As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings
A commercial establishment that generates no more than three fifty-five-gallon
refuse containers each week.
[Amended 9-28-2000]
Unwanted or discarded materials, including solid, liquid, semisolid
or contained gaseous material.
The municipal landfill located on Marshall Lane, so called, more
particularly bounded and described in Volume 128, Pages 525-527, of the Derby
Land Records.
The city shall continue to operate a solid waste disposal area for the
benefit and use of the residents of the city and other duly authorized persons,
in accordance with rules and regulations established by the State Department
of Environmental Protection and State Health Department.
Use of the solid waste disposal area shall be limited to the following
A. Municipally authorized solid waste collectors depositing
wastes generated within the city.
B. Derby residents and taxpayers, except that no resident
or taxpayer shall use a vehicle with a registered capacity of more than one
ton at any one time.
C. Commercial solid waste collectors with written permits
depositing wastes generated within the city.
D. Such other persons as the Board of Aldermen shall permit.
The Street Commissioner of the city shall establish hours for the use
of the solid waste disposal area, which shall be posted at the site and on
file in the office of the City Clerk.
It shall be unlawful for any person to use or cause to be used the solid
waste disposal area except within the hours established in §
The fee as established in §
167-6 shall, at the option of
the vehicular owner or user, be determined by either:
A. The maximum carrying capacity of the vehicle containing
the material to be disposed of as indicated by the registration of such vehicle;
B. The weight of the load on such vehicle as indicated on
a weight ticket issued at a scale operated by a weighmaster duly licensed
by the State of Connecticut, including the date and time of weighing.
No solid waste classified as hazardous according to the Department of
Environmental Protection regulations shall be disposed of at the solid waste
disposal area.
No person other than the municipally authorized solid waste collector
shall collect and transport solid waste within the city without written permit
from the City Clerk, except residents and taxpayers as provided in §
Collectors of solid waste within the city shall, as required by this
article, register upon forms to be provided by the Street Commissioner and
made available in the office of the City Clerk.
Collections of community solid waste shall occur at least once per week.
All solid waste collected by the municipally authorized collector shall
be done in a thorough and clean manner, with containers emptied and replaced
with cover in an upright position at the place of removal.
[Amended 6-29-1987]
The City of Derby shall pay for the cost of one weekly trash pickup
for condominiums within the city, and the City of Derby shall not charge a
dumping fee to any trash hauler for the disposal of Derby condominium-generated
trash in the Derby landfill. However, the City of Derby shall not pay for
nor be responsible for the cost of any additional trash pickups, rental of
condominium trash containers or any other cost incidental to the pickup of
trash from condominiums within the city.
The Board of Aldermen of the City of Derby is hereby authorized to enact
from time to time such regulations as it shall deem in the public interest
regarding the separation, recovery, collection, removal, storage and disposition
of garbage, rubbish and other refuse, including recyclables. Such regulations
shall become effective upon publication twice in a daily newspaper having
circulation in the City of Derby and shall be immediately posted in a conspicuous
place in City Hall.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings
Corrugated boxes and similar corrugated and kraft paper materials
which have a minimum of contamination by food or other material.
A glass bottle or jar of any size or shape used to package food products
suitable for human or animal consumption.
An aluminum, bimetal, steel, tin-plated steel or other metallic can,
plate or tray of any size or shape used to package food products suitable
for human or animal consumption.
Used or discarded newsprint which has a minimum of contamination
by food or other material.
Used or discarded high-grade white paper and manila paper, including
but not limited to paper utilized for file folders, tab cards, writing, typing,
printing, computer printing and photocopying, which is suitable for recycling
and which has a minimum of contamination.
To separate or divert an item or items from the solid waste stream
for the purposes of processing it or causing it to be processed into a material
product, including the production of compost, in order to provide for disposition
of the item or items in a manner, other than incineration or landfilling,
which will best protect the environment. Nothing in this definition shall
preclude the use of waste oil as fuel in an oil burner.
Used or discarded items which consist predominantly of ferrous metals,
aluminum, brass, copper, lead, chromium, tin, nickel or alloys thereof, including
but not limited to white goods and metal food containers.
Lead acid batteries or other batteries used in motor vehicles such
as automobiles, airplanes, boats, recreational vehicles, tractors and like
Crankcase oil that has been utilized in internal combustion engines.
The Board of Aldermen of the City of Derby is authorized to employ or
make contracts with individual persons or corporations for the separation,
recovery, collection, removal, storage or disposition of garbage, rubbish
and other refuse including recyclables.
The following material shall be classified as recyclable material and
subject to the separation and collection requirements as established in this
C. Glass food and beverage containers.
D. Metal food and beverage containers.
E. Plastic food and beverage containers.
H. Storage batteries and nickel cadmium batteries.
No person engaged in the business of separation, recovery, collection,
removal, storage or disposition of garbage, rubbish or other refuse within
the City of Derby, except as specifically authorized by the Board of Aldermen
of the City of Derby, shall pick up or procure any garbage, rubbish or other
refuse deemed recyclable under this article or a valid regulation. This restriction
shall also include any independent citizen, resident, taxpayer or person who
might engage in such practice for personal gain.
The following persons or firms must comply with reporting requirements
as described herein:
A. All haulers, permitted by the City of Derby, shall submit
documentation no less frequently than quarterly on their recycling activities
in the form of weight slips or a signed business letter indicating the total
amount of each item described in §
167-21 recycled each quarter,
the names of those nonresidential multifamily establishments within the city
that they service, those contracts not complying with the provisions of this
article and any changes made to the system employed for recycling. The first
report shall also describe the recycling system utilized by the hauler, in
general, including items to be recycled, methods of collection and destination
of materials. Reports must be submitted to the City Public Works Director
commencing January 1, 1995. Recycling documentation will be due on or before
the eighth day of the month following the end of each quarter.
B. Any hauler who has reason to believe that any person
from whom he collects garbage has violated the separation requirements detailed
in this article shall issue a warning notice (provided by the city) and properly
notify the Mayor or his designee of the alleged violation. The hauler shall
also assist the town in identifying persons responsible for creating loads
with mixed recyclables and solid waste.
C. All haulers and recycling facilities shall report any
chapter violation occurring on their route to the Mayor or his designee within
24 hours of the occurrence, including the name of the individual committing
the violation and the type of violation involved.
D. It shall be mandatory for all recycling facilities permitted
by the City of Derby to submit documentation no less frequently than quarterly
on their recycling activities in the form of weight slips or a signed business
letter indicating the amounts recycled, those contracts not complying with
the provisions of this article and any changes made to the system employed
for recycling. The first report shall described the recycling system utilized
by the company, in general, including items to be recycled, methods of collection
and projected residue level. Reports must be submitted to the City Department
of Public Works commencing on or about January 1, 1995. Recycling documentation
will be due on or before the eighth day of the month following the end of
each quarter. Those not complying shall be subject to the penalties described
in §
1-14. In addition, all recycling facilities shall be required
to report monthly concerning the total amount of recyclables obtained from
each business in the City of Derby and the amount of residue remaining after
recycling has taken place. Such report shall be in the form of certified weight
slips or a signed business letter.
Any person, hauler or facility violating any provision of this article
or the regulations enacted hereunder shall be fined not more than $99 for
each offense. In addition, the City of Derby or its agent reserves the right
to refuse to collect garbage, rubbish or other refuse or to allow disposal
where the spirit or letter of the chapter or the regulations enacted hereunder
is ignored. The Board of Aldermen shall have full discretionary authority
in deciding all disputed questions arising under the provisions of this article
or the regulations enacted hereunder. Notwithstanding any penalties outlined
above, the city may pursue any civil remedies for any damages at common law
or statutory law. Each day any such violation shall continue shall constitute
a separate offense and shall be punishable as such.
All ordinances or parts of ordinances, resolutions, regulations or other
documents inconsistent with the provisions of this article are hereby repealed
to the extent of such inconsistency.