All infectious waste must be handled, stored and transported as described herein. All infectious waste shall be segregated from noninfectious waste at all times, with the exception of incineration at the point of generation.
Containment of infectious waste shall be in a manner and location which affords protection from the environment and limits exposure to the public.
All infectious waste, except sharps, shall be placed into plastic bags that are seamless, impervious to moisture, tear resistant and red in color. The bags shall be secured so as to prevent leakage or loss of contents during handling, storage and transport. All wastes and/or materials placed in red bags shall be presumed to be infectious waste.
Sharps shall be discarded directly into rigid, punctureproof containers that are impervious to moisture and red in color and secured to preclude loss of contents. Such containers shall be marked with the word "INFECTIOUS" and the universal biohazard symbol.
Handling of infectious waste shall be done in a manner as to minimize the number of persons in contact with or exposed to those wastes.
Infectious waste or containers or bags or packages of infectious waste shall not be compacted prior to final disposal.
Any container containing a liquid classifiable as an infectious waste that cannot be legally discarded into the municipal sanitary sewer system of the City of Glen Cove must be packed with sufficient absorbent material to prevent the contents from discharging or leaking if the container is broken. After packing such container with absorbent material, it shall be placed into a red bag.
Spills, leaks, broken bags, etc., of infectious waste shall be immediately cleaned up and repackaged, and all surfaces which have or may have come into contact with the infectious waste shall be disinfected in an approved manner. No liquids or solids resulting from such disinfection shall be permitted to enter the public streets or storm drains or lands or waters of the City of Glen Cove.
Laboratory wastes, except sharps, and serums and vaccines may be sterilized by autoclaving and disposed of as noninfectious waste, provided that a record is maintained of all autoclaved waste and autoclave test strips have been included with each batch of autoclaved wastes.
All persons handling infectious waste shall be provided by their employer, and required to wear, protective gloves and other such protective clothing as may be required under the rules and regulations promulgated by the Office of the Harbormaster of the City of Glen Cove.
The area where infectious waste is stored, including refrigerators and freezers, shall have limited access and shall be posted with the word "INFECTIOUS" and the universal biohazard symbol.
The bagged infectious waste must be placed within a rigid or semirigid container. All containers for the storage of such infectious waste must be weathertight, rodentproof and labeled with the word "INFECTIOUS" and the universal biohazard symbol.
Reusable containers for the storage of infectious wastes shall be thoroughly decontaminated each time they are emptied unless the surfaces have been protected from contamination by disposable liners, bags or other devices removed with the waste. Any liquid or solid resulting from such decontamination shall not be permitted to enter the public streets or storm drains or lands or waters of the City of Glen Cove.
Reusable containers for the containment of infectious waste shall not be used for the containment of waste to be disposed of as noninfectious except after they have been decontaminated and the word "INFECTIOUS" and the universal biohazard symbol obliterated from the container.
Trash chutes shall not be used to transfer infectious waste between locations where it is stored.
Any spills, leaks, broken or punctured bags or damaged storage containers of infectious waste occurring or detected during storage shall be immediately cleaned up and repackaged, and all surfaces which have or may have come into contact with the infectious waste shall be disinfected in an approved manner. No liquids or solids resulting from such disinfection shall be permitted to enter the public streets or storm drains or lands or waters of the City of Glen Cove.
Carts and reusable rigid or semirigid containers used to move infectious waste within a facility must be frequently cleaned and disinfected and may not be used for any other purpose. No liquid or solid resulting from such disinfection shall be permitted to enter the public streets or storm drains or lands or waters of the City of Glen Cove.
For movement within a facility, all infectious waste shall be contained in plastic bags that are seamless, impervious to moisture, tear-resistant and red in color. Any bagged infectious waste removed from an area for the treatment of a patient on isolation shall be placed into a second bag conforming to the above-written specifications and the bag must be securely closed and sealed.
The time and route of movement of infectious waste within a facility shall be selected so as to minimize the number of people exposed to the infectious waste.
All bagged infectious waste shall have the generator's legal name and address imprinted on or affixed to the bag. In addition, enclosed in each bag shall be at least two floatable identification tags bearing the legal name and address of the generator.
No person shall transport any infectious waste within the City of Glen Cove without a valid permit from the City of Glen Cove for the transportation of infectious waste in accordance with Article IX, Permits and Registration, of this Part 3, as well as any and all applicable federal and state permits and licenses.
Any person engaged in the transportation of infectious waste within the City of Glen Cove shall maintain aboard any vehicle used for the purpose of transporting such infectious waste a copy of the valid permit issued for that purpose by the City of Glen Cove in accordance with Article IX, Permits and Registration, of this Part 3, as well as any and all applicable federal or state permits or licenses.
No vehicle used for the transportation of infectious waste shall be leased or used for any other purpose.
Infectious waste shall be transported in closed, rigid, leakproof containers, trailers or vehicles. Such containers, trailers or vehicles shall be sealed and secured at all times except during on-loading and off-loading of such infectious waste in such a manner as to prevent loss of contents during transportation and so as to preclude unauthorized access to such infectious waste by any person.
Infectious waste shall not be transported with other waste unless the infectious waste is separately contained in rigid reusable containers kept separate by barriers from other waste, or unless all of the waste is to be disposed of as infectious waste in accordance with the provisions of this Part 3.
Infectious waste may not be compacted prior to or during transportation to reduce the volume of material being transported.
All vehicles used for the transporting of infectious waste shall be conspicuously marked with the word "INFECTIOUS" in letters a minimum of three inches high and of a color contrasting with the color of the vehicle and the universal biohazard symbol.
Transportation of infectious waste shall be only to a disposal facility duly licensed, permitted or approved by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation for the disposal of such waste.
Spillage, leakage, broken bags, etc., of infectious waste shall be immediately cleaned up and repackaged, and all surfaces which have or may have come into contact with the infectious waste shall be decontaminated in an approved manner. Any liquid or solid resulting from such decontamination shall not be permitted to enter the public streets or storm sewers or lands or waters of the City of Glen Cove.
Every container, trailer or vehicle compartment used to contain infectious waste shall be decontaminated upon completion of off-loading of each and every load or cargo of such infectious waste at a duly authorized transfer station or disposal facility. No liquids or solids resulting from such decontamination shall be permitted to enter the public streets or storm drains or lands or waters of the City of Glen Cove.
Any spillage, leakage, discharge or loss of infectious waste into or onto any public street or storm drain or lands or waters within the City of Glen Cove shall be reported immediately to the Office of the Harbormaster of the City of Glen Cove, the Glen Cove Police Department and the Director of Public Works of the City of Glen Cove.
All vehicles, and all vehicle containers, trailers, etc., used for the transportation of infectious waste shall be wholly owned by the transporter, and shall be registered on the transporter's permit issued by the Office of the Harbormaster of the City of Glen Cove. Leasing of vehicles, vehicle containers, trailers, etc., for the purpose of transport of infectious waste is prohibited.
No transporter shall store or permit to remain for a period to exceed 12 hours any quantity of infectious waste in any vehicle, vehicle compartment or trailer within the City of Glen Cove.
No person shall operate, use, maintain or construct a facility for the off-site storage of infectious waste within the City of Glen Cove.
No person shall operate, use, maintain or construct a facility for the transfer of infectious waste from one vehicle to another, or from a vehicle to any intermediate storage or holding site within the City of Glen Cove, or for the purpose of consolidation of a load or cargo of infectious waste.