and/or disposal of any hazardous wastes.
Description of plans to detect and control hazardous material leaks and spills and plans, inspections and monitoring, emergency notification and emergency containment and clean-up procedures.
Description of best available technologies to safely store and handle any hazardous wastes and to detect releases of any hazardous materials.
Assessment of compliance with the best management practices for groundwater quality protection as set forth in § 130-83.
An endangered or threatened wildlife species habitat impact assessment when the site contains or abuts areas mapped as endangered or threatened wildlife species habitat utilizing NJDEP Landscape Project dataset ranks 3, 4, and 5. In addition to Subsections A, B, C, and D above, a separate section of the environmental impact assessment shall assess the impact of the proposed development on threatened and endangered wildlife species habitat, particularly to demonstrate that endangered or threatened wildlife species habitat would not directly or through secondary impacts on the relevant site or in the surrounding area be adversely affected by the proposed development. The endangered or threatened wildlife species habitat impact assessment shall consider the likely effects of the proposed development on the local populations of the particular species on or abutting the site. The impacts shall be assessed using accepted ecological principles and scientific literature on each species, and both direct and indirect impacts of the proposed development shall be considered. This assessment shall be based on habitat requirements and life history of each species and the manner in which the proposed development may alter habitat, including, but not limited to, vegetation, soils, hydrology, human disturbance, and effects on competitor, parasite, or predator species. Such assessment shall, at a minimum, provide the following:
[Added 11-5-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-99]
An introduction describing the goals of the impact assessment;
The lot, block, municipality and county in which the site is located;
A map identifying the site, and the areas mapped as endangered or threatened wildlife species habitat on the landscape maps on site and abutting the site, along with a list of the endangered or threatened species that resulted in the mapping of endangered or threatened species habitat;
A description of the habitat requirements for each of these species identified at Subsection E(3) above, including appropriate literature citations;
The names and qualifications of all investigators who performed habitat evaluations, species surveys, and/or impact assessments;
A comparison of the findings of the habitat evaluation with the known habitat requirements for each species, as provided at Subsection E(4) above, and a description of the specific attributes and characteristics of the site that limit or eliminate the site’s suitability as habitat;
A description for each species of how the proposed development will alter habitat, including vegetation, soils, hydrology, human disturbance, and effects on competitor, parasite, or predator species; and
A description of the likely effects of the proposed development on the local populations of the particular species on or abutting the site and why the proposed development would not directly or through secondary impacts adversely affect each endangered or threatened species habitat.
[Added 8-22-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-22]
Three copies of the final site plan containing a notation listing all conditions of approval imposed by resolution of the approving Board.