All persons at the airport shall exercise the utmost care to guard against injury to person or property by fire or otherwise.
No person shall smoke or carry lighted cigars, cigarettes, pipes, matches or any open flame in or upon any area of the airport within 50 feet of hangars, fuel storage areas, fuel loading stations, fuel handling vehicles or aircraft being fueled or having fuel drained or in any other place where smoking is specifically prohibited by signs.
No person shall start an open fire any place on the airport without permission of the Airport Manager. No torch cutting or welding shall be permitted in hangars. Torch cutting and welding shall not be allowed unless a written permit is issued by the Airport Manager and all safety precautions are observed and welding equipment is operated by experienced and qualified personnel.
Good housekeeping will be required at all times by tenants and occupants of all buildings and hangars, both in their assigned areas and during aircraft maintenance operations. Hangar floors shall be maintained clear of all engine stands, ladders and equipment not in actual use. Areas surrounding fire extinguishers and sprinkler risers shall be kept clear at all times, and all premises shall be kept clean and clear of all rubbish, junk, debris, old aircraft and vehicles and any other unsightly objects. If, after warning by the Airport Manager, the area is not cleaned, cleaning will be done by the Airport Manager and billed to the tenant or person.
No person shall store flammable material or equipment, use flammable liquids or gases or maintain his premises in such a condition as to violate the fire code of the City of Rochester or any rules herein contained. Flammable liquids having a flash point below 110° F. shall at all times be kept in and used from approved safety cans and stored in acceptable metal cabinets in quantity not to exceed 25 gallons. Transfer of flammable liquids from original containers to safety cans shall be done outside of buildings in a safe location. Areas surrounding storage of flammables shall be kept clear of all flammable and combustible material.
The heating of aircraft engines on the airport shall be done only by the use of steam, hot water, hot air or approved electric heaters. Aircraft shall be heated only outside hangars and only with a qualified attendant standing by.
Only water-base or varsol-type solvents with flash points of no less than 100° F. are permitted for aircraft engine or parts cleaning or maintenance or for collection in drip pans.
Tenants of all hangars and buildings shall provide suitable fire extinguishers and equipment which shall be kept in good working order as determined by the Airport Manager and not tampered with or used for any purpose other than fire fighting or fire prevention. Extinguishers shall be inspected at least monthly by qualified personnel. Tags showing the date of the last such inspection shall be left attached to each unit.
Heater valves, sprinkler valves and devices, blower motors or any other airport machinery or equipment shall not be tampered with at any time. No person other than an authorized airport employee shall turn heaters in public areas on and off or operate any other airport equipment.
Aircraft maintenance lights, including drop lights, shall be listed as vaporproof by the Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc.
Tenants and all persons occupying airport buildings are required to comply with any and all regulations contained in the fire codes of the City of Rochester.
All premises on the airport will be subject to monthly safety inspections. These inspections shall be made by the Fire Chief at least once each year. Recommendations and infractions will be reported to the tenants or persons involved for action.
No person shall, without prior permission, keep, transport, handle or store at, in or upon the airport any cargo of explosives or other dangerous article which is barred from loading in or for transportation by civil aircraft under Part 103 of the Federal Aviation Regulations. Any waiver of such regulations or part thereof by the Federal Aviation Administration or by any other competent authority shall not constitute or be construed to constitute a waiver of this section or an implied permission to keep, transport, handle or store such explosives or other dangerous articles at, in or upon the airport. Advance written notice of at least 24 hours shall be given the Airport Manager to permit full investigation and clearance for any operation requiring a waiver of this section. This written notice shall include the designated qualified personnel handling the article, the proposed area for storage of the article, the routes for transport to be utilized within airport boundaries and a statement that ensures that Part 103 of the Federal Aviation Regulations has been complied with. This written notice will be approved, in writing, by the Airport Manager or his designee and retained as part of the operations manual for at least six months.