[Adopted 8-21-1989 by Ord. No. 89-1]
Any vehicle transporting or carrying soil, sand, stone, dirt, debris, refuse, litter or other substance of any kind, including liquids and chemicals, over streets, alleys and thoroughfares, shall be so operated as to prevent said materials from being scattered, spilled, dropped or blown from the vehicle or from the wheels, tires or undercarriage thereof.
It shall be unlawful to scatter, spill, dump or drop, or permit to be scattered, spilled, dumped or dropped, any soil, sand, stone, dirt, debris, refuse, litter or other substance of any kind, including liquids and chemicals, from any vehicle, or from the wheels, tires or undercarriage thereof, upon streets, alleys and thoroughfares.
[Amended 9-20-2004 by Ord. No. 2004-14]
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any provision of this article shall be subject to the penalties set forth in Chapter 1, Article III, General Penalty, of this Code.