[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Walpole as Article II, Secs. 1 and 4, of the 1973 General Bylaws, as updated through 2002. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
[Amended 10-21-2019 FATM, Art. 20]
The Select Board shall appoint an Attorney-At-Law to act as Town Counsel for no longer than the term of three years, and said Board shall have full authority to employ special or additional counsel whenever in its judgment necessity therefore arises.
[Amended 5-11-2003 SATM, Art. 28; 10-21-2019 FATM, Art. 20]
The Town Counsel shall draft or review all bonds, leases, obligations, conveyances and other legal instruments, advise on all questions relating to warrants for Town meetings, and do every professional act relating to Town affairs which may be required of counsel, by vote of the Town or any board and/or commission or Town officers. When requested by said boards or any committee of the Town, after such committee has received written authorization to submit an inquiry to Town Counsel from the Select Board or its authorized agent unless the need to request such inquiry is deemed an emergency by such board or committee or there is a conflict preventing the Select Board from being impartial, counsel shall furnish to such board or committee and the Select Board a written opinion on any legal question that may be submitted in writing to counsel, and counsel shall at all times furnish legal advice to any officer of the Town who may require Counsel's opinion on any subject concerning the duties incumbent on such an officer by virtue of this office. Counsel shall, when required by Town officers, prosecute any suits ordered to be brought by the Town, and shall appear at any court in the Commonwealth in defense of any action or suits brought against the Town or its officers, in their official capacity. Counsel shall also, whenever counsel's services may be required, prosecute and argue any and all cases whether in law or equity, to which the Town shall be party before any tribunal in the Commonwealth or before any board or referees or commissioners, and appear at any and all hearings in behalf of the Town.