[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Walpole as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Animals — See Ch. 252.
Board of Health animal control — See Ch. 587.
[Adopted as Article XVII, Sec. 9, of the 1973 General Bylaws, as updated through 2002]
[Amended 5-11-2005 SATM, Art. 60; 10-15-2018 FATM, Art. 15; 10-21-2019 FATM, Art. 20; 10-16-2023 FATM by Art. 14]
The Select Board shall appoint an Animal Control Officer to perform such duties as directed by the Chief of Police, to enforce the Rules and bylaws concerning dogs and warm-blooded animals in the Town of Walpole, and perform such other duties as directed by the Chief of Police. In the absence of the Animal Control Officer, the Police Department will act as the Animal Control Officer, coordinating with the full-time Animal Control Officer or such other Animal Control Officer(s) as the Town may from time to time employ, including Animal Control Officers from neighboring towns, the Select Board may enter into an intermunicipal agreement to conduct such duties of Animal Control Officer(s).
[Amended 10-15-2018 FATM, Art. 15]
The Chief of Police shall establish a job description for the Animal Control Officer, and shall also establish the hours the Animal Control Officer shall be on duty and available to respond to complaints.
[Amended 10-15-2018 FATM, Art. 15]
The main duties of the Animal Control Officer are to ensure that all dogs within the Town of Walpole are duly licensed and that all rules and Regulations are strictly enforced. This office shall also have control over all warm-blooded animals similar to the control exercised over dogs.
During the hours of 10:00 p.m. to  7:00 a.m. seven days per week, the Police Department will act as Animal Control Officer coordinating with the full time Animal Control Officer any messages or complaints received daily.
It shall be the duty of the Animal Control Officer to apprehend any dog found roaming at large in direct violation of § 252-6 of Chapter 252, Animals, Article I, Dog Control, the corresponding provisions throughout Chapter 252. The Animal Control Officer will impound said dog thereby making a complete registry, entering the breed, color and sex of the dog and whether it is licensed. If licensed, an entry of the name and address of the owner and the number of the license tag. The owner, if known, shall be notified as soon as possible that their dog has been impounded. The owner of any dog that has been impounded may claim said dog upon payment of all costs and charges levied by the Town including license fee, if unlicensed, and maintenance as provided by law.
[Amended 10-21-2019 FATM, Art. 20]
The Animal Control Officer may hold or conduct hearings preliminary to Select Board members' hearing to possibly evaluate or adjudicate any complaints that arise that may be settled informally out of court.
[Adopted as Article XVII, Sec. 10, of the 1973 General Bylaws, as updated through 2002]
[Amended 10-21-2019 FATM, Art. 20; 10-16-2023 FATM by Art. 14]
The Select Board may select a commercial kennel facility or use the Animal Control Officer's facility to impound or keep dogs that have been apprehended by the Animal Control Officer as being strays or violators of the law, providing that both of the foregoing are within cost limitations and specifications set by the Select Board.