[Special Act No. 627 of 1953, amended via Union negotiations and approval of the Board of Aldermen, effective on February 1, 1977, January 1, 1987, July 1, 1994, and February 8, 1996; approved November 14, 1996]
The effective date of this restatement of Number 627 of the Special Acts of 1953 as amended shall be July 1, 1994. Each member of the prior plan who is employed by the City on July 1, 1994 shall continue to be a member under this plan. Each former member who is receiving pension payments under the prior plan on July 1, 1994 shall continue to receive such payments in accordance with the terms of the prior plan.
For simplification, the masculine gender shall include the feminine and the singular shall include the plural.
The following terms, as used in this act, unless a different meaning is plainly required by the context, shall have the following meaning:
"retirement system" shall mean the plan for retirement of city employees as established by this act;
"retirement board" and "the board" shall mean the board herein created for the administration of the retirement system;
"pension" shall mean a payment made to an employee according to the provisions of this act, other than a return of contributions;
"retirement fund" shall mean the fund derived form the contributions made as herein provided for the payment of pensions to city employees retired under this act;
"regular interest" shall mean interest at the rate determined from time to time by the retirement board, and shall be substantially that which is earned on the retirement fund, compounded annually on the last day of the fiscal year;
"fiscal year" shall mean the twelve months from July first (1st) of any year to June thirtieth (30th) of the following year, both dates inclusive; (To effect the preceding, the period January 1, 1991 to June 30, 1991 will be considered a shortened plan year.)
"pay" shall mean the salary or wages of an employee for his services with the city; Pay shall include all payments for which services is credited under the plan;
"vested" shall mean any member of the plan who has completed five (5) years of employment with the city and are entitled to a pension.
There shall be a retirement system for the city of Derby, the management of which shall be vested in a retirement board consisting of seven members. The members shall be as follows: The City Treasurer, 2 year Term; One member of the Board of Apportionment and Taxation, 2 year Term; One member of the Board of aldermen, 2 year Term; Two at-large Members, 3 year term; One Regular full time employee covered by the act representing the public works and water pollution control departments to be chosen by the members of the said departments; One Additional Employee of the City to be chosen by all other employees covered by this act.
The members of the retirement board appointed from the city boards (Board of apportionment and Taxation, and Board of Alderman) shall be appointed by the mayor, for the term of their elected office. The two at large members, appointed by the mayor, shall be appointed for three-year terms. These terms will be staggered (the initial terms were one for five and one for three years.) In no event shall any elected person remain a member of said board except during the time he continues to hold his public office or to be a member of the body from which he was appointed.
The members of the retirement board shall annually select a chairman from within the said board. The members of the retirement board shall serve without compensation. The city treasurer shall be the treasurer of such fund. Said retirement board shall be trustee thereof and shall have full control and management of all its securities and assets, with power to invest and reinvest the same in accordance with the laws of the state governing the investment of trust funds.
The retirement board shall submit annually to the board of apportionment and taxation of the city of Derby a schedule of estimated appropriations of money necessary for the administration of this act, and it shall receive, control, manage, and expend all of said fund, according to the provisions of the act, including any moneys contributed by the employees, with the same powers of investment and reinvestment as are herein provided. It may adopt small benefit changes such as one time cost-of-living increases with approval of the Board of Alderman.
Such retirement board shall determine the eligibility of an employee and his rights, and the rights of the city under this act: shall make bylaws and regulations not inconsistent with the law for the administration of this act, and shall do all things necessary and proper toward carrying out the purposes for which the retirement system is created. It may hire and dismiss employees necessary for the proper administration of this act and fix their compensation, and shall engage expert actuarial, auditing, clerical, and medical service when, in the judgment of the retirement board, it is advisable. All expenses so incurred shall be paid by the city.
The terms of this act shall apply to all regular full-time employees including elected officials of the city of Derby who are eligible under the provisions of this section, but it shall not apply to employees covered by the state teachers' retirement system nor to teachers who were at any time eligible for membership therein: nor to employees of the police department. Employees of the police department who were participants in the retirement system on July 1, 1972 and all new employees of the police department after that date shall be eligible for coverage under the Connecticut Municipal Employee Retirement Fund. A Regular full time employee is one who is employed by the city for at least 30 hours per week and 40 weeks per year.
On and after the effective date of this restatement, each eligible employee who enters the service of the city shall, at the end of the first six months of employment, be required to participate in the retirement system, and such participation shall be a condition of his continued employment, as long as he remains eligible therefor; such participation to be effective on the first day of the calendar month following the completion of six months of service with the city.
Eligible employees do not make contributions to the retirement system for the first six months of employment, but do receive service credit from date of hire.
The retirement board is empowered to adopt appropriate rules and regulations specifically relating to the participation in the retirement system of all employees whose active service may be suspended on account of military service, authorized leave of absence or any cause acceptable to the retirement board; provided these rules or regulations, before actually becoming effective, shall be approved by a majority vote of the board of aldermen of the city.
The city shall pay annually to the retirement board such amounts as are determined by the retirement board on sound actuarial principles to be necessary, in addition to contributions of the employees, to provide future pensions on account of service rendered by employees subsequent to the date upon which each employee shall begin participation in the retirement system.
The city of Derby shall also be liable to the retirement board for such an amount on account of future pension representing service of employees covered by this act rendered prior to the inception of the retirement system, and any unfunded liabilities created by revisions made to the plan, as shall be determined by the board and the actuarial consultants on sound actuarial principles. In lieu of full payment initially of such an amount, the city shall pay periodically such amounts as the retirement board determines as necessary to discharge such liability over a definite period not to exceed thirty years from the effective date of the plan revisions; provided in no fiscal year shall the payment made on this account be less than regular interest on the amount of such liability still outstanding.
The unfunded pension credits created by the January, 1 1987 amendments to the plan shall be financed over a period not to exceed thirty years from January 1, 1987. The additional unfunded pension credits created by the February 1996 amendments to the Plan, (made retroactive to July 1, 1994) shall be financed over a period not exceeding thirty years from July 1, 1994. [NOTE; Unfunded liability created at the plans inception and revisions to the plan of January 1, 1967 and February 1, 1977 were satisfied on July 1, 1986.]
Effective January 1, 1987, the uniform rates of contributions to be made by all employees participating in the retirement system shall be 3.5% of annual pay (3% prior to January 1, 1987). Such contributions shall be collectible from employees as periodic deductions from pay and transmitted immediately to the retirement board.
Members who continue working beyond their normal retirement age will continue to make employee contributions.
Any member of the retirement system will be considered to have met his Normal Retirement Age upon completion of the earlier of 5 years of service and attained the age of 65 years or 25 years of service and attainment of the age of 55 years.
Any member so eligible may retire from service by filing with the retirement board a written statement duly attested setting forth at what time subsequent to the date of filing thereof, but no later than 60 days subsequent to such date, he desires to be retired; or the retirement board may, at its option, retire any such eligible member by furnishing him written notice thereof at least 60 days in advance of the specified date of such retirement.
Members who continue working past their Normal Retirement Age will continue to accrue service and their pay will continue to be considered for the determination of average annual benefit.
Any active member of the retirement system who is at least age 55 and has complete 10 years of service shall be eligible to early retire from service by filing with the retirement board as above.
Any member who terminated employment prior to eligibility for early retirement shall be eligible for an early retirement benefit no earlier than age 62 and 10 years of service.
Any member of the retirement system who, after 15 years of continuous service as an employee of the city, shall be totally and permanently disabled, except as a result of his own willful misconduct, and unable to earn compensation at any substantially gainful employment, may be retired for disability according to the provisions of this act; provided proof of total disability shall be furnished to the retirement board which cause examinations to be made by at least 2 impartial medical examiners. If such total disability is shown to the satisfaction of the board to have been sustained during the performance of essential duties pertaining to his employment by the city, such disability shall entitle any member to retirement for disability irrespective of the duration of his employment.
Any member whose employment by the city is discontinued and who has completed five years of service is vested with the city and shall be eligible to receive a pension at the time he attains age sixty-five, or age fifty-five if he has completed twenty-five years of service, provided he does not withdraw from the fund the whole of partial value of his contributions before such time. Any member so eligible may receive benefits by filing with the retirement board as above.
Any member whose employment by the city is discontinued before he has completed five years of service with the city or who chooses to withdraw his contributions from the fund shall receive from the board an amount equal to his contributions plus regular interest thereon compounded annually and shall not be eligible for a pension.
Rehired employees who had received a return of employee contributions plus interest will be immediately reinstated into the Plan at the date of rehire and may buy-back their previous service if the contributions plus interest they received is repaid within one year.
"Continuous service" for the purpose of this section shall mean uninterrupted employment beginning from the date of hire; but absence from employment for any reason, followed by reinstatement within one year thereafter, shall not be considered as breaking the continuity of the service. In the case of absence from employment for more than one year, the retirement board shall determine the period within which the employee may return without breaking the continuity of his service. Reinstatement of an employee in the retirement system shall be conditioned upon such medical examination as the board may prescribe and upon payment to the retirement fund of contributions previously withdrawn together with such and amount as will establish the proper actuarial reserve for that portion of the pension reinstated, which was represented by the contribution previously withdrawn.
Employees of the City of Derby who have received approval from the pension Board to buy back services, shall be allowed to buy back up to a maximum of three (3) years of service contributions plus interest. The buy back with accrued interest must be accomplished within one year. Employee contributions amounts will be in accord with § A200-5 of this plan.
In computing years of service to determine eligibility of a member for retirement, years in which the employee has not been in actual service for at least nine months are not included.
Time spent in the armed forces of the United States in time of war by any member of the retirement system, or any person who would otherwise be eligible for membership hereunder, shall be included in computing the length of time of service rendered the city, provided such person shall apply for and qualify for re-employment by the city of Derby in accordance with the terms of the national service act or any amendment thereto.
The retirement board shall pay to each member who retires on or after Normal Retirement under this act a pension for life in an amount determined as two percent (2.0%) of the average annual pay received during the five consecutive years of service which produce the highest amount, multiplied by the number of full years and completed months of service.
The retirement board shall pay to each member who has been retired under the early retirement provisions of § A200-6 a pension for life equal to two percent (2.0%) of the average annual pay received during the five consecutive years of service which produce the highest amount, multiplied by the number of full years and completed months of service and reduced by one-half percent (.5%) for each month before his normal retirement date of superannuation that his pension begins.
The retirement board shall pay to each member who has been retired for disability according to the provisions of this act subsequent to July 1, 1994 a pension during the continuance of such disability in an amount determined as two percent (2.0%) of the average annual pay received during the five consecutive years of service which produce he highest amount, multiplied by the number of full years and completed months of service; provided the board may, from time to time, call for medical evidence that the employee continues to be totally disabled. If the board, upon medical evidence, concludes that the disability for which the employee is receiving a pension no longer exist, or if it is established that such employee is engaged in a substantially gainful occupation, the board shall thereupon order a discontinuance of the pension payable to such employee. No pension payable to a member on account of total and permanent disability sustained during the performance of essential duties pertaining to employment by the city shall be less than one-half the annual rate of pay received by the disabled employee at the time of his disability.
The retirement board shall pay to each eligible discontinued member who has filed with the board a pension for life equal to two percent (2.0%) of the average annual pay received during the five consecutive years of service which produce the highest amount, multiplied by the number of full years and completed months of service.
Service for this section means continuous service from date of hire.
Notwithstanding that a member may continue working after eligibility for superannuation, a member who is eligible to receive a pension, except for eligibility due to disability, may choose an optional form of payment instead of payments for life by indicating his choice of payment form in written statement filed with the board as described in § A200-6. The amount of pension benefit under an optional form will be the actuarially adjusted equivalent of the pension benefit under the normal form of payments for life. The following options are available:
Joint and survivor option: pension benefits are paid during the lifetime of the retired member and his spouse, and continued to the spouse, if still living, during her life at 50%, 75%, or 100%, as elected by the member at his retirement.
Life annuity with 120 payments guaranteed: pension benefits are paid to the retired member during his life and continued to his beneficiary until a total of 120 monthly payments have been made, including payments to the retired member.
All pension payments shall represent completed months of retirement, and shall become due and payable to the persons entitled thereto on the last day of each calendar month, provided the initial pension payment to a retired member shall be computed as the proportion of the amount of his regular monthly pension corresponding to the fraction of the month elapsed since the effective date of his retirement; and provided, in the event of death of the retired member, the final pension payment shall be computed as the proportion of the amount of his regular monthly pension corresponding to the fraction of the month elapsed from the first day of the month to the day of death in said month.
Anything contained herein to the contrary notwithstanding, there shall be no reduction in pension benefits accrued to July 1, 1994 as a result of this restatement. All pension benefits are determined as an annual amount and paid monthly.
An active member who dies after completing 5 years of service shall have a death benefit payable to his surviving spouse. The member's spouse shall be entitled to a monthly pension with payments commencing on the later of:
First of the month coincident with, or next following, death or
The date the member would have been first eligible to retire (under either the early or normal retirement provision) if he had lived and continued in service to such date.
The monthly benefit payable to the member's spouse will equal 50% of the benefit payable in the 50% Joint & Survivor annuity form to which the member would have been entitled assuming he had terminated employment on the day before his death, lived to his earliest retirement date, elected the 50% Joint & Survivor annuity form of benefit, and then died. The benefit is payable to the member's spouse until the spouse either dies or remarries.
In lieu of this monthly pension, the spouse may elect to receive a return of the member's total contributions to the plan plus regular interest as a one time payment. If the spouse elects the return of contributions plus regular interest, no further pension benefits or death benefits will be payable under this plan.
An active member who dies before completing five years of service or an active member who is not married and dies before commencement of benefits will have an amount equal to his contributions paid by him in accordance with § A200-5 plus regular interest thereon compounded annually paid to his beneficiary as he may have designated in writing and filed with the retirement board, or, in the event that no such beneficiary shall have been designated, such sum shall become a part of his estate.
A member whose pension benefits commence prior to his death will have the death benefit payable to his beneficiary in accordance with the form of benefit the member elected. However, if the total payments made to the member and/or beneficiary are less than the amount of the member's contributions in accordance with § A200-5 plus regular interest thereon, the excess of the contribution plus interest over the benefit payments will be made to his beneficiary.
Any retired employee receiving a pension on December 1, 1986 shall on and after January 1, 1987 receive an increase in his monthly pension equal to two percent (2%) times the number of full calendar years since the retiree started receiving pension payments. This section shall not be intended to include employees retiring after January 1, 1987.
Any retired employee who was receiving a pension on July 1, 1994 shall on and after June 1, 1996 receive an increase in the monthly pension payment equal to two and one half percent (2.5%) times the number of full calendar years retired between the period between January 1, 1987 and January 1 1996. Retirees who were receiving pension payments prior to January 1, 1987 received an adjustment for that period in Subsection A. This section shall not be intended to include employees retiring after July 1, 1994.
Effective with the date of restatement of this plan the Pension Board shall review of the Cost of Living Increases every five year period and make its decision if additional one time Pension Benefits should be granted. The first review should be made for an effective date of January 1, 2002.
All Social Security payments which a member who retires subsequent to December 31, 1986 may become entitled to receive under the provisions of the Federal Social Security act shall be in addition to the pension provided in accordance with the terms of this act.
All moneys received by any member or dependent as an award payable by the City under the workers' compensation act shall be deducted from any concurrent payments provided under the act.
No action for amounts due under the provisions of this act shall be brought but within three years after the right of action shall accrue. Persons legally incapable of bringing an action when the right accrues may sue at any time within the three years next after becoming legally capable of instituting suit. All Amounts not claimed within said period shall remain absolutely a part of the retirement fund.
The right of any person to a pension, to the return of contributions, any benefit or right accrued or accruing to any person under the provisions of this act, and the cash and securities held under this act, shall be exempt from any state or municipal tax, and exempt from levy and sale, garnishment, attachment, or any other process whatsoever, and shall be unassignable.
The retirement board shall, on or before May first of each year, file with the board of apportionment and taxation an annual report showing the financial condition of the retirement system as of the end of the last-completed fiscal year, including an actuarial valuation of assets and liabilities, and setting forth such other facts, recommendations, and data as may be of value to the members of the retirement system and of the city of Derby,
The city of Derby assumes the obligation to pay all expenses incurred in administering this pension plan, including accounting, actuarial, and legal expenses. To the extent the City does not meet this obligation, expenses may be paid from the pension funds, with the City obligated to reimburse the fund as part of its normal annual contribution.
Not withstanding the above, expenses incurred in calculating and/or estimating retirement benefits for a member will be the responsibility of the member, except the City will assume the expenses in calculating the amount of benefit that the member actually receives. The City assumes the responsibility of collecting the fee from the member. At its option, the City may set a flat fee for each benefit calculation for which the member is liable.
The section headings contained herein are for convenience only and do not define, limit, construe or amplify the contents of such section.
AN ACT CONCERNING A PENSION TO BE PAID BY THE CITY OF DERBY TO JAMES S. DONAHUE, CITY CLERK. (Sp. A. No. 244, approved May 4, 1943; Sp. A. No. 152, approved May 13, 1955.)